Tuesday, June 20, 2017

RAVEN ROCK: The Story Of The United States Government’s Ongoing Plan To Save Itself In Nuclear War • Now The End Begins – Re-Shared and administered by Aaron Halim

Government’s Ongoing Plan To Save Itself In Nuclear War • Now The End Begins

In a plan as brutal as it was logical, the
President and his inner circle would be saved while tens of millions of
ordinary Americans would be incinerated. Realizing that there was no way
to save the population, the conclusion was that ‘the government would
protect itself and let the rest of us die’ writes national security
expert Garrett M. Graff. According to his new book, ‘Raven Rock: The
Story of the US Government’s Secret Plan to Save Itself’, the
governments of Presidents Kennedy, Eisenhower, Roosevelt and Truman
publicly assured people that a nuclear strike could be survivable.

America built a secret network of remote underground bunkers during
the Cold War in case of a nuclear strike by the Russians. But they were
not made to protect civilians – the hideouts were just for top
government officials.

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RAVEN ROCK: The Story Of The United States Government’s Ongoing Plan To Save Itself In Nuclear War • Now The End Begins – Re-Shared and administered by Aaron Halim

Monday, June 19, 2017

Outdoor Clothing Giant Patagonia CEO Rose Marcario Pledges Her Entire Company To The 'Resistance' Of President Trump • Now The End Begins

Outdoor Clothing Giant Patagonia CEO Rose Marcario Pledges Her Entire Company To The ‘Resistance’ Of President Trump

Patagonia CEO Rose Marcario recently attacked President Trump for his
statements about rolling back President Obama’s unusually aggressive
campaign of confiscating millions of acres of state lands and claiming
them as “national monuments.” Many state governments fully agree with
Trump’s assessment and were furious when Obama swooped in from
Washington and stole away millions of acres of land from state control
to create new national monuments and parks.

CEO of outdoor clothing giant Patagonia is burnishing her
anti-Republican bona fides again, this time saying she intends to pledge
her entire company to the “resistance” of President Donald Trump.

President Trump is not “anti-environment”, not even close. But he is
dedicated to undoing the unprecedented land grabs made by the Obama
administration. The land in each state belongs to the citizens of that
state, and the Federal government should play a very minimal role in
deciding what happens to the land. I never shopped much at Patagonia
Outdoor, but after hearing this news today, I am placing Patagonia in the ‘Target’ category of stores I won’t give one red cent of business to. 

Patagonia CEO Rose Marcario recently attacked President Trump
for his statements about rolling back President Obama’s unusually
aggressive campaign of confiscating millions of acres of state lands and
claiming them as “national monuments.”

“We have to fight like heck to keep every inch of public land,” Marcario said in a May article at Huffpost. “I don’t have a lot of faith in politics and politicians right now.”

an effort to prevent citizens from retaking possession of their state
lands, one of her immediate actions will be to sue the Trump
administration for its efforts to scale back Obama’s unprecedented land

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Outdoor Clothing Giant Patagonia CEO Rose Marcario Pledges Her Entire Company To The 'Resistance' Of President Trump • Now The End Begins

Otto Warmbier Dead As President Trump Condemns 'Brutal' North Korea Regime, Vows US Will 'Handle It' • Now The End Begins

Otto Warmbier Dead As President Trump Condemns ‘Brutal’ North Korea Regime, Vows US Will ‘Handle It’

Warmbier’s family said in a statement that "the awful torturous
mistreatment our son received at the hands of the North Koreans" meant
that "no other outcome was possible beyond the sad one we experienced
today." U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, who has led
the charge for tougher sanctions on North Korea over its missile
program, said "Countless innocent men and women have died at the hand of
the North Korean criminals, but the singular case of Otto Warmbier
touches the American heart like no other.

Trump slammed North Korea’s “brutal regime” Monday after the death of
college student Otto Warmbier, who was released by the communist nation
in a coma last week.

“Lot of bad things happened,” Trump said
during a White House meeting with technology CEOs, “but at least we got
him home to be with his parents.”

“It’s a brutal regime,” Trump went on, “and we’ll be able to handle it.”

Warmbier was held by North Korea for more than 17 months
before he was medically evacuated June 13. He died Monday at University
of Cincinnati Medical Center, near where he grew up in suburban

 Read on:

Otto Warmbier Dead As President Trump Condemns 'Brutal' North Korea Regime, Vows US Will 'Handle It' • Now The End Begins

Is The World On The Brink Of Seeing Jared Kushner Bring The 7-Year Peace Covenant Prophesied By The Prophet Daniel? • Now The End Begins – Re-Shared and administered by Aaron Halim

Is The World On The Brink Of Seeing Jared
Kushner Bring The 7-Year Peace Covenant Prophesied By The Prophet
Daniel? • Now The End Begins

Today, the Wall Street Journal reports that
“President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior White House adviser,
Jared Kushner, plans to travel to the Middle East this week to try to
advance U.S. efforts to reach an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal, a White
House official said Sunday. The trip marks the White House’s first
major follow up to Mr. Trump’s trip to the region last month and
suggests Mr. Kushner’s policy portfolio is far from shrinking despite
scrutiny by federal investigators into his meetings with Russian

We are not saying that Jared Kushner is the Antichrist, no matter
how much he looks like a Central Casting version of the AC. What we are
saying is that only the Antichrist is able to bring about the prophesied
“peace” between the Jews and the Palestinians.

“Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.” Amos 3:7 (KJV)  

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Is The World On The Brink Of Seeing Jared Kushner Bring The 7-Year Peace Covenant Prophesied By The Prophet Daniel? • Now The End Begins – Re-Shared and administered by Aaron Halim

Violent Words Have Turned To Violent Deeds: The Rise Of The Radical Left

Violent Words Have Turned To Violent Deeds: The Rise Of The Radical Left

image: http://www.prophecynewswatch.com/images/recent/leftjun192017.jpg

News Image
By Michael Brown/Ask Dr Brown June 19, 2017

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From violent campus protests to the shooting of a congressman, the
violent, radical left is rising. But this should not surprise us at all.
The handwriting has been on the wall for years.

else do you expect when those who believe a child should have a mother
and a father are likened to the KKK, Nazis, the Taliban, and ISIS? What
else do you expect when Christian conservatives have been branded
dangerous enemies?

To repeat what I've shared before,

Read more

Violent Words Have Turned To Violent Deeds: The Rise Of The Radical Left

WORLD AT WAR: US Shoots Down Syrian Aircraft As Van Runs Over Pedestrians In Front Of London Mosque • Now The End Begins

WORLD AT WAR: US Shoots Down Syrian Aircraft As Van Runs Over Pedestrians In Front Of London Mosque

A U.S. warplane shot down a Syrian army jet on Sunday in the southern
Raqqa countryside, with Washington saying the jet had dropped bombs near
U.S.-backed forces and Damascus saying the plane was downed while
flying a mission against Islamic State militants.

U.S. warplane shot down a Syrian army jet on Sunday in the southern
Raqqa countryside, with Washington saying the jet had dropped bombs near
U.S.-backed forces and Damascus saying the plane was downed while
flying a mission against Islamic State militants.

A Syrian army statement released on Syrian state television said the plane crashed and the pilot was missing in the first such downing of a Syrian jet by the United States since the start of the conflict in 2011.

army statement said it took place on Sunday afternoon near a village
called Rasafah. The “flagrant attack was an attempt to undermine the
efforts of the army as the only effective force capable with its allies …
in fighting terrorism across its territory,” the Syrian army said.

Read on:

WORLD AT WAR: US Shoots Down Syrian Aircraft As Van Runs Over Pedestrians In Front Of London Mosque • Now The End Begins

DEEP STATE: The All-Encompassing Tentacles Of George Soros Are Firmly Wrapped Around Jared Kushner • Now The End Begins

DEEP STATE: The All-Encompassing Tentacles Of George Soros Are Firmly Wrapped Around Jared Kushner

We thought it might be helpful if you could in one place all the
organizations that George Soros' billions have created and maintain.
When you have absorbed this list, you will then have a pretty good idea
how much Soros controls, and how unbelievably influential this man and
his New World Order on American politics. The list is a little more
than mind-boggling, and clearly shows just how impossible it is to get
away from the demonic influence of this end times player. 

George Soros’ Soros Fund Management has
quietly been financing the Kushner-backed real estate finance startup
Cadre with a substantial credit line, according to sources familiar with
the matter.

It seems that today you can hardly read an article
connected to anything in politics, social media or American culture
without also hearing the name George Soros being attached to it. Just
Google the phrase ‘soros-linked organizations‘ to see what I mean.

we thought it might be helpful if you could in one place all the
organizations that George Soros’ billions have created and maintain.
When you have absorbed this list, you will then have a pretty good idea
how much Soros controls, and how unbelievably influential this man and
his New World Order on American politics.

All this power becomes doubly-frightening
when you add into the mix that President Trump has already said many
times that the “only person who can bring peace between Israel and the
Palestinians is my son-in-law” Jared Kushner. If Trump does make make a peace deal
in the Middle East though Kushner, will it really have its roots in
Kushner’s personal banker, George Soros? When you put all the actual
players on the stage, the sheer scope of it gets a little much to take

Read more:

DEEP STATE: The All-Encompassing Tentacles Of George Soros Are Firmly Wrapped Around Jared Kushner • Now The End Begins