Saturday, April 8, 2017

After Success In Syria, President Trump Sets His Sights On Neutralizing Threat Posed By North Korea • Now The End Begins

U.S. bombardment of a Syrian airbase just outside of Homs Friday was
likely seen by North Korea as a clear warning that President Trump will
use his military if United States interests are at risk.

After 8 years of taking as little action as possible and letting nearly
nation on Earth walk all over us, it’s quite startling to see America
be America once again. This is the America I remember. Strong, unafraid,
and willing to take the steps necessary to combat evil in the world.
And at some point, sooner rather than later, Russia and Iran are going
to try Trump on for size and really see how much resolve he has. That’s
when things will really get interesting. 

The immediate focus after the strikes was on Russia’s Vladimir Putin’s reaction. Russia was not happy with the U.S., it spoke in defense of Syria and moved warships. But now the attention is on the next move by another world leader: Kim Jong-Un.

Gordon Chang, a Daily Beast columnist and author of “Nuclear Showdown: North Korea Takes On The World,”
said in an emailed statement to Fox News Friday that the U.S. strike on
the Syrian airfield “tells North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un that he must
now heed American military power, something that he probably dismissed

“Kim’s father, Kim Jong Il, disappeared from public view
for about six weeks in 2003 at the time of the Iraq war. Kim Jong-Un
loves the public spotlight, and it will be telling if he similarly goes
into hiding,” the author said.

President Trump is pleased with the Syria strike outcome:

After Success In Syria, President Trump Sets His Sights On Neutralizing Threat Posed By North Korea • Now The End Begins

Friday, April 7, 2017

Will Trump Turn Damascus Into A 'Ruinous Heap'?

Rumors of war are percolating in Washington D.C., and if the Trump administration is not extremely careful it may find itself fighting several disastrous wars simultaneously.  

Just one day after threatening North Korea with war, Donald Trump has committed to taking military action against the Assad regime in Syria.  

Trump is blaming the chemical attack in Syria's Idlib province on Tuesday on the Syrian government, and he is pledging that the United States will not just sit by and do nothing in response.

Trump has called the attack a "terrible affront to humanity", and he is placing all of the blame on the shoulders of the Assad regime.  

But now that Trump has committed the U.S. to take military action in Syria, what is that actually going to look like?

According to the Daily Mail, at this point Trump is not giving any hints as to when or where he will strike Syria...

He did not want to say in front of the cameras how he plans to respond to the crisis.

Will Trump Turn Damascus Into A 'Ruinous Heap'?

A Bitter, Defiant Hillary Clinton Blames Misogyny, James Comey, Russia And WikiLeaks For Loss To Donald Trump • Now The End Begins

Almost four months after her stunning defeat, Hillary Clinton on
Thursday primarily blamed her loss to President Donald Trump on four
factors that were beyond her control.

Having 4 months to reflect on her sensational loss to Donald Trump,
Hillary blamed the Russians, Comey, Wikileaks and misogyny for her loss.
Not her endless series of scandals, not her deleted 33,000 emails or the illegal server she wiped clean “like with a cloth”. Someone find her a safe space….stat!

The former Democratic presidential candidate cited Russian meddling in the election,
FBI Director James Comey’s involvement toward the end of the race,
WikiLeaks theft of emails from her campaign chairman, and misogyny.

A Bitter, Defiant Hillary Clinton Blames Misogyny, James Comey, Russia And WikiLeaks For Loss To Donald Trump • Now The End Begins

SURPRISE! President Trump Orders 59 Cruise Missiles Fired Off At Syria After Assad Gassed Civilians • Now The End Begins

The United States launched dozens of cruise missiles Thursday night at a Syrian airfield in response to what it believes was Syria’s use of banned chemical weapons that killed at least 100 people, U.S. military officials told NBC News.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Just in case you were wondering, our new president, unlike the previous president, does not intend to “lead from behind” on the global stage. During the campaign Trump promised swift and decisive military action when needed, with little to no advance warning. Tonight is yet another promise kept from President Trump. 

Two U.S. warships in the Mediterranean Sea fired 59 Tomahawk missiles intended for a single target — Ash Sha’irat in Homs province in western Syria, the officials said. That’s the airfield from which the United States believes the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad fired the banned weapons.

SURPRISE! President Trump Orders 59 Cruise Missiles Fired Off At Syria After Assad Gassed Civilians • Now The End Begins

Where The Wrath Of God In The Time Of Jacob's Trouble Really Begins May Surprise You • Now The End Begins

From the perspective of the time of Jacob’s trouble, a.k.a the Great Tribulation, there is only one “wrath” the world needs to be concerned with. The wrath of God.

“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.” 2 Thessalonians 2:3,4 (KJV)

When you understand that the Bible was written dispensationally, and that God commands us to search out and find those divisions, as seen in 2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV), you naturally come to the conclusion that the Bible holds to and teaches a Pretribulation Rapture of the Church. When you don’t do that you come to a number of other conclusions unsupported by scripture like the post-tribulation rapture, the mid-tribulation rapture. no rapture at all, and the rather silly pre-wrath rapture.

The pre-wrath rapture was conceived in the 1970’s by a man named Robert Van Kampen, who died in 1999. This view was then picked up and endorsed by Marvin Rosenthal who wrote his book ‘The Pre-Wrath Rapture Of The Church‘. The “Pre-Wrath” view of the Rapture argues that the first three-fourths of the Tribulation is the wrath of Man and the wrath of Satan, and not the wrath of God. Therefore, the proponents of this view argue that the Church will suffer through the first three-quarters of the Tribulation since the Church is promised protection only from the wrath of God.

As you can see, the entire premise of this view is built on a very shaky foundation.

Where The Wrath Of God In The Time Of Jacob's Trouble Really Begins May Surprise You • Now The End Begins

Prophecy Watchers On High Alert As President Trump Launched Strike Against Syria On 77th Day In Office • Now The End Begins

On May 14, 2018, Israel will have been officially regathered, in fulfillment of Bible prophecy, for exactly 70 years.

“The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.” Isaiah 17:1 (KJV)

77 days after being sworn into office as president of the strongest nation on Earth, Donald Trump authorized missile strikes against military targets in Syria. On his first full day in office, President Trump was exactly 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old. On the day Israel was regathered as a nation, he was exactly 700 days old. If you have even a basic understanding of how God likes to use numbers like 7 and 70, this should send a chill down your spine.

If you are not ready for the end times, you better get ready, because they are knocking at the very gates.

People, you better buckle up because things are about to become unglued. For well over a year now, we here at NTEB have been telling you that Donald Trump is God’s man for the White House, and that Bible prophecy would be fulfilled in the process. Two very eye-opening articles you need to read are The Real Reason Why Donald Trump Was Chosen To Be The Republican Candidate For President and Why A Bible Believer Is Supporting Donald Trump For President Of The United States. I wrote those articles on May 4 and February 13, 2016, respectively.

Prophecy Watchers On High Alert As President Trump Launched Strike Against Syria On 77th Day In Office • Now The End Begins

RUSSIAN RAGE: Putin Orders Warship The Admiral Grigorovich RFS-494 For Standoff With United States • Now The End Begins

Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued a furious response calling the American airstrike on Syria an ‘illegal act of aggression’

Vladimir Putin has today diverted a warship to protect the Syrian coast and vowed to bolster Bashar al-Assad’s missile defences against further US strikes as fears grew the crisis could topple into war between Russia and the West.

The Russian President has immediately sent his Admiral Grigorovich frigate – armed with cruise missiles and a self-defence system – from the Black Sea to dock in Syria later.

It will pass through the east Mediterranean waters where the USS Ross and USS Porter fired the 59 Tomahawk missiles that pounded Assad’s al-Shayrat military airfield near Homs in the early hours of Friday.

Putin today called it an ‘illegal act of aggression’ and also ripped up an agreement to avoid mid-air clashes between Russian and US fighter jets over Syria.

In the continuing fight back Russian or Syrian planes also bombed the town of Khan Sheikhoun, the scene of Tuesday’s horrific chemical gas attack where 80 died, witnesses in the rebel-held area claimed.

RUSSIAN RAGE: Putin Orders Warship The Admiral Grigorovich RFS-494 For Standoff With United States • Now The End Begins

On Brink Of War With Russia, Neil Gorsuch Gets Confirmed As Supreme Court Judge And No One Cares • Now The End Begins


Judge Neil M. Gorsuch
was confirmed by the Senate on Friday to become the 113th justice of the
Supreme Court, capping a political brawl that lasted for more than a
year and tested constitutional norms inside the Capitol’s fraying upper

What a difference a day and 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles can make!
Democrats were prepared to “go to the mattresses” over trying to stop
Neil Gorsuch from becoming the next US Supreme Court justice.
Republicans shockingly used the “nuclear option” to push it
through…and…now no one really cares one way or the other as Russia and
the United States appear to be on a collision course over Syria. Amazing
how God can change your perspective in the blink of an eye, isn’t it?
The development was a triumph for President Trump,
whose campaign appeal to reluctant Republicans last year rested in
large part on his pledge to appoint another committed conservative to
succeed Justice Antonin Scalia, who died in February 2016. However rocky
the first months of his administration may have been, Mr. Trump now has
a lasting legacy: Judge Gorsuch, 49, could serve on the court for 30
years or more.

On Brink Of War With Russia, Neil Gorsuch Gets Confirmed As Supreme Court Judge And No One Cares • Now The End Begins

Trump Explains Military Attack on Assad Regime: "No Child of God Should Ever Suffer Such Horror" [VIDEO] - Breaking Israel News | Latest News. Biblical Perspective.

At a press conference from his his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida on Thursday, President Trump explained his decision to retaliate militarily to Syria’s nerve gas attack , invoking God’s name multiple times in a speech with strong religious overtones.

“No child of god should ever suffer such horror,” the president declared. “Years of previous attempts at changing Assad’s behavior have all failed and failed very dramatically. As a result the refugee crisis continues to deepen and the region continues to destabilize, threatening the United States and its allies. Tonight I call on all civilised nations to join us in seeking to end the slaughter and bloodshed in Syria, and also to end terrorism of all kinds and all types...”

Trump Explains Military Attack on Assad Regime: "No Child of God Should Ever Suffer Such Horror" [VIDEO] - Breaking Israel News | Latest News. Biblical Perspective.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Biological Jihad Puts Islam In Position Of Domination As Muslim Births Will Outpace Christian Births In 20 Years • Now The End Begins


“Christianity is literally dying in Europe,” said Conrad Hackett, the lead researcher on the study.

“And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man’s hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.” Genesis 16:12 (KJV)

For years, NTEB has been telling you about something known as ‘biological jihad’ that has been waged by Muslims for the past forty years. Simply put, biological jihad
is the practice of Muslim women giving birth to as many children as
possible in order to change the balance of power in non-Muslim nations
they have migrated to. Why would they do this? Because in free Western
societies, the group that is in the majority only has to nominate their
own political candidates, then vote them into office. Once in office and
in power to create and rescind laws, Muslim will easily be able to
begin the process of instituting Sharia Law in a variety of Western

Biological Jihad Puts Islam In Position Of Domination As Muslim Births Will Outpace Christian Births In 20 Years • Now The End Begins

Don’t Mess with Abraham - Israel Study Center

In Gen. 12:3 we read a very famous verse: “And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse.” Things seem to be clear, but a very important nuance is lost in translation.
In Hebrew, the verb “to bless” is לְבַרֵךְ  (levarech). This is based on the root B-R-K ב-ר-ך, which is connected to the word “knee,” and implies rendering service to someone (bending the knee). Therefore, one possible meaning of this verse may be: “I will serve those who serve you!” To “serve” implies doing good for someone which will result in a benefit for the recipient.
God promises Abraham that “everyone who curses him” מְקַלֶּלְךָ  (mekalelcha) will be in turn “be cursed” אָאֹר (aor). The strength of this promise, however, is lost in translation. The first word for “curses” – מְקַלֶּלְךָ  (mekalelcha) comes from a root that literally means “to make light of something heavy.” The second word for “curse,” אָאֹר  (aor) actually comes from a completely different root that means something like “to utterly destroy.” Taking these insights from Hebrew into consideration, the translation could be presented as follows: “I will do good to those who do good to you and the one who makes light of you, I will utterly destroy.”
Unearth Hebrew insights and take your Bible study to the next level! Begin with our newest course “Our Hebrew Fathers!” Enrollment is now open!

Don’t Mess with Abraham - Israel Study Center

The Largest Behavioral Conditioning Experiment In History Has Begun

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The largest behavioral conditioning experiment in the history of mankind has just begun in China and, for those who value their freedoms in the West, one can only pray it never makes it here.

A citizen score system has been developed which will rate each citizen on the basis of their political views, their expression on social media, the kinds of purchases they make, and their credit scores. 

These scores, ranging between 350-950, will be taken into account when handing out loans, approving travel visas, and other grants from the government. 

Such scores could also be used to determine who will have access to certain types of jobs. Essentially, your life opportunities will be determined by this score.

Where this system gets even more manipulating is that the scores of one's family and friends can also affect your score, thereby ensuring a social pressure to behave in the approved manner lest it affect those you know and care about.

There will be no hiding your score from family or friends and its impact on them, as everybody will have the ability to check anyone else's score online.

The Largest Behavioral Conditioning Experiment In History Has Begun

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

LONDONISTAN: Christianity In Massive Decline In London With 423 New Mosques As 500 Churches Close • Now The End Begins

The Gatestone Institute reports Sunday on the striking rate of closures of churches in the United Kingdom’s capital city, a trend mirrored elsewhere in Europe, and the blooming number of mosques that have been established in their stead.
EDITOR’S NOTE: If you try and publish an article like this, Liberals across the globe instantly cry “Islamaphobia” the second it is released. When we give facts and figures on Islam’s unstoppable rise in the UK, and warning of massive Sharia creep, we are labeled as “racists and xenophobes”. But the hard, sad truth is that London has become a Muslim-majority city, and all traces of its Christian roots and heritage being blown away like so much chaff in the wind. The land that gave the world the King James 1611 Authorized Version Holy Bible is about to become a Sharia-dominant society. You are watching it happen. 
Reporting on the change in religious observation in London, the Gatestone Institute writes:
“London is more Islamic than many Muslim countries put together”, according to Maulana Syed Raza Rizvi, one of the Islamic preachers who now lead “Londonistan”, as the journalist Melanie Phillips has called the English capital. No, Rizvi is not a right-wing extremist. Wole Soyinka, a Nobel Laureate for Literature, was less generous; he called the UK “a cesspit for Islamists”.
“Terrorists can not stand London multiculturalism”, London’s mayor Sadiq Khan said after the recent deadly terror attack at Westminster. The opposite is true: British multiculturalists are feeding Islamic fundamentalism. Above all, Londonistan, with its new 423 mosques, is built on the sad ruins of English Christianity.
Islam and the Intercultural Enrichment of London

LONDONISTAN: Christianity In Massive Decline In London With 423 New Mosques As 500 Churches Close • Now The End Begins

Why Bible Prophecy Matters

By Britt Gillette April 04, 2017

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Why does Bible prophecy matter? As a Christian, why should you
spend any time studying it? It's sad to say, but many Christians
(including many church leaders) say Bible prophecy doesn't matter. 

they say you shouldn't spend any time studying it. Why? Some of the
stated reasons are "Study of Bible prophecy is a waste of time" or "it's
a distraction."

Another common criticism is "Bible prophecy so negative!" Negative? 

is the return of Jesus to establish everlasting peace on earth with no
more death, crying, sorrow, or pain (Revelation 21:4) negative? 

It's not. In fact, it's our Blessed Hope (Titus 2:13)! No. There's something else going on here, and I think I know what it is. 

real reason so many church leaders ignore Bible prophecy is because
they care more about what the world thinks than what God thinks.

associate the study of Bible prophecy with date setters and "kooks."
And they don't want others to think they're like that. 

It's much easier (and a lot less controversial) to cover
topics like "Seven Ways to a Better Marriage" or "Five Ways to Live a
Better Life Today" or "How to Be Happy All the Time."

I'm not saying these topics don't matter. They definitely do. God wants
us all to live a full and blessed life here on earth.

Why Bible Prophecy Matters

Fake News Media Frenzy To Protect Susan Rice As Truth About Obama Shadow Government Implodes • Now The End Begins

Fake News Media in all-out-desperate attempt to shield Susan Rice
and the Obama Shadow Government as frenzy surrounding leaks grows daily

CNN’s Don Lemon issued a call
to all his views to “ignore the scandal” surrounding Susan Rice. The
Washington Post calls it a “fake scandal ginned up by Trump”. Go to any
of the other fake news outlets like the New York Times, MSNBC and others
and you won’t even see the story being reported at all.

Fake News Media Frenzy To Protect Susan Rice As Truth About Obama Shadow Government Implodes • Now The End Begins