Saturday, February 4, 2017

Must Watch: 1400 yrs of Islam history in a few minutes...

As Trump Cuts Off Federal Funds, ‘Sanctuary’ California Drops Atomic Bomb on America…Donald Is Completely Stunned! | Opinion - Conservative

As Trump Cuts Off Federal Funds, ‘Sanctuary’ California Drops Atomic Bomb on America…Donald Is Completely Stunned! | Opinion - Conservative

Ex-Obama Official Rosa Brooks Calls For A 'Military Coup' To Remove President Trump From Office • Now The End Begins

Ex-Obama Official Rosa Brooks Calls For A 'Military Coup' To Remove President Trump From Office • Now The End Begins

Trudeau’s ideological ‘Gender Equality Week’ is turning the House of Commons into a laughing stock | Opinion | LifeSite

Trudeau’s ideological ‘Gender Equality Week’ is turning the House of Commons into a laughing stock | Opinion | LifeSite

President Trump At National Prayer Breakfast Promises Pastors He Will 'Destroy' The Johnson Amendment • Now The End Begins

President Trump At National Prayer Breakfast Promises Pastors He Will 'Destroy' The Johnson Amendment • Now The End Begins

Today's Terror Attack Reveals How France Has Become The Number One Target Of Radical Islamic Terrorists • Now The End Begins

Today's Terror Attack Reveals How France Has Become The Number One Target Of Radical Islamic Terrorists • Now The End Begins

Friday, February 3, 2017

How Trump’s Election Prevented World War 3 — Astana: Now What Happens in Kazakhstan? | Alternative – Administered by Aaron Halim

How Trump’s Election Prevented World War 3 — Astana: Now What Happens in Kazakhstan? | Alternative – Administered by Aaron Halim

Israeli Knesset Revokes Ban on Lawmakers Visiting the Temple Mount - Breaking Israel News | Latest News. Biblical Perspective.

Israeli Knesset Revokes Ban on Lawmakers Visiting the Temple Mount - Breaking Israel News | Latest News. Biblical Perspective.

Lost City of Atlantis Has Been Found – And it’s Connected to Jewish Temple in Most Incredible Way – Breaking Israel News | Latest News. Biblical Perspective. – Administered by Aaron Halim

Lost City of Atlantis Has Been Found – And it’s Connected to Jewish Temple in Most Incredible Way – Breaking Israel News | Latest News. Biblical Perspective. – Administered by Aaron Halim

#DefundBerkeley … Time to pull all federal funds from UC Berkeley after liberal students turn into violent thugs to block Milo speech –

#DefundBerkeley … Time to pull all federal funds from UC Berkeley after liberal students turn into violent thugs to block Milo speech –