Saturday, June 17, 2017

Canada Passes Bill C-16 Making It A Hate Crime With Jail Time To Address Transgenders Using Wrong Pronoun • Now The End Begins

Canada Passes Bill C-16 Making It A Hate Crime With Jail Time To Address Transgenders Using Wrong Pronoun

Canada’s Senate passed Bill C-16, which puts “gender identity” and
“gender expression” into both the country’s Human Rights Code, as well
as the hate crime category of its Criminal Code by a vote of 67-11,
according to LifeSiteNews. The bill now only needs royal assent from the
House of Commons to pass into law.

passed a law Thursday making it illegal to use the wrong gender
pronouns. Critics say that Canadians who do not subscribe to progressive
gender theory could be accused of hate crimes, jailed, fined, and made
to take anti-bias training.

Canada’s Senate passed Bill C-16,
which puts “gender identity” and “gender expression” into both the
country’s Human Rights Code, as well as the hate crime category of its
Criminal Code by a vote of 67-11, according to LifeSiteNews. The bill
now only needs royal assent from the House of Commons to pass into law.  [...]

Canada Passes Bill C-16 Making It A Hate Crime With Jail Time To Address Transgenders Using Wrong Pronoun • Now The End Begins

London's Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan Authorizes Anti-Israel Al Quds Day March Supporting Terror Group Hezbollah • Now The End Begins

London’s Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan Authorizes Anti-Israel Al Quds Day March Supporting Terror Group Hezbollah

Al Quds Day was begun by the late Ayatollah Khomeini to call for Israel
to be destroyed. Organisers claim it “unites for the freedom of the
oppressed in Palestine and beyond” and it is co-run by the Islamic Human
Rights Commission is to coincide with the end of Ramadan. Hezbollah
is an illegal, anti-Semitic terrorist organisation and its flags are
flown on the day to honour the terrorist group sworn to the destruction
of the Jewish state. The group is designated as a terror organization in
its entirety by the Arab League, Bahrain, Canada, France, Israel, the
Netherlands, and the United States.

Mayor Sadiq Khan has been slammed by members of the capital’s Jewish
community over his refusal to ban Sunday’s anti-Israel al-Quds Day march
and its traditional display of flags supporting the Hezbollah terrorist

“Yea, every pot in
Jerusalem and in Judah shall be holiness unto the LORD of hosts: and all
they that sacrifice shall come and take of them, and seethe therein:
and in that day there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the
LORD of hosts.”
Zechariah 14:21 (KJV)

The Muslim mayor of London Sadiq Kahn, despite a signed petition of
20,000 names against, has decided to go forward with allowing a highly
anti-semetic, pro-Palestinian rally to take place this Sunday. The rally
is the annual Islamic hate march known as Al Quds Day, and celebrates
an imagined future extinction of the Jews in Israel. If Muslims were
smart enough to believe the Bible, they would know that God is going to
wipe the Palestinians from off the face of the Earth at the Second
Coming. Add there won’t be a thing that their moon god Allah can do
about it.  [...]

London's Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan Authorizes Anti-Israel Al Quds Day March Supporting Terror Group Hezbollah • Now The End Begins

Friday, June 16, 2017

Swedish Commuters Freak People Out As They Use Microchip Implants To Purchase Daily Train Tickets • Now The End Begins

Swedish Commuters Freak People Out As They Use Microchip Implants To Purchase Daily Train Tickets

Microchip implants are not new in Sweden, and an estimated 20,000
people already have them, using the devices to swipe in and out of the
office, and even pay for food. The creepy technology raises security and
privacy issues, as the data generated could be used to track people. SJ
Rail is not offering to microchip people itself, and passengers wanting
to use the service must already have the futuristic technology.

days of having to remember to grab your travel card on your way out of
the house could soon be a thing of the past. SJ Rail, a Swedish rail
operator, claims that up to 100 of its customers are embedding microchip
implants into their hands to pay for their journey.

he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to
receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no
man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the
beast, or the number of his name.”
Revelation 13:16,17 (KJV)

Think the Antichrist will have a hard time getting people to take his
mark? Think again. In countries like Sweden, people want to use
implanted microchips so badly that they are chipping themselves and
forming support groups to chip other people! How many chipped in Sweden
so far? 20,000 and counting. The ironic part is that they are so eagerly
preparing themselves for something now they have no idea will one day,
in the time of Jacob’s trouble. send them to Hell for receiving. NFC
chip today, mark of the beast tomorrow is how it rolls in the end times.

The creepy technology raises security and privacy issues, as the data generated could be used to track people. SJ Rail
is not offering to microchip people itself, and passengers wanting to
use the service must already have the futuristic technology. [...]

Swedish Commuters Freak People Out As They Use Microchip Implants To Purchase Daily Train Tickets • Now The End Begins

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Response To Bernie Sanders Belief That Christians Should Not Hold Public Office

Response To Bernie Sanders Belief That Christians Should Not Hold Public Office


News Image
By Michael Brown/Ask Dr Brown June 15, 2017

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Dear Senator Sanders,

I write this letter
to you with respect and concern. Respect because of your years of
service to our country and your terrific campaign last year. Concern
because of your grilling of Russell Vought, President Trump's nominee
for Deputy Director of the White House Office of Management and Budget,
earlier this week.

Frankly, sir, I found your exchange with Mr. Vought to be quite alarming, not to mention downright un-American.

May I have your ear for a moment, Mr. Senator?

Read more

Response To Bernie Sanders Belief That Christians Should Not Hold Public Office

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Why Didn't The Inferno At Grenfell Towers Yesterday Make It Fall Down Just Like Building 7 On 9/11? • Now The End Begins

Why Didn’t The Inferno At Grenfell Towers Yesterday Make It Fall Down Just Like Building 7 On 9/11?

The reason why Grenfell Tower did not fall is because there is no fire
capable of being created that is able to make a steel structure building
fall to the ground. What does all this mean/ It means that everything
you were told in the government version about how the buildings on 9/11
came down was a lie. A complete and total lie.

the Twin Towers caught fire, those fires covered less than 5% of the
total floor space of either building. Building 7 only had a handful of
small, localized office fires. But Grenfell Tower was completely
engulfed with flames for hours, and not only did it not fall, it didn’t
even sway or give the slightest indication that it would fall. After the
blaze was over, it still stood ramrod straight. There’s a reason for

On 9/11, we witnessed miracles of physics
never seen before in human history. We watched 2 massive steel and
concrete towers go into free-fall after being hit by airplanes, and then
we watched the 47 story Building 7 also go into free-fall after being
hit by absolutely nothing and only have a few isolated, small fires.

Yesterday in London, we watched as flames engulfed a 24 story steel building called Grenfell Tower,
with fires raging on every, single floor for hours. How long did it
take for the inferno to make the steel soft enough to bend and send the
building into free-fall like the World Trade Center? Watch for yourself
and see:

Grenfell Tower: Massive Building Fire In London

 Read on:

Why Didn't The Inferno At Grenfell Towers Yesterday Make It Fall Down Just Like Building 7 On 9/11? • Now The End Begins

Congressional Shooter James T. Hodgkinson Is A Bernie Sanders Supporter Who Wrote 'It's Time To Destroy Trump & Co' • Now The End Begins

Congressional Shooter James T. Hodgkinson Is A Bernie Sanders Supporter Who Wrote ‘It’s Time To Destroy Trump & Co’

The accused shooter, James T. Hodgkinson, 66, posted a link to a petition in late March that included the notation that,
“Trump is a Traitor. Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It's Time to
Destroy Trump & Co.”

gunman James T. Hodgkinson who opened fire this morning on Republican
congressmen and staffers recently declared in a Facebook post that,
“It’s Time to Destroy Trump & Co.”

UPDATE: President
Trump said Wednesday the alleged gunman who opened fire at a
congressional baseball practice earlier in the morning has died.
“Authorities are continuing to investigate the crime and the assailant
has now died from his injuries,” Trump said in a brief statement in the Diplomatic Room of the White House.

It is no coincidence that the shooter choose to attack not only on Flag Day, to show his hate for America, but on President Trump’s birthday, to show his hate for our president. You can visit his Facebook page
here. The greatest threat America faces internally is from incensed
Liberals and Democrats who will do anything to take down Trump, even if
it means shooting innocent people in the process.

Kathy Griffin + ‘Julius Caesar’ = actual shooter
who actually shoots a GOP congressman. Funny how that works, isn’t it?
Americans have more to fear from Liberals than we do from Islamic
terrorists, let that thought sink in for a moment.

FROM THE SMOKING GUN: The accused shooter,
James T. Hodgkinson, 66, posted a link to a petition in late
March that included the notation that, “Trump is a Traitor. Trump Has
Destroyed Our Democracy. It’s Time to Destroy Trump & Co.” [...]

Congressional Shooter James T. Hodgkinson Is A Bernie Sanders Supporter Who Wrote 'It's Time To Destroy Trump & Co' • Now The End Begins

Another Failed Attempt To Defend Sharia Law And Islam

Another Failed Attempt To Defend Sharia Law And Islam


News Image
By Michael Brown/Ask Dr Brown June 14, 2017

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On Saturday, June 10, there were marches against sharia (i.e.,
Islamic law) in at least 20 cities in America. But according to the
Bridge Initiative Team, these marches were both misinformed and

"In reality," we are told, "these
protests are motivated by Islamophobia. They are organized by an
anti-Muslim group, and are an attempt to further entrench and legitimate
myths about sharia, 'Islamic law,' and thus Muslims everywhere."

marches were organized by Brigette Gabriel's ACT for America.
Previously, she claimed that "a 'practicing Muslim,' who believes in the
teachings of the Koran, cannot be a loyal citizen to the United States
of America."

Read more

Another Failed Attempt To Defend Sharia Law And Islam

How Islamist Apologists for Sex Slavery Raise Money | Clarion Project Clarion Project

How Islamist Apologists for Sex Slavery Raise Money

Few ideas induce more horror than the selling of human beings for sex
against their will. But the slave markets of the Islamic State are not
the only places on earth one can hear human trafficking rationalized.
Numerous Islamist institutions in the West frequently provide platforms
for speakers who defend this abominable practice by citing Islamic law.
And for years they have worked to infiltrate the mainstream of
philanthropy. [...]

How Islamist Apologists for Sex Slavery Raise Money | Clarion Project Clarion Project

SHIP OF FOOLS: Canadian Global Warming Study Cancelled Because Of 'Unprecedented Ice' Formations • Now The End Begins

SHIP OF FOOLS: Canadian Global Warming Study Cancelled Because Of ‘Unprecedented Ice’ Formations

The global warming study, entitled BaySys, is a $17-million
four-year-long program headed by the University of Manitoba. It was
planning to conduct the third leg of its research by sending 40
scientists from five Canadian universities out into the Bay on the
Canadian Research Icebreaker CCGS Amundsen to study “contributions of
climate change and regulation on the Hudson Bay system.”

A global warming research study in Canada has been cancelled because of “unprecedented” thick summer ice.

you haven’t figured it out by now, the game is rigged, people. If the
snows and ice melt, they call it ‘global warming’, and if the snows and
ice increase, they call it ‘climate change’. Al Gore predicted in 2005
that global warning would make the ice caps melt. When they didn’t melt
but got thicker, he said it was because climate change had done it. The
inmates have taken control of the asylum, and they will only let you
through if you pay their Carbon Tax ransom demands. Civil wars have
started over a whole lot less than this, just sayin’.

Naturally, the scientist in charge has blamed it on ‘climate change.’

According to Vice:

study, entitled BaySys, is a $17-million four-year-long program headed
by the University of Manitoba. It was planning to conduct the third leg
of its research by sending 40 scientists from five Canadian universities
out into the Bay on the Canadian Research Icebreaker CCGS Amundsen to
study “contributions of climate change and regulation on the Hudson Bay
But it had to be cancelled because the
scientists’ icebreaker was required by the Canadian Coast Guard for a
rather more urgent purpose – rescuing fishing boats and supply ships
which had got stuck in the “unprecedented ice conditions”. [...]

SHIP OF FOOLS: Canadian Global Warming Study Cancelled Because Of 'Unprecedented Ice' Formations • Now The End Begins

FOLLOW THE MONEY: Vatican Bank (IOR) Posts Profits Of $40 Million In Annual Earnings Report • Now The End Begins

FOLLOW THE MONEY: Vatican Bank (IOR) Posts Profits Of $40 Million In Annual Earnings Report

In 2016 the IOR had some 15,000 clients worldwide, consisting mostly of
religious orders, Vatican employees and Catholic clergy, according to
the report. As of December 31, 2016, the IOR was managing client assets
worth 5.7 billion euros, slightly less that the 5.8 billion euros in

Institute for Works of Religion (IOR), better known as the Vatican
Bank, has released its earnings statement for 2016, showing a profit of
36 million euros ($40.33 million).

the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with
gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand
full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her
forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE
drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs
of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.”
Revelation 17:4-6 (KJV)

On Monday, the Vatican Bank published its annual report claiming
earnings more than double those of the preceding year 2015, when the
Bank registered a profit of 16.1 million euros ($18 million).

result has been achieved thanks to a prudent approach in managing IOR’s
investments in a year characterised by high volatility, global
political uncertainty due to unexpected outcomes of major electoral
events and low interest rates,” the IOR said in a press release Monday. [...]

FOLLOW THE MONEY: Vatican Bank (IOR) Posts Profits Of $40 Million In Annual Earnings Report • Now The End Begins

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Public Theater's Shakespeare In The Park Production Of 'Julius Caesar' Won't Retract Call For President Trump's Assassination • Now The End Begins

Public Theater’s Shakespeare In The Park Production Of ‘Julius Caesar’ Won’t Retract Call For President Trump’s Assassination

The Public Theater is refusing to back down after backlash over its
production of "Julius Caesar" that portrays a Donald Trump-like dictator
in a business suit with a long tie who gets knifed to death onstage.
Delta Air Lines and Bank of America have pulled their sponsorship of the
Public's version of the play, but in a statement Monday the theater
said it stands behind the production. It noted its staging has "provoked
heated discussion" but "such discussion is exactly the goal of our
civically-engaged theater; this discourse is the basis of a healthy

The Public
Theater’s new Free Shakespeare in the Park production of “Julius
Caesar,” which has stirred controversy with its depiction of
a Trump-like Caesar, opened Monday night to a supportive crowd who gave
the show a standing ovation after the production became the focus
of right-leaning criticism and funding withdrawals.

When liberals want to call for someone’s death or execution without
overtly saying the words, like all cowards, they hide behind something
to do it. In this case, they are hiding behind the oh-so-thin veil of
‘performance art’. Kathy Griffin held up a ketchup-laden rubber Trump
mask, but the ISIS message that sent was clear to everyone who saw it.
Using ‘Julius Caesar’ to engage in the Liberal fantasy of seeing someone
kill our president is equally clear as well. This is not art, it’s
cowardly Liberal incitement to violence.

The Public Theater is refusing to back down after backlash over its production of “Julius Caesar” that portrays a Donald Trump-like dictator in a business suit with a long tie who gets knifed to death onstage. [...]

Public Theater's Shakespeare In The Park Production Of 'Julius Caesar' Won't Retract Call For President Trump's Assassination • Now The End Begins

Public Theater's Shakespeare In The Park Production Of 'Julius Caesar' Won't Retract Call For President Trump's Assassination • Now The End Begins

Public Theater’s Shakespeare In The Park Production Of ‘Julius Caesar’ Won’t Retract Call For President Trump’s Assassination

The Public Theater is refusing to back down after backlash over its
production of "Julius Caesar" that portrays a Donald Trump-like dictator
in a business suit with a long tie who gets knifed to death onstage.
Delta Air Lines and Bank of America have pulled their sponsorship of the
Public's version of the play, but in a statement Monday the theater
said it stands behind the production. It noted its staging has "provoked
heated discussion" but "such discussion is exactly the goal of our
civically-engaged theater; this discourse is the basis of a healthy

The Public
Theater’s new Free Shakespeare in the Park production of “Julius
Caesar,” which has stirred controversy with its depiction of
a Trump-like Caesar, opened Monday night to a supportive crowd who gave
the show a standing ovation after the production became the focus
of right-leaning criticism and funding withdrawals.

When liberals want to call for someone’s death or execution without
overtly saying the words, like all cowards, they hide behind something
to do it. In this case, they are hiding behind the oh-so-thin veil of
‘performance art’. Kathy Griffin held up a ketchup-laden rubber Trump
mask, but the ISIS message that sent was clear to everyone who saw it.
Using ‘Julius Caesar’ to engage in the Liberal fantasy of seeing someone
kill our president is equally clear as well. This is not art, it’s
cowardly Liberal incitement to violence.

The Public Theater is refusing to back down after backlash over its production of “Julius Caesar” that portrays a Donald Trump-like dictator in a business suit with a long tie who gets knifed to death onstage. [...]

Public Theater's Shakespeare In The Park Production Of 'Julius Caesar' Won't Retract Call For President Trump's Assassination • Now The End Begins

Monday, June 12, 2017

Forget The Embassy Move, Trump May Just Be Getting Ready To Announce Blockbuster Middle East Peace Deal • Now The End Begins

Forget The Embassy Move, Trump May Just Be Getting Ready To Announce Blockbuster Middle East Peace Deal

When Trump was in Israel last week, millions of Christians across
America were hoping that he would be using that trip to announce the
moving of the US Embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem , as manded in
the Jerusalem Embassy and Recognition Act, passed by Congress in 1995.
When he didn't cries of "broken promise"shot across cyberspace as people
struggled to understand why he didn't do it. After all, President Trump
was in Israel during the combined Israeli celebrations of the 6 Day War
victory and the 50th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem. How
could there possibly be a better time to do it? The answer is there
could be no better time, but what if he had something better than moving
the Embassy already in the works and about to be released?

Is the “impossible dream” of peace between the Jews and Palestinians already a done deal?

he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst
of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and
for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.”
Daniel 9:27 (KJV)

In the political world,
there is one deal that is prized above all others, making peace in the
Middle East between the Israelis and the Palestinians. Over the past 69
years, it has been tried and failed so many times that most people and
politicians believe it simply cannot be done. As President Trump has
repeatedly said, it most certainly is “the biggest deal” one could

And as fantastical as it might sound as you read this,
President Trump may have already closed that deal. A deal that flows
right through the middle of Jared Kushner.

Read on:

Forget The Embassy Move, Trump May Just Be Getting Ready To Announce Blockbuster Middle East Peace Deal • Now The End Begins

MELTDOWN: Bernie Sanders Viciously Attacks The Christian Faith Of Trump Nominee Russell Vought • Now The End Begins

MELTDOWN: Bernie Sanders Viciously Attacks The Christian Faith Of Trump Nominee Russell Vought

Sen. Bernie Sanders deemed Vought unsuitable for office because he
believes that salvation is found alone through Jesus Christ. He said
someone with that kind of a religious belief system is “really not
someone who this country is supposed to be about.”

they came for the wedding planners and the bakers. Then they came for
the Catholic farmers and the Baptist high school valedictorians. And
now, the secularists are coming after the evangelical public servants.

it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the
name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised
from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you
whole. This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which
is become the head of the corner. Neither is there salvation in any
other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men,
whereby we must be saved.”
Acts 4:10-12 (KJV)

President Trump’s latest government nominee Russell Vought drew the
unmitigated ire and fury of Bernie Sanders because of a statement of
faith he signed while in Christian college. Vought stated that he
believed that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation, excluding all
other beliefs, ideas and systems to the contrary. This is, of course, is
what the King James Bible teaches from cover to cover. Bernie Sanders,
on the other hand, declared such thinking to be “anti-American” and
called for Vought’s nomination to be blocked. I wonder if Sanders will
be equally passionate about his anti-Jesus rant on the day when he
stands before Jesus Christ to give an account for his life. 

On Wednesday, Russell Vought, President Trump’s nominee to be deputy director of the White House Office of Management and Budget, was viciously attacked by Sen. Bernie Sanders over his Christian faith.

Sanders deemed Vought unsuitable for office because he believes that
salvation is found alone through Jesus Christ. He said someone with that
kind of a religious belief system is “really not someone who this
country is supposed to be about.” [...]

MELTDOWN: Bernie Sanders Viciously Attacks The Christian Faith Of Trump Nominee Russell Vought • Now The End Begins

Pope Francis Demands 'Total Obedience' In Scathing Letter To 'Renegade' Nigerian Catholic Priests • Now The End Begins

Pope Francis Demands ‘Total Obedience’ In Scathing Letter To ‘Renegade’ Nigerian Catholic Priests

Pope Francis has issued an ultimatum to the priests of the Diocese of
Ahiara, giving them 30 days to write a letter promising absolute
obedience to him along with the acceptance of their appointed bishop.
Priests who do not write a personal letter imploring the Pope’s
forgiveness will be suspended from the priesthood.

what is perhaps the most strongly worded address of the Francis
pontificate, the Pope blasted a group of Nigerian priests who have
rejected the papal appointment of their bishop to the diocese of Ahiara,
comparing them to the “murderous tenants” spoken of by Jesus in the

“And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.” Matthew 23:9 (KJV)

Pope Francis has amazingly written in a single letter everything you
need to know about the Vatican and the Roman Catholic system. Some
Catholic priests in Nigeria have decided to start thinking for
themselves, and this ‘traitorous act’ was greeted with swift
denunciation from the unholy, childless “father”, Pope Francis. In this
letter he 1). demands total obedience of the priests to himself, 2).
demands they worship the “holy mother”, and 3). tells them to write a
letter to beg his forgiveness or “suffer the consequences”.  Think I’m
kidding? Click here to read the full letter on the official Vatican website. 

The Pope goes on to describe
the priests’ offense against the Church as a “mortal
sin,” demanding that each one write a personal letter of apology
manifesting “total obedience to the Pope.”

This act of rebellion goes beyond “tribalism,” Francis said, and is rather “an attempted taking of the vineyard of the Lord.”

Ahiara diocese has been embroiled in controversy ever since 2012, when
Pope Benedict XVI appointed Peter Okpaleke as its bishop, an appointment
that was reportedly opposed by “lay people and priests of the diocese.” [...]

Pope Francis Demands 'Total Obedience' In Scathing Letter To 'Renegade' Nigerian Catholic Priests • Now The End Begins

Wall Township High School In NJ Photoshops Out All References To President Trump From Student's Year Books • Now The End Begins

Wall Township High School In NJ Photoshops Out All References To President Trump From Student’s Year Books

Montana Dobrovich-Fago, the freshman class president, had submitted a
Donald Trump quote to go beneath her picture. But when she got her
yearbook on Wednesday, the quote wasn't there, even though the other
class presidents were included, even the senior class president's quote
by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

New Jersey high school has censored out mentions of Donald Trump in
their yearbook and now the school is investigating the ‘possible
violation of First Amendment rights’.

Just for fun, if you are a Conservative who loves this county and
values our wonderful and God-given First Amendment right to Free Speech,
why don’t you take a moment and call (732) 556-2000. Leave a polite,
respectful message urging the school to do the right thing and reissue
the year books with the Photoshopped elements removed and the original
quotes and images restored. A quick and easy way to help make America
great, again. Thank you.

One student at Wall Township High School
in New Jersey had submitted a Donald Trump quote that wasn’t included
with her picture. Two others had Trump logos on their clothes either
cropped or edited out of their pictures.

Now those students’
parents are calling for the yearbooks to be re-issued and the school
superintendent Cheryl Dyer has said she is looking into ‘an allegation
of censorship and the possible violation of First Amendment rights’, according to

Montana Dobrovich-Fago, the freshman class president, had submitted a Donald Trump quote to go beneath her picture.

when she got her yearbook on Wednesday, the quote wasn’t there, even
though the other class presidents were included, even the senior class
president’s quote by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. [...]

Wall Township High School In NJ Photoshops Out All References To President Trump From Student's Year Books • Now The End Begins

The 'Mandela Effect' Hoax Is The Latest Trick Of The Devil To Steal Your Faith In God's Preserved Word • Now The End Begins

The ‘Mandela Effect’ Hoax Is The Latest Trick Of The Devil To Steal Your Faith In God’s Preserved Word

We have become saturated in news, both real and fake, all delivered to
us by the pulsing, glowing eye of our monitors, tablets and smart
devices. Our eyes and brains are being bombarded by light and sounds and
words. The end result being our brains are being rewired, and our sense
of reality is changing. But it is not due to the CERN reactor and time
travel disrupting the Matrix.


“The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver
tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep
them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.”
Psalm 12:6,7 (KJV)

I received a message this morning from a dear sister in Christ, who was very concerned about all the “changes in the King James Bible” due to something called the ‘Mandela Effect
theory. The name of the theory comes from many people feeling certain
they could remember Nelson Mandela dying while he was still in prison
back in the 1980’s. Contrary to what many thought, Mandela’s actual
death was on Dec. 5, 2013, despite some people claiming to remember
seeing clips of his funeral on TV.

 Read on:

The 'Mandela Effect' Hoax Is The Latest Trick Of The Devil To Steal Your Faith In God's Preserved Word • Now The End Begins