Friday, April 7, 2017

A Bitter, Defiant Hillary Clinton Blames Misogyny, James Comey, Russia And WikiLeaks For Loss To Donald Trump • Now The End Begins

Almost four months after her stunning defeat, Hillary Clinton on
Thursday primarily blamed her loss to President Donald Trump on four
factors that were beyond her control.

Having 4 months to reflect on her sensational loss to Donald Trump,
Hillary blamed the Russians, Comey, Wikileaks and misogyny for her loss.
Not her endless series of scandals, not her deleted 33,000 emails or the illegal server she wiped clean “like with a cloth”. Someone find her a safe space….stat!

The former Democratic presidential candidate cited Russian meddling in the election,
FBI Director James Comey’s involvement toward the end of the race,
WikiLeaks theft of emails from her campaign chairman, and misogyny.

A Bitter, Defiant Hillary Clinton Blames Misogyny, James Comey, Russia And WikiLeaks For Loss To Donald Trump • Now The End Begins

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