Thursday, March 15, 2018

The Riddle of Passover Bone – Re-blogged and administered by Aaron Halim


The Riddle of Passover Bone – Re-blogged and administered by Aaron Halim: During the Jewish celebration of Passover, a special plate with symbolic items is set as the centerpiece of every table. Passover is the remembrance of the Exodus of God’s chosen people from Egypt. One of the items placed on this special plate is a bone. The name of the bone in Hebrew is זְרוֹעַ (zeroah)…

Beyond Fake News – Fake Video Could Make You Question Everything You See – Re-blogged and administered by Aaron Halim


Beyond Fake News – Fake Video Could Make You Question Everything You See – Re-blogged and administered by Aaron Halim: New technology with the ability to create hyper-realistic fake videos has the potential to wreak havoc on the political landscape, lawmakers and technology experts say.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

The truth about tithing - UNLEARN the lies

The Creator of the Universe is the Head of the Body

Is Rabbi’s 2017 Prediction of Rise of Idolatry Coming True? – Breaking Israel News | Latest News. Biblical Perspective. – Re-blogged and administered by Aaron Halim

2017 year

Is Rabbi’s 2017 Prediction of Rise of Idolatry Coming True? – Breaking Israel News | Latest News. Biblical Perspective. – Re-blogged and administered by Aaron Halim: 2017: The Year of IdolatryBy Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz March 14, 2018 , 3:00 pm Go cry to the gods you have chosen; let them deliver you in your time of distress!” Judges 10:14 (The Israel Bible™) Idolatry (Photo via Shutterstock) One year ago, Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi made a startling prediction that witchcraft and black…

Is Rabbi’s 2017 Prediction of Rise of Idolatry Coming True? – Breaking Israel News | Latest News. Biblical Perspective. – Re-blogged and administered by Aaron Halim

2017 year

Is Rabbi’s 2017 Prediction of Rise of Idolatry Coming True? – Breaking Israel News | Latest News. Biblical Perspective. – Re-blogged and administered by Aaron Halim: 2017: The Year of IdolatryBy Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz March 14, 2018 , 3:00 pm Go cry to the gods you have chosen; let them deliver you in your time of distress!” Judges 10:14 (The Israel Bible™) Idolatry (Photo via Shutterstock) One year ago, Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi made a startling prediction that witchcraft and black…

Turkey To Lead Islamic Army Of 57 Muslim Nations Against Israel? – Re-blogged and administered by Aaron Halim

Turkey To Lead Islamic Army Of 57 Muslim Nations Against Israel? – Re-blogged and administered by Aaron Halim: The article called on the 57 member states of the OIC to form a joint "Army of Islam" to besiege and attack the state of Israel. It notes that such a joint army will greatly exceed the Israeli army in manpower, equipment and budget, and presents statistics to prove this.

Turkey To Lead Islamic Army Of 57 Muslim Nations Against Israel? – Re-blogged and administered by Aaron Halim

Turkey To Lead Islamic Army Of 57 Muslim Nations Against Israel? – Re-blogged and administered by Aaron Halim: The article called on the 57 member states of the OIC to form a joint "Army of Islam" to besiege and attack the state of Israel. It notes that such a joint army will greatly exceed the Israeli army in manpower, equipment and budget, and presents statistics to prove this.

New Sounds And Lights at Jerusalem’s Tower of David Celebrate Past, Present and Future of King David’s Capital City – Breaking Israel News | Latest News. Biblical Perspective. – Re-blogged and administered by Aaron Halim

New Sounds And Lights at Jerusalem’s Tower of David Celebrate Past, Present and Future of King David’s Capital City – Breaking Israel News | Latest News. Biblical Perspective. – Re-blogged and administered by Aaron Halim: By Eliana Rudee March 13, 2018 , 3:00 pm “Your neck is like the Tower of David, Built to hold weapons, Hung with a thousand shields— All the quivers of warriors.” (Song of Songs 4:4) Capture of King David in the Tower of David Museum’s “Night Spectacular” on the Biblical story of David (Credit: Naftali Hilger –…

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

This Is Happening Right Now in America – Re-blogged and administered by Aaron Halim

U.S. flag in crosshairs

This Is Happening Right Now in America – Re-blogged and administered by Aaron Halim: Not a week goes by without police officers or the FBI arresting someone in the U.S. for Islamist-based terror plots or that a court finds guilty an ISIS sympathizer. Indeed, the FBI says at any time there are ongoing investigations in all 50 states.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Passover and the End Times – Re-blogged and administered by Aaron Halim


Passover and the End Times – Re-blogged and administered by Aaron Halim: But the Passover celebration of Jesus’ day was more than just a memorial of Israel’s past redemption; it was also a celebration of Israel’s future restoration. The celebration of Passover evoked the theme of the eschatological New Exodus.  Biblical passages like Isaiah 11:15-16 and Ezekiel 20:33-38 reveal that Israel’s prophets appropriated the language of the…

White House officials: US peace plan does not include two-state solution – Re-blogged and administered by Aaron Halim

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White House officials: US peace plan does not include two-state solution – Re-blogged and administered by Aaron Halim: The New York Times interviewed White House officials about the US peace plan for the Israelis and the Palestinians. The full plan has yet to be published and details have been minimal. Mar 12, 2018, 3:30PMValerie Berkley Trump and Netanyahu Photo Credit: Kobi Richter/TPS On Sunday, the New York Times reported that during an interview with…

White House officials: US peace plan does not include two-state solution – Re-blogged and administered by Aaron Halim

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White House officials: US peace plan does not include two-state solution – Re-blogged and administered by Aaron Halim: The New York Times interviewed White House officials about the US peace plan for the Israelis and the Palestinians. The full plan has yet to be published and details have been minimal. Mar 12, 2018, 3:30PMValerie Berkley Trump and Netanyahu Photo Credit: Kobi Richter/TPS On Sunday, the New York Times reported that during an interview with…

Is Easter a Pagan Holiday? – Re-blogged and administered by Aaron Halim


Is Easter a Pagan Holiday? – Re-blogged and administered by Aaron Halim: During this feast, traditional Christians celebrate the work of Christ’s redemption, believing that only in His resurrection is God’s forgiveness truly sealed. Because of Jesus’ resurrection, the wrath of God passes over the heads of believers just as the Angel of Death passed over the Israelite homes marked by the blood of the lamb during their captivity…

Are Gentiles Stones Turned Children? – Re-blogged and administered by Aaron Halim


Are Gentiles Stones Turned Children? – Re-blogged and administered by Aaron Halim: Posted byDR. ELI LIZORKIN-EYZENBERG DateFEBRUARY 16, 2018 One of the classic themes in replacement theology (the belief that Christians have “replaced” the Jews in covenant relationship with God) is that even stones can be turned into God’s children. A number of new testament texts (i.e. Luke 3:7-8) are commonly used to support this traditional theology.…