Swedish Commuters Freak People Out As They Use Microchip Implants To Purchase Daily Train Tickets
Microchip implants are not new in Sweden, and an estimated 20,000
people already have them, using the devices to swipe in and out of the
office, and even pay for food. The creepy technology raises security and
privacy issues, as the data generated could be used to track people. SJ
Rail is not offering to microchip people itself, and passengers wanting
to use the service must already have the futuristic technology.
people already have them, using the devices to swipe in and out of the
office, and even pay for food. The creepy technology raises security and
privacy issues, as the data generated could be used to track people. SJ
Rail is not offering to microchip people itself, and passengers wanting
to use the service must already have the futuristic technology.

June 15, 2017
days of having to remember to grab your travel card on your way out of
the house could soon be a thing of the past. SJ Rail, a Swedish rail
operator, claims that up to 100 of its customers are embedding microchip
implants into their hands to pay for their journey.
“Andhe causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to
receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no
man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the
beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:16,17 (KJV)
Think the Antichrist will have a hard time getting people to take his
mark? Think again. In countries like Sweden, people want to use
implanted microchips so badly that they are chipping themselves and
forming support groups to chip other people! How many chipped in Sweden
so far? 20,000 and counting. The ironic part is that they are so eagerly
preparing themselves for something now they have no idea will one day,
in the time of Jacob’s trouble. send them to Hell for receiving. NFC
chip today, mark of the beast tomorrow is how it rolls in the end times.
The creepy technology raises security and privacy issues, as the data generated could be used to track people. SJ Rail
is not offering to microchip people itself, and passengers wanting to
use the service must already have the futuristic technology. [...]
Swedish Commuters Freak People Out As They Use Microchip Implants To Purchase Daily Train Tickets • Now The End Begins
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