Saturday, September 26, 2015

The Blood Moon Theory DEBUNKED !!! False End-times Prophecy EXPOSED

Published on May 29, 2015
live in the days the bible describes as the end of days! The end of the
age of sin and death just before the new aeon of God's eternal reign!
In this video we expose a very popular false prophecy in the church
today! Yes believe it or not the blood moon theory by false teachers
like John Haggee is false! Please watch the entire video and share with
as many people as possible. God Bless, STAY VIGILANT & FEAR NO EVIL

Monday, September 21, 2015

Apollo (destroyer) temple dedication September 23

Published on Sep 21, 2015
this video, we look at the September 23rd date for the temple
dedication of Apollo (Apollyon/Destroyer). We see how the Statue of
Liberty is a replica of the sun god (Apollo) and that America has been
paying homage to the god of destruction and not "liberty" as they
believe. We also take a look at why the book of Jonah is read on the Day
of Atonement and the connection between Jonah and Joel 2, which is a
description of the Day of the Lord beginning at the time of the sun
being darkened and moon turning to blood (September 2015). The 40-day
probationary period ends on the Day of Atonement and there has been no
national repentance this time; therefore the judgment of God is about to
begin. Prepare for the Day of Atonement.