Saturday, December 2, 2017

Morning Joe Calls For 25th Amendment To Be Invoked To Have President Trump Removed From Office By Force – Re-blogged and administered by Aaron Halim

Morning Joe Calls For 25th Amendment To Be Invoked To Have President Trump Removed From Office By Force

The hosts of Morning Joe are using their show to rally members of Trump’s cabinet remove the president from office. This cabinet-led coup could happen via the 25th Amendment, host Joe Scarborough said Friday. That amendment to the Constitution, adopted in 1967, deals with replacing a president who is no longer able to “discharge the powers and duties of his office,” which these hosts say applies to Trump due to his apparent mental incapacitation.
by Geoffrey Grider December 1, 2017
The hosts of Morning Joe are using their show to rally members of Trump’s cabinet remove the president from office...

Morning Joe Calls For 25th Amendment To Be Invoked To Have President Trump Removed From Office By Force – Re-blogged and administered by Aaron Halim

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