Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Turkish President Erdogan To Meet With Pope Francis In Secret Talks To Overturn Trump Recognition Of Jerusalem • Now The End Begins


Turkish President Erdogan To Meet With Pope Francis In Secret Talks To Overturn Trump Recognition Of Jerusalem • Now The End Begins: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will visit Pope Francis at the Vatican next month for talks likely to focus on the US recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Google Creating Mark Of The Beast 'Smart City' In Canada As Pilot Test Project For Global Application • Now The End Begins


Google Creating Mark Of The Beast 'Smart City' In Canada As Pilot Test Project For Global Application • Now The End Begins: Constant surveillance may sound like an Orwellian 1984 vision of the future, but it could become reality in a 'smart city' district being planned by the Google parent company., Alphabet. Now The End Begins indeed.

Why Would a Young Girl Make up an Anti-Muslim Attack? | Clarion Project Clarion Project

 A press conference called immediately to announce the 'anti-Muslim attack'

Why Would a Young Girl Make up an Anti-Muslim Attack? | Clarion Project Clarion Project: What makes a young Canadian Muslim girl make up a hate crime against herself? Clarion Editor Meira Svirsky explores the recent hoax in Toronto.

Liberal Meltdown As President Trump Gets Perfect Score On Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test • Now The End Begins

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Liberal Meltdown As President Trump Gets Perfect Score On Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test • Now The End Begins: President Trump scored a perfect 100 per cent on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) - a 30 question task created by medical professionals to test for dementia.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

The Prophet Zechariah And The Apostle John Show Us The Thousand Year Reign Of Jesus Christ From Jerusalem • Now The End Begins


The Prophet Zechariah And The Apostle John Show Us The Thousand Year Reign Of Jesus Christ From Jerusalem • Now The End Begins: This is not a metaphor for some cosmic happening, John is showing us that the Devil will literally bound for one thousand years while Jesus rules the Earth. This is not parabolic language, this is a listing of upcoming literal events and the order in which they will occur.

New York Mayor Sues Oil Companies Over Bad Weather

 New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has announced plans to divest the city's pension fund of fossil fuel investments

New York Mayor Sues Oil Companies Over Bad Weather: Bill de Blasio is suing five major oil companies for causing bad weather in the hope of defraying part of the cost of infrastructure work.

Hawaii: Employee Who Sent False Missile Alarm 'Temporarily Reassigned'

Hawaii: Employee Who Sent False Missile Alarm 'Temporarily Reassigned': The Hawaii Emergency Management Agency employee who set off a false alert about a ballistic missile approaching the islands is reassigned.