Wednesday, November 1, 2017

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The question is this. Is dressing like an authentic minstrel from the south on Halloween racism, or is it free expression of one’s free speech? It certainly was well within the rights of the students to do what they day, as guaranteed under our Constitution. But what about the rights of the server in the costume? Is the mere act of wearing stage makeup from a hundred years ago a racist act?


My intern Haley and I were walking back to the car after lunch this afternoon here in America’s oldest city, when we heard vigorous shouting coming from the area of the Prohibition Kitchen restaurant. As we got closer, the scene was a familiar one ripped right from breaking news headlines.
It seems that a server at the restaurant had decided to keep with the early 20th century theme of their work, and wore a minstrel costume complete with the blackface makeup of the period. News spread quickly, and in a very short period of time, about 50-60 college students ha assembled, with crudely-lettered signs, demanding the employee be fired and/or made to change their costume.
Here’s where things got interesting. The restaurant refused to honor their request, citing the right of their worker to dress in a legitimate period costume on a day that celebrates costumes. So the students squared off and began chanting what you see in the video.
The question is this. Is dressing like an authentic minstrel from the south on Halloween racism, or is it free expression of one’s free speech? It certainly was well within the rights of the students to do what they did, as guaranteed under our Constitution. But what about the rights of the server in the costume? Is the mere act of wearing stage makeup from a hundred years ago a racist act?
If so, where do you draw the line? Should parents whose kids were killed by violent crime be allowed to stop people from wearing a serial killer costume like Freddy Krueger on Halloween because it’s offensive to their child’s memory? Should cotton clothing be outlawed because it’s offensive to people whose great-grandparents were forced to pick cotton?
Should Georgia Bulldog costumes be banned in areas where they are outnumbered by Gators fans? I am asking a serious question here.
Is simply wearing blackface an act of racism?
Please post your comments below.
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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

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Sunday, October 29, 2017

Former Satanist Warns Christians about Celebrating Halloween – Re-Shared and administered by Aaron Halim

Former Satanist Warns Christians about Celebrating Halloween

John Ramirez Facebook
Photo Credit: John Ramirez via Facebook
Should Christians celebrate Halloween? Opinions differ between Christian leaders, lay people and church members.
According to a CBN News Facebook poll, 87% of believers feel that Christians should not celebrate Halloween, while 13% believe it’s okay.
Former Satanist John Ramirez recently joined Charlene Aaron on CBN News show Prayer Link to talk about Christians and Halloween.
“I was a general to the kingdom of darkness in witchcraft,” Ramirez said. “I would sit with the Devil and talk to him like I’m talking to you today. It was that kind of communication. It was that kind of relationship.”
Ramirez warns Halloween isn’t just about costumes and candy–there’s a much darker reality.
“Sometimes people say ‘I celebrated Halloween 10 years ago, I did this 15 years ago, I did this 20 years ago.’ But the doors still open. You just cursed your family from three to four generations,” Ramirez told CBN News.
“You have to be aware it’s a curse. You have to go back to the place where you started, that year that you started that Halloween thing, the celebration, when you started having that encounter with the dark side. You have to go back to that same spot and renounce and renounce it in the name of Jesus Christ and ask God to forgive you for that so that God can have mercy and close that door so your whole family can move forward,” he continued.
Ramirez, now a pastor, knows all about the dark reality of Halloween. He once sacrificed animals as part of satanic rituals and his friends even knew him as “Lucifer’s son.”
Now as a born again believer, he strongly warns Christians against celebrating Halloween and participating in harvest festivals.
“The only harvest we should celebrate is the harvest of souls,” he adds.
Ramirez says that in his opinion the other events Christians hold instead of Halloween, such as “Trunk or Treat” nights, are really no different.
“Do you know any Satanists who say ‘Hey we’re going to come into Good Friday and we’re going to hang out with the Christians and we’re just going to call it a different name?”
However, Pastor Alan Rudnick (link below) believes that Christians should take back Halloween.
“Halloween is often associated with the pagan concept of Samhain, the festival where ancient pagans believed that the worlds of the living and dead would been thinly divided,” he writes on his blog.  “But, we have seen from the other ancient pagan festivals associated with Christmas and Easter that these pagan connections do not serve as a reason why we cannot celebrate a Christian holiday.”
According to the website Equipping Godly Women, Halloween can be a good opportunity for outreach and to teach about good vs. evil.
However, Anton LaVey, the late founder of the Church of Satan, once said he took joy believers taking part in the tradition.
“I am glad that Christian parents let their children worship the devil at least one night out of the year,” he said. “Welcome to Halloween.”
You can watch the entire Prayer Link interview with Ramirez here:
Ramirez shares more about his warnings regarding Halloween here:
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Former Satanist Warns Christians about Celebrating Halloween – Re-Shared and administered by Aaron Halim