Saturday, June 10, 2017

The Muslim Plan To Make America A Sharia Nation With All Americans Forced To Convert To Islam • Now The End Begins

The Muslim Plan To Make America A Sharia Nation With All Americans Forced To Convert To Islam

The Islamic plan to turn Americans into Muslims and install Sharia Law
in the United States did not begin with Barack Obama, even though it
felt like it at the time. In reality, as you can see in this C-SPAN
video from 1989, the plan has been in the works for quite a while.

Hamtramck, Michigan
is officially the only city in America where Muslims form a majority
after immigration from Bangladesh, Yemen and Bosnia. It is now welcoming
Syrian refugees despite the Michigan governor wanting none in his

In all of human history, there have only
ever been two religious political systems that have ever forcibly
converted people at the edge of the sword. The Roman Catholic Church and
Islam. When these groups are in the minority they are quiet and
peaceable, when they are in the majority they are brutal dictators. To
see how the Vatican did it, read a few pages of Foxe’s Book Of Martyrs, and to see how Islam is doing it right now, continue reading this article.

The plan to make Americans Muslim and install Sharia Law:

Islamic plan to turn Americans into Muslims and install Sharia Law in
the United States did not begin with Barack Obama, even though it felt
like it at the time. In reality, as you can see in this C-SPAN video
from 1989, the plan has been in the works for quite a while. This Muslim
woman is speaking very honestly and openly, you should listen to her
and believe what she’s telling you. [...]

The Muslim Plan To Make America A Sharia Nation With All Americans Forced To Convert To Islam • Now The End Begins

ENOUGH! If Democrats And Fake News Media Cannot Produce Evidence Of Trump Collusion, Then Game Over • Now The End Begins

ENOUGH! If Democrats And Fake News Media Cannot Produce Evidence Of Trump Collusion, Then Game Over

It is time, America, for the Democrats and everyone else who supports
the Trump-Russia hoax to produce one, single shred of evidence proving
this position. We have endured this nonsense since October of 2016, and
enough is enough.

It is time, America, for the Democrats and everyone else who supports the Trump-Russia hoax to produce one, single shred of evidence proving this position. Just one.

James Comey’s testimony yesterday proved one huge thing, and that is simply this.
If the Democrats, RINO Republicans and fake news media are unable to
produce one shred of evidence connecting Donald Trump and his
administration to the ethereal ‘Russian hacking’ farce, then it is time
for them to concede defeat, pack up and go home. As of end of day
yesterday, not one piece of actual, real evidence has come to light.
It’s time to pull the plug. Seriously. [...]

Fake news media ‘dead wrong’ about Trump and Russia:

ENOUGH! If Democrats And Fake News Media Cannot Produce Evidence Of Trump Collusion, Then Game Over • Now The End Begins

Friday, June 9, 2017

Valerie Jarrett Says America No Longer A 'Beacon Of Hope' Because Trump Rejects Climate Change Tax • Now The End Begins

Valerie Jarrett Says America No Longer A ‘Beacon Of Hope’ Because Trump Rejects Climate Change Tax

“So I think it signals to the world that the United States is not
serious about protecting our planet. Now, I don’t know what other way to
interpret a decision that I think could be as dramatically negatively
impactful as that decision. And what it means is the rest of the world
will move forward without us and the United States has always been that
beacon of hope, the leader, the world leader, that’s why we’re called
the world leader and we’re basically abdicating that role, so that’s
disappointing to me,” she added. 

Jarrett, former senior advisor to President Obama, said the Trump
administration is “abdicating” the United States’ role as the “world
leader” and the “beacon of hope” by withdrawing from the Paris climate

EDITOR’S NOTE: Muslim Valerie
Jarrett, Obama’s senior advisor, does not like the fact that President
Trump refuses to drink the Climate Change kool-aid by not wanting to
give tens of billions of dollars to emerging nations who have no
intention of stopping their levels of pollutants. She also hates the
fact that Trump is canning Obamacare, calling it part of the “fabric of
our nation”. Sound familiar? That’s because she and her old boss also
referred to Islam as part of the “fabric of our nation“. Jarrett has moved into Obama’s new mansion in DC, where she will be calling the shots in their new shadow government

is unrefuted science that there are man-made consequences that are
leading to the degradation of our planet. And it was unprecedented to
have so many countries, nearly 200 countries from around the world, who
followed the United States’ lead on this issue and came to the table and
not just the government leaders but in our country, just hundreds and
hundreds of large corporations signed on recognizing that it is not
anti-business to care about our climate – it is not an either/or, it is a
both and an imperative,” Jarrett said during a discussion sponsored by
the Raben Group in D.C. last week. [...]

Valerie Jarrett Says America No Longer A 'Beacon Of Hope' Because Trump Rejects Climate Change Tax • Now The End Begins

NOTHINGBURGER: James Comey Testimony Exposes The Leaker, And The Leaker Was...James Comey! • Now The End Begins

NOTHINGBURGER: James Comey Testimony Exposes The Leaker, And The Leaker Was…James Comey!

After his firing and this Trump tweet, Comey asked a close friend of
his — Columbia law professor Daniel Richman — to leak the content of his
memos to the media with the hope of triggering the appointment of a
special counsel. I took it as a direction…I took it as what he wants me
to do. Comey on Trump's "hope" that he'd shut down the Flynn

Fired FBI Director James Comey is now in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee to testify about his interactions with President Trump as they relate to the federal government’s Russia probe — and there’s been some significant revelations thus far.

A big thing: Comey
refused to state whether he believed that President Trump’s request to
shut down the investigation into former National Security Advisor
Michael Flynn amounted to obstruction of justice — saying it was a
question for the investigation’s special counsel Bob Mueller — but he
called it “a very disturbing thing, very concerning.”[...]

NOTHINGBURGER: James Comey Testimony Exposes The Leaker, And The Leaker Was...James Comey! • Now The End Begins

LGBTQ Doesn't Allow For Diversity Of Thought Or Show Tolerance Even Among Fellow LGBTQ'ers • Now The End Begins

LGBTQ Doesn’t Allow For Diversity Of Thought Or Show Tolerance Even Among Fellow LGBTQ’ers

"For a group of people to claim to want tolerance, acceptance, and give
it to every single person you can imagine to give it to, for them to
sit back and judge me for exercising my right as an American to choose
my leader without judgment is hypocritical," Talbert said.

An LGBTQ group says ‘Charlotte Pride’ is pushing them out of the Gay Pride Parade because they support President Trump.

The LGBTQ has a socio-political agenda, and if you don’t follow it,
even if you are a professing LGBTQ’er, you are kicked to the curb
because you dared to hold an opposing point of view. Such is the case
with Brian Talbert, a gay Trump supporter. The LGBTQ is not tolerant, is
not diverse, and will ostracize anyone and everyone who does not walk
in lockstep with their agenda. Even if you’re gay. They truly are a
mafia, the LGBTQ mafia.

very proud of my country, proud of my president, and was once proud of
my community,” said Brian Talbert, who said he’s proud to be gay and
proud to be a Trump supporter. His truck has a Trump-Pence bumper
sticker and ‘Not a liberal’ sign on the back window.

“I’m very
proud of my vote. I don’t regret my vote. I will vote for Donald Trump
again. I’m proud of my president. I don’t think I should be vilified
because I’m proud of a U.S. president as an American.”

Read on:


LGBTQ Doesn't Allow For Diversity Of Thought Or Show Tolerance Even Among Fellow LGBTQ'ers • Now The End Begins

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Liberal Elites In Washington Are Positively Giddy In Anticipation Of James Comey 'Showdown' Testimony Thursday • Now The End Begins

Liberal Elites In Washington Are Positively Giddy In Anticipation Of James Comey ‘Showdown’ Testimony Thursday

As James Comey faces questions regarding his discussions with President
Donald Trump about the federal investigation into Russia’s election
meddling, watch party-goers can “watch the drama unfold” while tucking
into “FBI”-themed fare or nursing Covfefe cocktails.

latest must-watch event — former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony
before the Senate Intelligence Committee — has some D.C. bars opening
its doors as early as 9 a.m. on Thursday, June 8, to host viewing
parties complete with food and drinks.

As James Comey faces questions regarding his discussions with President Donald Trump about the federal investigation into Russia’s election meddling, testimony party-goers can “watch the drama unfold” while tucking into “FBI”-themed fare or nursing Covfefe cocktails.

who was fired as FBI director last month, could inflict real damage on
President Trump with his testimony — and for a few hours, he’ll have the
nation’s full attention. Broadcast TV networks, as well as their cable
counterparts, have cleared their schedules to provide wall-to-wall live
coverage of the hearing, which is set to begin at 10 a.m. CNN has even
started a countdown clock. [...]

Liberal Elites In Washington Are Positively Giddy In Anticipation Of James Comey 'Showdown' Testimony Thursday • Now The End Begins

Muslims Angry That Group Puts Up 'Perfect Man' Billboard That Tells The Truth About Mohammad • Now The End Begins

Muslims Angry That Group Puts Up ‘Perfect Man’ Billboard That Tells The Truth About Mohammad

You can spot the sign from the southbound lanes of I-465 near the
Washington Street exit. It claims to list the “perfect man,” but
opponents say it degrades the Muslim prophet Mohammad. “I was a little
disappointed when I saw that,” said Farial Khatri of the Islamic Society
of North America. Opponents say the billboard’s bullet points are
meant to disparage the Muslim faith and its primary prophet, Mohammad.

A billboard on the east side of Indianapolis is catching the eyes of drivers, along with the ire of local Muslim groups.

You can spot the sign from the southbound lanes of I-465
near the Washington Street exit. It claims to list the “perfect man,”
but opponents say it degrades the Muslim prophet Mohammad.

“I was a little disappointed when I saw that,” said Farial Khatri of the Islamic Society of North America.

say the billboard’s bullet points are meant to disparage the Muslim
faith and its primary prophet, Mohammad. “We’ve seen them in New York
and several others cities on billboards as well as other transit ads,”
said Kahtri.

Read on:

Muslims Angry That Group Puts Up 'Perfect Man' Billboard That Tells The Truth About Mohammad • Now The End Begins

Canada Passes Bill 89 Allowing Government To Seize Children From Parents Opposed To Gender Transition • Now The End Begins

Canada Passes Bill 89 Allowing Government To Seize Children From Parents Opposed To Gender Transition

Bill 89, “Supporting Children, Youth and Families Act, 2017,” was
approved on June 1 by a vote of 63 to 23. The Minister of Children and
Youth Services, Michael Coteau, who introduced the bill, said earlier
this year that a parent’s failure to recognize and support a child’s
gender self-identification is a form of child abuse, and a child in
these circumstances should be removed from the situation and placed into

Canadian government may legally remove children from families that
refuse to accept their child’s chosen “gender identity” thanks to new
legislation passed by the Ontario province.

Bill 89, “Supporting Children, Youth and Families Act, 2017,” was approved on June 1 by a vote of 63 to 23. The Minister of Children and Youth Services, Michael Coteau, who introduced
the bill, said earlier this year that a parent’s failure to recognize
and support a child’s gender self-identification is a form of child
abuse, and a child in these circumstances should be removed from the
situation and placed into protection. [...]

Canada Passes Bill 89 Allowing Government To Seize Children From Parents Opposed To Gender Transition • Now The End Begins

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

After 9/11 Attacks People Stopped Asking Whatever Happened To The Missing $2.3 Trillion Dollars At Pentagon • Now The End Begins

After 9/11 Attacks People Stopped Asking Whatever Happened To The Missing $2.3 Trillion Dollars At Pentagon

The section of the Pentagon that was targeted was an area that
contained large amounts of financial records, and had a large number of
people working there who were accountants. The people who handle the
flow of money in and out of the Pentagon. People naturally assume that
all those records were burned up in the explosion, but that is not the

from inside the Pentagon have confirmed to us that all those rooms
where the Pentagon was hit were cleaned out 24 hours before the

One day before the Pentagon was hit by a cruise missile,
Don Rumsfeld was on camera talking about the “waste and corruption” in
the Pentagon. He also mentioned the little tidbit of $2.3 TRILLION
DOLLARS that could somehow not be accounted for. The very next day,
September 11, 2001, an event would take place that would forever stop
people from asking what happened to that money. [...]

After 9/11 Attacks People Stopped Asking Whatever Happened To The Missing $2.3 Trillion Dollars At Pentagon • Now The End Begins

Muslims Invade Trump Tower, Take Sidewalks Hostage In Protest Of The President's Immigration Policies • Now The End Begins

Muslims Invade Trump Tower, Take Sidewalks Hostage In Protest Of The President’s Immigration Policies

The activists joined together outside Trump tower on Thursday to sit
down together and enjoyed their first meal after sunset, known as iftar,
during the sixth day of Ramadan. Fatoumata Waggeh, 26, said she
decided to take part in the protest to denounce 'rhetoric they are
spreading around Muslims.' While Muslims ate together and prayed, a
group of Jewish activists showed solidarity by surrounding them as they

More than 100 Muslims gathered on the sidewalks outside the president’s Manhattan home at Trump Tower

Over 100 Muslims commandeered the sidewalks in front of Trump Tower
yesterday, led by Linda Sarsour, a women who has openly called for
Sharia Law to be instituted in the United States. The real kicker is
that they were aided and abetted by self-loathing New York liberal Jews
who “formed a ring around them in solidarity”. That’s kinda like the
mouse “standing in solidarity” for better treatment of the cat. In other
news, on Day 10 of Ramadan, Muslims globally so far have committed 55 acts acts of jihadi violence, resulting in the death of 592 people. 

More than 100 Muslims gathered
outside the president’s Manhattan home and business headquarters in a
peaceful protest against Trump’s immigration policies, divisive rhetoric
and negative bias against Islam.[...]

Muslims Invade Trump Tower, Take Sidewalks Hostage In Protest Of The President's Immigration Policies • Now The End Begins

Monday, June 5, 2017

As Bernie Sanders Preached The Gospel Of Socialism, His Bank Account Grew By Over A Million Dollars • Now The End Begins

As Bernie Sanders Preached The Gospel Of Socialism, His Bank Account Grew By Over A Million Dollars

Senate rules do not require members to report their government salaries
on their annual disclosures, but all rank-and-file members earn
$174,000 a year. That, combined with the more than $878,000 Sanders
reported in his filing, puts the democratic socialist's 2016 payday at
roughly $1,052,000.

in large part to his successful foray into authorship, Sen. Bernie
Sanders made more than $1 million in 2016. That’s according to his
latest U.S. Senate financial disclosure, which he filed Sunday after
receiving a 20-day extension.

Oh how painful it must be to be a Liberal in our day and age. Bernie
Sanders, while running for the Democratic nomination last year, got his
followers all revved up with explosive sermons preaching the gospel of
Socialism, Marxism, to rally the troops against the “evil rich” 1
percent. But lol, as it turns out, Sanders pocketed over a million
dollars and bought a luxurious third home to celebrate his burgeoning

Read on:

As Bernie Sanders Preached The Gospel Of Socialism, His Bank Account Grew By Over A Million Dollars • Now The End Begins

50 Years Ago Today, The God Of Abraham Provided Israel With The Miracle Of The 6 Day War Victory • Now The End Begins


In the early morning of June 5, Israel launched a preemptive aerial strike on Egyptian air force bases in response to Egypt’s ongoing provocations. Every military jet in the Israeli Air Force, except for 12, took off, flying low to avoid radar detection and observing complete radio silence. They bombed and incapacitated the runways of 11 Egyptian air force bases, as well as the aircraft on the ground. In just four hours, Israel demolished two-thirds of the entire Egyptian air force, the largest in the Arab world.


“They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee:” Psalm 83:4,5 (KJV)
EDITOR’S NOTE: 50 years ago today, 5 Muslim nations conspired to attack the nascent state of Israel sure in their knowledge that utter destruction would swiftly follow. It did, only it was Israel that did all the destroying. For 6 days and night, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob gave Israel the greatest and most unprecedented victory in military history. And on the  seventh day, they rested. Now where have we read that before? Israel’s return to the land is a total fulfillment of prophecy, with more to come.  [...]

50 Years Ago Today, The God Of Abraham Provided Israel With The Miracle Of The 6 Day War Victory • Now The End Begins

The Significance Of Biblical Numbers & 2017

The Significance Of Biblical Numbers & 2017


News Image
By Daymond Duck/Prophecy Plus Ministries June 05, 2017

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I have never had a desire to study the significance of Bible
numbers, but I have long believed that everything in the Bible is

I have always been leery of going
too far in the study of numbers, but I have recently seen some amazing
things that other prophecy teachers (Bob Mitchell, Dan Goodwin, etc.)
have pointed out.

Read more

The Significance Of Biblical Numbers & 2017

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Rightly Dividing The Pretribulation Rapture And The Mystery Of Iniquity Found In 2 Thessalonians 2 • Now The End Begins

Rightly Dividing The Pretribulation Rapture And The Mystery Of Iniquity Found In 2 Thessalonians 2

So the context of 2 Thessalonians 2, taken as it is written, is the
Pretribulation Rapture of the Church which leads to the Antichrist
coming to power. The Berean Bible student, seeing if these "things are
so", will take careful note that nowhere in the chapter so far is there a
mention of the Holy Spirit. Not one. So how do people come to the
conclusion that the Holy Spirit is "taken out of the way" to reveal
Antichrist? This wrong interpretation happens for 2 reasons.

The context of 2 Thessalonians 2, taken as it is written, is the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church which leads to the Antichrist coming to power.

now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For
the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.”
2 Thessalonians 2:6,7 (KJV)

The other day, I saw some postings where people were talking
about how the Holy Spirit is now “restraining the appearance of the
Antichrist”, and when the Holy Spirit is “taken out of the way”,
Antichrist will come upon the world stage. They base their assumptions
on verses found in 2 Thessalonians 2:6-9 (KJV). I would like to examine
those and other verses in that chapter, and see if we can rightly divide
our way to a deeper understanding of those passages.  [...]

Rightly Dividing The Pretribulation Rapture And The Mystery Of Iniquity Found In 2 Thessalonians 2 • Now The End Begins

ISIS Again Strikes Fear Into Britons With Bold Islamic Terror Van And Stabbing Attack On Fabled London Bridge • Now The End Begins

Terror Van And Stabbing Attack On Fabled London Bridge

Multiple dead and up to 20 people are feared to be injured after a van
reportedly plowed into pedestrians on London Bridge in a suspect Islamic
terrorist attack. The vehicle mounted the pavement at the scene in
central London this evening, according to shocked witnesses. Witness at
the scene have claimed three men jumped out of a van and started
stabbing people.

dead and up to 20 people are feared to be injured after a van
reportedly plowed into pedestrians on London Bridge in a suspect Islamic
terrorist attack.

“So when you
meet those who disbelieve in battle, strike their necks until, when you
have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds, and either
confer favor afterwards or ransom them until the war lays down its
burdens. That is the command.”
Qu’ran 47:4

attack after attack by Islamic terrorists on the citizens of England,
leaders of that country still cannot bring themselves to utter the words
“Islamic terrorism”. And because they refuse to do so, the people of
England continue to be sitting ducks in a war its leader refuse to call
by name and fight head on. But the good news is, makers of teddy bears
and votive candles are having a banner year. 

A witness of the London Bridge incident said the attackers were yelling, “This is for Allah.”

 Read on:

ISIS Again Strikes Fear Into Britons With Bold Islamic Terror Van And Stabbing Attack On Fabled London Bridge • Now The End Begins