Saturday, December 2, 2017

The Reason Why The Great Tribulation Is Called The Time Of Jacob’s Trouble Is A Perfect Picture Of Israel Today – Re-blogged and administered by Aaron Halim

The Reason Why The Great Tribulation Is Called The Time Of Jacob’s Trouble Is A Perfect Picture Of Israel Today

cob whom the Bible called a deceiver, typifying the nation as a whole. This is what God is calling our attention to. Israel goes into the captivity of Antichrist because of their refusal to turn to the LORD and repent of their ways. This is the whole reason for the time of Jacob’s trouble, it is Israel’s last cleansing. Yes, the Tribulation will be worldwide, but the focus will be on the Jews and Israel.

The final regathering takes place when Jesus returns with His saints, the Church, in Revelation 19 and comes to fight the Battle of Armageddon. But in the meantime, as Israel is mere months away from celebrating 70 years back in the Land, Israel is living as Jacob. And that’s not good...

The Reason Why The Great Tribulation Is Called The Time Of Jacob’s Trouble Is A Perfect Picture Of Israel Today – Re-blogged and administered by Aaron Halim

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