Sunday, June 4, 2017

ISIS Again Strikes Fear Into Britons With Bold Islamic Terror Van And Stabbing Attack On Fabled London Bridge • Now The End Begins

Terror Van And Stabbing Attack On Fabled London Bridge

Multiple dead and up to 20 people are feared to be injured after a van
reportedly plowed into pedestrians on London Bridge in a suspect Islamic
terrorist attack. The vehicle mounted the pavement at the scene in
central London this evening, according to shocked witnesses. Witness at
the scene have claimed three men jumped out of a van and started
stabbing people.

dead and up to 20 people are feared to be injured after a van
reportedly plowed into pedestrians on London Bridge in a suspect Islamic
terrorist attack.

“So when you
meet those who disbelieve in battle, strike their necks until, when you
have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds, and either
confer favor afterwards or ransom them until the war lays down its
burdens. That is the command.”
Qu’ran 47:4

attack after attack by Islamic terrorists on the citizens of England,
leaders of that country still cannot bring themselves to utter the words
“Islamic terrorism”. And because they refuse to do so, the people of
England continue to be sitting ducks in a war its leader refuse to call
by name and fight head on. But the good news is, makers of teddy bears
and votive candles are having a banner year. 

A witness of the London Bridge incident said the attackers were yelling, “This is for Allah.”

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ISIS Again Strikes Fear Into Britons With Bold Islamic Terror Van And Stabbing Attack On Fabled London Bridge • Now The End Begins

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