Saturday, August 19, 2017

ISIS, ANTIFA And Black Lives Matter Are Partners Together In The Monument Demolition Business • Now The End Begins

ISIS, ANTIFA And Black Lives Matter Are Partners Together In The Monument Demolition Business

Alt-Left YouTube star Cenyk Uygur said that watching this video of ISIS tearing down statues was "gut wrenching". He said that it was a "part of all our history" that was destroyed. Really, Cenyk? So why, I ask, are you not also outraged at monuments being destroyed in America by ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter? Is that because you promote ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter?

The Alt-Left would bristle at being compared to Islamic terror group ISIS, but nonetheless there is a very valid comparison to be made.

Remember those videos from a few years ago showing Muslim terror group ISIS on a rampage in Iraq and Syria, tearing down monuments that they found “offensive”? In case you have forgotten, take a look at this:

ISIS Smashes Priceless Ancient Statues In Gut-wrenching Video:

Alt-Left YouTube star Cenyk Uygur said that watching this video of ISIS tearing down statues was “gut wrenching”. He said that it was a “part of all our history” that was destroyed. Really, Cenyk? So why, I ask, are you not also outraged at monuments being destroyed in America by ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter? Is that because you promote ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter every chance you get?

Kinda funny you are outraged by monuments being destroyed in Syria and Iraq, but American monuments being destroyed in America by Americans doesn’t seem to bother you a bit. Let’s move on, shall we? The water is starting to get deep, Liberals can’t swim.

ANTIFA Protesters tear down Confederate statue in North Carolina

From ISIS in Mosul, we now move on to North Carolina. Watch as ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter domestic terrorists rabidly pull down and destroy statues they don’t like. Notice how they yell and scream threats of violence against the American government.

Hmm, except for the style of dress, is kinda hard to tell the difference between ANTIFA and ISIS. Now, just for fun, let’s see how the Nazis in Hitler’s Germany dealt with things they found “offensive”.

Nazis call for the removal of all books deemed “offensive”

Like ISIS who found statues in the Middle East offensive and tore them down, and ANTIFA and BLM who found statues in America offensive and tore them down, Adolf Hitler also had a similar approach to “offensive” material. It was called a book burning.

Are you starting to see a trend here? One of the greatest and oldest tricks used by hate groups is to claim outrage over a perceived injustice, and then turn around and do the exact same thing, all the while daring you to do something about it.

In 2017 in America, domestic hate groups like ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter are making claims of “fascism” and “intolerance”, then turn right around and be fascist and intolerant to anyone who disagrees with their viewpoint.

Slavery in America ended on December 18, 1865, with the passing of the 13th Amendment outlawing slavery. For the math challenged, that’s 152 years ago. Statues and monuments erected since then, commemorating the history of events that took place during that turbulent time, are an excellent reminder to the current generation of just how far we’ve come as a people. Slavery was a terrible thing, statues and monuments help us to never forget that.

So why, I  wonder, does ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter want to get rid of them so badly?

The answer to that question is surprisingly simple. If hate groups like ANTIFA and BLM can justify and get away with their destroying of state and federal statues and monuments, if they can tear down with impunity, then their ultimate goal becomes crystal clear.

And what might be their ultimate target? Just the documents that our nation is based on.

If you can make the case that monuments and statues connected with former slave owners must be removed, then what about the United States Constitution and the Declaration of Independence? In case you’ve forgotten your high school History classes, let me remind you that 41 signers of the Declaration of Independence were former slave owners. With 56 signers in total, that would make our main founding document signed by only 30% non-slave owners. According to ANTIFA, that would make the Declaration of Independence a “symbol of fascist oppression“.

So you see, fellow Patriots, ANTIFA and BLM could care less about tearing down statues and monuments, their actual goal is the tearing up of the bedrock this nation is based on. And if they can do that, then America can be remade in their evil image.

Rules For Radicals the is the alt-Left bible:

During the 8 years of the Obama presidency, much was made of his connection with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground terror group. The “bible” they used was a book called ‘Rules For Radicals’, written by an Alt-Left rabble rouser named Saul Alinsky. That book is a manual on how to tear down the American system of government and replace it with Marxism. In the introduction to that book, Alinsky dedicated it to his favorite rebel, Satan. Read for yourself:

we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very
first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is
to know where mythology leaves off and history begins — or which is
which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the
establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own
kingdom — Lucifer.” – Saul Alinsky
Does it all make sense now? Remember this article the next time you hear about a “fascist symbol” being illegally torn down by ANITFA or Black Lives Matter. Remember what their real goal is.

If you are a Patriot, the time to come to the defense of your country is now.

Right now.

ISIS, ANTIFA And Black Lives Matter Are Partners Together In The Monument Demolition Business • Now The End Begins

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Why Won't The Alt-Left Terrorists Take Down The Statue Of Hillary Clinton's Friend, Klansman Senator Robert Byrd? • Now The End Begins

Why Won’t The Alt-Left Terrorists Take Down The Statue Of Hillary Clinton’s Friend, Klansman Senator Robert Byrd?

Notice that no one has demanded that statues of former senator and KKK
icon Robert Byrd be removed, statues honoring the hard-core former white
nationalist whom Hillary Clinton once called her friend and mentor,
including one prominently displayed in the West Virginia state capitol.

Trump had it right when, during his press conference on infrastructure
he addressed the nonstop questions on Charlottesville, he asked if those
obsessed with fears of white nationalism if they would also remove
statues and monuments to George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, both
slave owners, in addition to the statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E.

EDITOR’S NOTE: The rabid alt-left wants
to erase all statues connected with the Confederacy, right? They want
to erase all statues that could be connected in any way with slavery,
right? Ummm, no, they don’t. Because they seem to have no problem at all
with statues of KKK leader Sen. Robert Byrd staying erect. Byrd, you
will recall, campaigned against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and
started his very own chapter of the KKK with him as the leader. And, oh,
almost forgot, KKK klansman Sen. Robert Byrd was the personal mentor to
Hillary Clinton. Ahh…now it makes sense. 

Trump’s critics responded
that while Washington and Jefferson were slave owners, they did not go
to war to defend slavery. True enough, but also true is the fact that
white nationalism had its roots in the Democratic post-Civil War south
and that the KKK was founded by Democrats to suppress blacks liberated
by the Republican administration of President Abraham Lincoln.

alt-left movement, which shares the blame along with arguably racist
groups such as Black Lives Matter and Antifa, hate America so much that
they want to erase all vestiges of American history and throw them down
an Orwellian memory hole to be supplanted by alt-left politically
correct ideology.

Hillary Admits KKK Leader was Her MENTOR – Robert Byrd, the Man Who Tried to Stop Civil Rights Act

Notice that no one has demanded that statues of former senator and KKK icon Robert Byrd be removed, statues honoring the hard-core former white nationalist whom Hillary Clinton once called her friend and mentor, including one prominently displayed in the West Virginia state capitol:

the tearing down of confederate statues, removal of confederate flags,
and the destruction of anything from America’s past that is
controversial or downright deplorable, one statue has managed to escape
scrutiny from protesters.

It involves a U.S. Senator from West
Virginia. A prominent, highly successful member of the Democrat party.
And a mentor to the woman who almost became President of the United

He also happens to be a former card-carrying member of the
KKK. In fact, he created his own chapter along with 150 of his friends
and colleagues.

Where is the outrage and destruction of this statue?

is former Senator Robert Byrd who was once elected a top officer – the
Exalted Cyclops, whatever the hell that is – in the local Klan unit in
the early 1940s.

He is a man who once vowed never to fight in the military along with “race mongrels” or “with a negro by my side.”

After his passing, Hillary Clinton eulogized Byrd in a 2010 video in which she called him “my friend and mentor.”
alt-left seems very selective in its righteous indignation, ignoring
the historical record of a Democratic Party which embraced white
nationalism, founded the KKK, and honored one of the great bigots of
modern times — Robert Byrd.

The alt-left’s historical amnesia omits
the fact that it was Senator Robert Byrd, Democrat of West Virginia and
former “Grand Kleagle” with the Ku Klux Klan, who holds the distinction
of being the only senator to have opposed the only two black nominees
to the Supreme Court, Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas, and led a
52-day filibuster against civil rights legislation.

Sen. Al Gore,
father of the former vice president, voted against the act, as did Sen.
J. William Fulbright, to whom Bill Clinton dedicated a memorial, current
senior Senator from South Carolina Ernest Hollings, Sen. Richard
Russell and, of course, Sen. Strom Thurmond, who was a Democrat at that

Booker, among others, forgets that it was Democrats who unleashed the
dogs and turned on the fire hoses on civil rights marchers. It was
Democrats who stood in the schoolhouse door and are still standing there
by opposing school choice and trapping minority children in failing
schools. It was Democrats who blocked the bridge in Selma.

amnesia omits the fact that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 would never
have been possible without Republican leadership. Not only was that
legislation a personal victory for Illinois Republican Sen. Everett
Dirksen, then Senate Minority leader, Republicans in both the House and
Senate supported the measure in far greater percentages than Democrats.
Only six GOP Senators voted against the act, compared with 21 Democrats.
The party of Abraham Lincoln beat back the fire hoses and dogs of the
party of Robert Byrd.

As one pundit put it, the Democrats should
know a lot about Jim Crow laws, since they are the ones who wrote them.
Condoleezza Rice, President George W. Bush’s national security advisor,
explained at the 2000 GOP national convention why a black college professor would be a Republican:

first Republican I knew was my father John Rice. And he is still the
Republican I admire the most. My father joined our party because the
Democrats in Jim Crow Alabama of 1952 would not register him to vote.
The Republicans did. I want you to know that my father has never
forgotten that day, and neither have I.”

Trump has been roundly and unjustly vilified for allegedly not being
forceful enough quickly enough in his condemnation of racism in

Compare this to the free pass given to President Barack Hussein Obama
after the murder of five Dallas police officers when he used a
memorial, not to condemn the racially motivated shooter, but rather
racist cops. As the Washington Times reported:

Obama defended the Black Lives Matter movement Tuesday at a memorial
service for five slain Dallas police officers, saying bigotry remains a
problem in police departments across the U.S.

While paying tribute
to the fallen officers for sacrificing their lives to protect
anti-police protesters from a sniper, Mr. Obama also called on law
enforcement agencies to root out bias that he said is contributing to
violence on the streets of America.

“We have all seen this bigotry
in our lives at some point,” Mr. Obama told an audience of about 2,500
at a concert hall in Dallas. “None of us is entirely innocent. No
institution is entirely immune. And that includes our police
departments. We know this.”

The officers — Michael Smith, Lorne
Ahrens, Michael Krol, Brent Thompson and Patrick Zamarripa — were killed
during a Black Lives Matter protest Thursday night by a black sniper
who told police he targeted white officers….

Fox News commentator
Katie Pavlich added: “Worst part of Obama’s lecture about racial bias
today? He did it at a memorial for 5 officers who were killed because
they were white.”

The alt-left and the media — apologies for being redundant — are attempting to rewrite some history and make us forget the rest.

It is the Democrats who are historically the party of white nationalism,
a party that honors racist Klan members, and which ignores a sitting
president who glosses over a black nationalist out to kill white cops.

The alt-left talks of white nationalism but ignores the true character of movements like Black Lives Matter. As the Daily Caller reported and a video showed:

Lives Matter protesters marching on the Minnesota state fair on
Saturday spewed violent anti-cop rhetoric just hours after a Harris
County, Tex. sheriff’s deputy was ambushed and executed at a
Houston-area gas station.

“Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon,”
activists with the St. Paul, Minn. branch of Black Lives Matter chanted
while marching behind a group of police officers down a highway just
south of the state fair grounds.
We saw their bloodlust in New York as “protesters” of police brutality chanted their lust for dead cops. As Heather MacDonald writes in her new book, The War On Cops (Encounter Books, 2016):

the summer of 2014, as we have seen, a lie overtook significant parts
of the country and grew into a kind of mass hysteria. That lie holds
that the police pose a mortal threat to black Americans — indeed, that
the police are the greatest threat facing black Americans today. Several
subsidiary untruths buttress that central myth: that the
criminal-justice system is biased against blacks; that there is no such
thing as a black underclass; and that crime rates are comparable between
blacks and whites, so that disproportionate police action in minority
neighborhoods cannot be explained without reference to racism. The
poisonous effect of these lies manifested itself in the cold-blooded
assassination of two NYPD officers in December that year. The highest
reaches of American society promulgated those untruths and participated
in the mass hysteria. President Barack Obama, speaking after a grand
jury decided not to indict the police officer who fatally shot Michael
Brown, declared that blacks were right to believe that the
criminal-justice system was often stacked against them. Obama repeated
that message as he traveled around the country subsequently. Eric Holder
escalated a long-running theme of his tenure as U.S. attorney general:
that the police routinely engaged in racial profiling and needed federal
intervention to police properly….

Meanwhile, protests and riots
against the police were gathering force across the country, all of them
steeped in anti-cop vitriol and the ubiquitous lie that “black lives”
don’t “matter” to the police. “What do we want? Dead cops,” chanted
participants in a New York anti-cop protest….
racial hatred spawned by the alt-left and the Democrats goes ignored as
chants of “white nationalism” drown out the diminishing mantra of
“Russia, Russia, Russia”. The racial insensitivity and hypocrisy of
Obama, Holder, and the race-based Democratic Party feed off of identity

Think a statue of Robert E. Lee honors white nationalism and racism?
Then what, pray tell, does a statue honoring the likes of KKK leader
Robert Byrd represent. If one warrants taking down, then so does the
other. source

Why Won't The Alt-Left Terrorists Take Down The Statue Of Hillary Clinton's Friend, Klansman Senator Robert Byrd? • Now The End Begins

Eclipse as 40 Days of Repentance Begin Signals “End of Era” for America, Warns Rabbi - Breaking Israel News | Latest News. Biblical Perspective.

Eclipse as 40 Days of Repentance Begin Signals “End of Era” for America, Warns Rabbi

“This is Hashem’s doing; it is marvelous in our sight.” Psalms 118:23 (The Israel Bible™)

A rare confluence of conflicting elemental forces may appear next Monday off the coast of America, when a rare hurricane is expected to hit the north Atlantic precisely as the shadow of a total solar eclipse passes overhead. A prominent End-of-Days expert sees this as a powerful last-ditch wake-up call for America, with an especially chilling message for American Jews.

The solar eclipse next week is expected to appear over Oregon in the northwest United States at 9:06 AM on Monday, and will work its way southeast in a diagonal path, passing over the South Carolina coast at around 4:06 PM. The shadow will then continue on out to sea, heading south over the Atlantic.

Solar eclipses cause unusually high tides in coastal regions. Right now, clouds are forming that may form into a significant hurricane on Monday, stirring up the waters of the Atlantic directly under the solar eclipse.

Read more

Eclipse as 40 Days of Repentance Begin Signals “End of Era” for America, Warns Rabbi - Breaking Israel News | Latest News. Biblical Perspective.

New American Civil War Pits Patriots Against The Radical Violent George Soros-Funded Progressive Left • Now The End Begins

New American Civil War Pits Patriots Against The Radical Violent George Soros-Funded Progressive Left

If you are honest, you conclude that ANTIFA, funded by George Soros
just like Black Lives Matter, is a domestic terror organization using
fear, violence and intimidation to force their agenda down our throats.
In short, they are the enemy of all freedom-loving, American patriots
who desire to be governed by the rule of law.

ANTIFA, the domestic terror group
that claims to be “anti-fascist” in in fact highly fascist and
aggressively violent. They have their beginnings in 2015, started on a
Yale campus of all places in 2015, and have grown to be the Left’s
version of the KKK. Just like the KKK hates blacks, ANTIFA hates Jews.

For 8 years, Barack Obama and the radical, George Soros-funded Left
in this country did everything they could to enflame racial and
political tensions. If you disagreed with Obama Marxist policies, it was
because you secretly hated black people. If you complained that
Michelle Obama was taking too many taxpayer-funded luxury vacations, it
was because you secretly hated women and black people. The list was
never ending and always arrived at the same place. Racial divisions.

Then Black Lives Matter came along, and in 2016 people started dying. 5 officers were slain in Texas
by shooter Micah Johnson with ties to Black Lives Matter. In the same
year, in Sterling’s Baton Rouge, 125 people were arrested; an officer
struck with a projectile lost several teeth. In Chicago, protesters
broke through a police barricade, and multiple people were arrested on
charges of battery against police. And in Castile’s St. Paul, Minn., more than 100 protesters were arrested
when protesters used an overpass over Interstate 94 to throw rocks and
rebar at police, injuring 21 officers, including one who suffered broken
vertebrae when a concrete block was dropped on him from above. When one
officer was injured, protesters cheered: “One piggly-wiggly down!” If
police are even more fearful after all this, they would not be without

So where does Black Lives Matter get all the money to hire fleets of buses to bring in agitators from different states? George Soros, through his various shell companies and ghost organizations, funds all of it.

ANTIFA in America, the domestic terror group that claims to be “anti-fascist” is in fact highly fascist and aggressively violent. They have their beginnings in 2015, started on a Yale campus of all places in 2015, and have grown to be the Left’s version of the KKK. Just like the KKK hates blacks, ANTIFA hates Jews.

This is the real face of ANTIFA, still think they are “anti-fascist”?

As you look at that flyer, and hopefully study it, what conclusion might you come to? If you are honest, you conclude that ANTIFA, funded by George Soros
just like Black Lives Matter, is a domestic terror organization using
fear, violence and intimidation to force their agenda down our throats.
In short, they are the enemy of all freedom-loving, American patriots
who desire to be governed by the rule of law.

black lawmakers who support ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter, are
demanding that statues in our nation’s capitol get taken down.

“Confederate memorabilia have no place in this country
and especially not in the United States Capitol. These images symbolize
a time of racial discrimination and segregation that continues to haunt
this country and many African-Americans who still to this day face
racism and bigotry,” Thompson said in a statement to The Hill.

“It is past time for action to remove all Confederate symbols in the U.S. Capitol and on the Mississippi state flag.”

So I ask you, where will all this end?
You know where it will end. If not checked soon, our current civil war
will end exactly like our previous Civil War, with piles and piles of
dead bodies. George Soros, the desperately old demon he is, is not
running out of money anytime soon. And even when he dies, the criminal
organizations he has put in place will last long after his rotting body
vanishes into dust.

President Trump is one of the only people in Washington to say it like it is, and because he speaks the truth in blaming both sides, he is lambasted night and day by the fake news media and the George Soros splinter groups.

America stands right now at a pivotal crossroads,
one from which there is no turning back. Leftist thugs cannot be
allowed to tear down statues and rewrite the history of our nation. They
are anarchists and must be treated as such. Over the last 100 years, we
have seen Progressive uprisings in major nations like Russia, Germany
and Italy just to name a few, and they always end badly. Russian
Progressives created Stalin, German Progressives created Hitler, and
Italian Progressives created Mussolini.

The end game here in
America is to topple our government and install European fascism, the
exact same style fascism that groups like ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter
claim to be against. Just remember, Hitler came preaching peace and

How’d that work out for the German people?

The new Civil War is well underway so pick a side.


New American Civil War Pits Patriots Against The Radical Violent George Soros-Funded Progressive Left • Now The End Begins

Cowardly Republicans Leave President Trump To Fend For Himself After Speaking Truth About Charlottesville • Now The End Begins

Cowardly Republicans Leave President Trump To Fend For Himself After Speaking Truth About Charlottesville

"Our booking team — and they're good — reached out to Republicans of all stripes across the country today," Smith said on his show "Shepard Smith Reporting."  "Let's be honest, Republicans don't often really mind coming on Fox News Channel. We couldn't get anyone to come and defend him here because we thought, in balance, someone should do that," he continued. 

Fox News host Shepard Smith said Wednesday that the network tried and failed to get a Republican on-air to defend President Trump’s controversial comments on violence in Charlottesville, Va., over the weekend

EDITOR’S NOTE: President Trump spoke the absolute truth when he placed blame for the Charlottesville violence on both sides, left and right. He was one of the only people in Washington to have the guts to do so. So it is particularly appalling to me that when the predictable faux outrage from the fake news media surfaced to attack Trump, that no major Republican politician representing the GOP came forward to support our president. Shame on you, GOP, you are disgusting, spineless cowards. I will continue to support Trump now and in 2020, but I will never, ever again vote on a non-Trump Republican ticket. Cruz, Ryan, McConnell, and the rest of you pathetic Republican cowards, now you can go fend for yourselves.

“Our booking team — and they’re good — reached out to Republicans of all stripes across the country today,” Smith said on his show “Shepard Smith Reporting.”

“Let’s be honest, Republicans don’t often really mind coming on Fox News Channel. We couldn’t get anyone to come and defend him here because we thought, in balance, someone should do that,” he continued.

“We worked very hard at it throughout the day, and we were unsuccessful. And of those who are condemning the president’s condemnable actions, I’ve not heard any prominent leaders, former presidents, members of the House or the Senate use his name while speaking in generalities,” he said.

Smith’s comments followed an off-the-rails press conference by Trump on Tuesday, during which he reasserted claims that “both sides” were to blame for violence during a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville on Saturday that ultimately left one dead and at least 19 others injured.

“You had a lot of people in that group that were there to innocently protest and very legally protest,” Trump said, referring to individuals protesting against the removal of a Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee statue in the town.

“Not all of those people were white supremacists, by any stretch.”

Various Republicans have spoken out against white supremacy and bigotry following Trump’s press briefing.

“We must be clear. White supremacy is repulsive. This bigotry is counter to all this country stands for. There can be no moral ambiguity,” House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) tweeted after Trump’s remarks.

Former Presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush issued a joint statement on Wednesday saying the U.S. must reject hatred in all forms. source


Cowardly Republicans Leave President Trump To Fend For Himself After Speaking Truth About Charlottesville • Now The End Begins

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

(64) MUST SEE! Hillary Demands Trump to Remove this Video! - YouTube

(64) MUST SEE! Hillary Demands Trump to Remove this Video! - YouTube

Dallas ISIS Recruiter Encouraged Ariana Grande Bomber | Clarion Project Clarion Project

Dallas ISIS Recruiter Encouraged Ariana Grande Bomber

Police escort concert goers from the site of the Ariana Grande concert following a terror attack.
Police escort concert goers from the site of the Ariana Grande concert following a terror attack. (Photo: Dave Thompson/Getty Images)
The bomber who carried out the attack on the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England had input and encouragement from a U.S.-based ISIS recruiter, Newsweek reported.

The attack, which targeted concert-goers as they left the arena, killed 22 people in August 2016.

Said Azzam Mohamad Rahim, a 40-year-old American national of Jordanian descent from Dallas, was part of an online chat with the bomber, Salman Abedi, a 22-year-old British national of Libyan descent, who was seeking authorization to carry out the bombing.

During the chat, which was held on the encrypted messaging app Zello, Abedi addressed a question to a sheikh in the group (later identified as Mouner el-Aoual, 28, an ISIS jihadi in Turin, Italy).

“Sheikh, I live in Manchester, in Great Britain. I live
among non-Muslims. I have found work with them. Am I allowed to kill
them? Is it permitted to kill them with a bomb?” Abedi asked.

Rahim responded, “To the boy from Manchester I say, OK, kill them! Show no mercy to civilians.”

El-Aoual agreed, saying, Abedi should “fight the pagans all together.”
Rahim was arrested in the U.S. last March for making false statements to federal officers about his alleged support of ISIS.

El-Aoual was later arrested by Italian police on suspicion of extremist activities.

Dallas ISIS Recruiter Encouraged Ariana Grande Bomber | Clarion Project Clarion Project

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

BLINK: Kim Jong-Un Cancels Missile Attack On Guam As James 'Mad Dog' Mattis Warns U.S. Will Shoot It Down • Now The End Begins

BLINK: Kim Jong-Un Cancels Missile Attack On Guam As James ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis Warns U.S. Will Shoot It Down

North Korea's state-controlled media reported last week on preparations for test firing four missiles, saying they would be aimed in the direction of Guam but splash down before reaching it. President Donald Trump pledged to meet new saber rattling from the communist country with 'fire and fury.' 'If North Korea does anything in terms of even thinking about an attack – of anybody that we love or we represent, or our allies or us, they can be very, very nervous,' Trump warned on Thursday. 'And they should be, because things will happen to them like they never thought possible.'

Defense Secretary James Mattis said Monday that if North Korea launches a missile in the direction of Guam, U.S. armed forces ‘will take it out.’ And he warned that ‘if they fire at the United States, it could escalate into war very quickly.’

EDITOR’S NOTE: President Trump is doing exactly what he and his administration need to do in defusing the missile strike threat from North Korea. When things reached a peak last week, we asked who will blink first as the saber-rattling ratcheted up. Kim Jong-Un blinked first, and very wisely so. Appointing ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis as the Secretary of Defense was an excellent  choice. 

The Pentagon chief told reporters during a half-hour media availability that the Defense Department can determine where an airborne missile is headed ‘within moments’ of a launch.

And if a missile from dictator Kim Jong-Un is seen as threatening Guam, a tiny U.S. Pacific island 2,100 miles from Pyongyang, ‘then it’s game on,’ Mattis declared, ‘and we will try and do our best to make sure it does not hit the United States.’

‘We will defend the country from any attack at any time from any quarter,’ he said.

Sec. Mattis: If North Korea fires at the US, it’s ‘game on’

North Korea’s state-controlled media reported last week on preparations for test firing four missiles, saying they would be aimed in the direction of Guam but splash down before reaching it.

President Donald Trump pledged to meet new saber rattling from the communist country with ‘fire and fury.’

‘If North Korea does anything in terms of even thinking about an attack – of anybody that we love or we represent, or our allies or us, they can be very, very nervous,’ Trump warned on Thursday.

‘And they should be, because things will happen to them like they never thought possible.’

‘North Korea better get their act together or they are going to be in trouble like few nations have ever been in trouble,’ the president said.

On Friday he tweeted that ‘military solutions are now fully in place, locked and loaded.’

‘Mad Dog’ Mattis, a retired U.S. Marine Corps general, wouldn’t say on Monday whether the U.S. would respond militarily to a missile launch in Guam’s direction that appeared to intentionally miss the target.

‘If it falls short of Guam, then it becomes an issue that we take up however the president chooses,’ he said.

‘You can’t make all the decisions in advance. There are a host of things going on,’ he added. ‘I need a certain amount of ambiguity on this because I am not going to tell them what I’ll do in each case.’

But Mattis insisted the U.S. military stands ready to fight a belligerent North Korea if the president decides to engage.

‘The bottom line is we will defend the country, and for us that’s war,’ he explained.

‘You don’t shoot at people in this world unless you bear the consequences.’ source

BLINK: Kim Jong-Un Cancels Missile Attack On Guam As James 'Mad Dog' Mattis Warns U.S. Will Shoot It Down • Now The End Begins

BLINK: Kim Jong-Un Cancels Missile Attack On Guam As James 'Mad Dog' Mattis Warns U.S. Will Shoot It Down • Now The End Begins

BLINK: Kim Jong-Un Cancels Missile Attack On Guam As James ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis Warns U.S. Will Shoot It Down

North Korea's state-controlled media reported last week on preparations for test firing four missiles, saying they would be aimed in the direction of Guam but splash down before reaching it. President Donald Trump pledged to meet new saber rattling from the communist country with 'fire and fury.' 'If North Korea does anything in terms of even thinking about an attack – of anybody that we love or we represent, or our allies or us, they can be very, very nervous,' Trump warned on Thursday. 'And they should be, because things will happen to them like they never thought possible.'

Defense Secretary James Mattis said Monday that if North Korea launches a missile in the direction of Guam, U.S. armed forces ‘will take it out.’ And he warned that ‘if they fire at the United States, it could escalate into war very quickly.’

EDITOR’S NOTE: President Trump is doing exactly what he and his administration need to do in defusing the missile strike threat from North Korea. When things reached a peak last week, we asked who will blink first as the saber-rattling ratcheted up. Kim Jong-Un blinked first, and very wisely so. Appointing ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis as the Secretary of Defense was an excellent  choice. 

The Pentagon chief told reporters during a half-hour media availability that the Defense Department can determine where an airborne missile is headed ‘within moments’ of a launch.

And if a missile from dictator Kim Jong-Un is seen as threatening Guam, a tiny U.S. Pacific island 2,100 miles from Pyongyang, ‘then it’s game on,’ Mattis declared, ‘and we will try and do our best to make sure it does not hit the United States.’

‘We will defend the country from any attack at any time from any quarter,’ he said.

Sec. Mattis: If North Korea fires at the US, it’s ‘game on’

North Korea’s state-controlled media reported last week on preparations for test firing four missiles, saying they would be aimed in the direction of Guam but splash down before reaching it.

President Donald Trump pledged to meet new saber rattling from the communist country with ‘fire and fury.’

‘If North Korea does anything in terms of even thinking about an attack – of anybody that we love or we represent, or our allies or us, they can be very, very nervous,’ Trump warned on Thursday.

‘And they should be, because things will happen to them like they never thought possible.’

‘North Korea better get their act together or they are going to be in trouble like few nations have ever been in trouble,’ the president said.

On Friday he tweeted that ‘military solutions are now fully in place, locked and loaded.’

‘Mad Dog’ Mattis, a retired U.S. Marine Corps general, wouldn’t say on Monday whether the U.S. would respond militarily to a missile launch in Guam’s direction that appeared to intentionally miss the target.

‘If it falls short of Guam, then it becomes an issue that we take up however the president chooses,’ he said.

‘You can’t make all the decisions in advance. There are a host of things going on,’ he added. ‘I need a certain amount of ambiguity on this because I am not going to tell them what I’ll do in each case.’

But Mattis insisted the U.S. military stands ready to fight a belligerent North Korea if the president decides to engage.

‘The bottom line is we will defend the country, and for us that’s war,’ he explained.

‘You don’t shoot at people in this world unless you bear the consequences.’ source

BLINK: Kim Jong-Un Cancels Missile Attack On Guam As James 'Mad Dog' Mattis Warns U.S. Will Shoot It Down • Now The End Begins

Evangelicals, Racists And Trump

Evangelicals, Racists And Trump


News Image By Michael Brown/Ask Dr Brown August 15, 2017

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The alt-right. White supremacists. Nationalists. Trump supporters. Racists. Evangelical Christians. Is this a list of unrelated, widely disparate groups that overlap only on the fringes? 

Or does this describe the inter-connected spokes of the same wheel, different in emphasis but not in kind? The tragedy in Charlottesville, which has heightened tensions and exacerbated divisions in our country, calls for clarification.

If you listen to some secular media, you'd get the impression that Donald Trump is responsible for Charlottesville and that those who voted for him are culpable as well. You'd also get the impression that unless you denounce Trump, you are guilty of racism and are likely a white supremacist. 

And since Trump has support from many evangelical Christian leaders, you'd be led to believe that they are part of the alt-right, all of them racists and hyper-nationalists.

Because I was out speaking Saturday afternoon and evening, I did not post anything on social media about Charlottesville until late that night. By that time, my Twitter feed was lit up with calls for me renounce racism and distance myself from Trump. 

Quite out of the blue, I was judged to be implicit in a racist cause because I did not speak out against a white supremacist rally quickly enough. And because I had voted for Trump, I was now an accomplice in racism and, by default, a member of the alt-right.

Many of you reading this have had the same experience, as if there was an explicit connection between Charlottesville and Trump voters, between racism and evangelical Christians. But is there a connection?

When I finally got around to posting on Facebook on Saturday night, I wrote: "There is nothing American about White Supremacism -- nothing heroic, nothing praiseworthy, nothing patriotic. 

It is a rotten, ugly mindset full of hatred, bigotry, and pride, and every person of conscience should denounce it. 

It degrades others who are also created in the image of God and takes His name in vain to further its cause. Whatever our political or racial or ethnic background, as Americans, we need to stand together against it."

All this seems self-evident, and every friend and co-worker I have would agree with this. What is there to argue with?

The response to the comment was excellent, with strong support for what was shared. Others, however, chimed in negatively, criticizing blacks (since I was criticizing white supremacists), asking me why I never renounced Black Lives Matter extremism (which, of course, I had), and claiming that anyone who voted for Trump was complicit in the Charlottesville riot.
In response to some of these comments, I wrote: "The bottom line is simple: I don't care what color your skin is and what your ethnic background is. When Neo Nazis rally, you condemn it. When the KKK rallies, you condemn it. When Black Supremacists rally, you condemn it. 

And when a man plows his car into a crowd, killing one person and injuring 19, you condemn it. If you can't do that, you shouldn't be on this page. I trust we share the same heart here."

Again, this seems straightforward, yet even this comment drew negative responses, which makes one thing very clear: There are dangerous extremes on the right and on the left, and there is racism on the right and on the left. All of this is wrong and contemptible.

What about connecting all the dots on the right and drawing a coherent circle with Trump in the center? I believe that would be inaccurate for the following reasons:

1) Although there were certainly divisive aspects to Trump's campaign there's little hard evidence that he is a racist. And from the reports I hear from people close to him, he has a genuine burden to help the inner-cities, which are largely minority.

2) Although right-leaning, white nationalists overwhelmingly voted for Trump, they still make up a small part of his overall base and do not reflect the sentiments of the vast majority of his voters.

3) It is a non sequitur to argue that, because the KKK supported Trump, others who voted for Trump support the KKK. I'm sure the New Black Panthers overwhelmingly voted for Barack Obama (and Hillary Clinton), but that doesn't mean that a white California Jew who voted for Obama and Hillary supports the New Black Panthers. Let's be realistic.

4) The vast majority of evangelical Christians denounce racism and have no connection with the alt-right or with white supremacists. The fact that some white racists use Christianity as a cloak tells us one thing only: they are hypocrites.

5) Identity politics can be just as dangerous as outright racism. Both are divisive, both demean the value of others, and both make judgments based on skin color or ethnicity.

6) We should distance ourselves from the extremism of groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa just as we distance ourselves from the extremism of white nationalism, exposing the hateful rhetoric, rejecting the violent acts, and saying with one loud voice, "As Americans, this is not who we are."

Right now, across the country, there is massive distrust, polarization, misunderstanding, and misrepresentation. And rather than bringing us together, much of the media is fanning the flames of division and fear, often in grossly hypocritical ways (in other words, finding fault with one side only when there is fault on both sides).

At volatile times like this when our blind spots only become bigger, we must determine to be part of the solution and not the problem. That means listening before speaking, understanding before opining, and caring before criticizing.

Will we be peace-makers or troublemakers, ones who build bridges or blow up bridges, those who reach out or those who push away?

Whether we like it or not, with our deep differences and strong convictions, we are one nation under God, and united we stand, divided we fall. Which will it be?

Originally published at - reposted with permission.


Evangelicals, Racists And Trump

Monday, August 14, 2017

Liberal Hate Groups ANTIFA And Black Lives Matter Filmed Burning The American Flag At 'Anti-Fascist' Rally In Seattle • Now The End Begins

Liberal Hate Groups ANTIFA And Black Lives Matter Filmed Burning The American Flag At ‘Anti-Fascist’ Rally In Seattle

The ANTIFA “anti-fascists” were there to oppose and to shout down the pro-Trump Patriot Prayer group, which organized the rally. According to Neal Morton of the Seattle Times, a group of “Solidarity Against Hate” demonstrators burned an American flag during the course of the afternoon clashes.

Supporters of President Donald Trump and so-called ANTIFA “anti-fascists” clashed Sunday in Seattle, with the latter setting an American flag on fire and covering their faces with bandanas, goggles, and masks.

EDITOR’S NOTE: OK, so someone please explain this to me. Rioters in Seattle today protested “fascism” and “white nationalist” hate groups by burning the American flag, attacking the police, and shouting “death to America!” as they smashed store windows. Basically, they protested “hate groups” by becoming a hate group and terrorizing the residents of Seattle. NTEB condemns hate groups like ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter and the Ku Klux Klan. Interesting to note that ANTIFA thugs are wearing hoods that cover their face while they terrorize. Hmm, now who does that remind you of?

The ANTIFA “anti-fascists” were there to oppose and to shout down the pro-Trump Patriot Prayer group, which organized the rally. According to Neal Morton of the Seattle Times, a group of “Solidarity Against Hate” demonstrators burned an American flag during the course of the afternoon clashes.

The Times reported that the crowd dispersed by evening, but that tense moments took place over the course of the day.

“The rhetoric and vitriol continue to flow at Westlake Park,” the Seattle Times reported at 3:30 p.m. PST. “Anti-fascist protesters continue to shout down the pro-Trump speakers, and more than once someone from the crowd has jumped onto the stage to grab the microphone away.”

“Part of the crowd is on the move, back toward  Denny Park from Westlake, while others have ignored a police dispersal order and continue to crowd the Westlake plaza or circle back around the police lines,” the Times reported.

“Pepper spray and blast balls have been deployed, to varying effect on the crowd,” the Times reported. “Reporters on the ground describe the crowd as tense and emotional, and point to a growing police presence.”

The clashes came in the wake of violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, the day before, where white supremacists and left-wing protesters clashed violently before an apparent right-wing extremist rammed his car into demonstrators, killing Heather Heyer, 32, and injuring several others.

However, both the Patriot Prayer rally and counter-protest had been planned before Saturday’s violence in Charlottesville, the Times reported. source

Liberal Hate Groups ANTIFA And Black Lives Matter Filmed Burning The American Flag At 'Anti-Fascist' Rally In Seattle • Now The End Begins

The Radical Left Funded By George Soros Planning More Racially-Fueled Attacks In Seattle, Baltimore and Kentucky • Now The End Begins

The Radical Left Funded By George Soros Planning More Racially-Fueled Attacks In Seattle, Baltimore and Kentucky

As we reported to you over the weekend, the radical Left terror groups
Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA are funded by George Soros. In Virginia,
they turned a white nationalist rally into a bloodbath by inciting
violence and being the first to strike. 3 people died because of their
actions, and now they want to take their show on the road. Here is a
list-in-progress of places where you can expect ANTIFA and Black Lives
Matter to slither up to next.

The rabid Liberal Left like ANTIFA and BLM in America are very, very violent, and have been making death threats against President Trump for quite sometime now.

As we reported to you over the weekend, the radical Left terror groups Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA are funded by George Soros.
The image at the top of this article is an official ANTIFA protest
banner. Any questions? In Virginia, they turned a white nationalist
rally into a bloodbath by inciting violence and being the first to
strike. 3 people died because of their actions, and now they want to
take their show on the road.

Here is a list-in-progress of places where you can expect ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter to slither up to next:
KENTUCKY: Lexington,
Ky., Mayor Jim Gray doesn’t have to watch footage of the violent
protests in Charlottesville over the weekend to know how divisive
Confederate monuments can be. At family reunions and holiday dinners his
whole life, he has heard about his great-uncles fighting each other in
the Civil War’s Battle of Shiloh. Two were on the Union’s side. One
fought for the Confederacy. Now, the 63-year-old mayor, who is white, is
bracing for more controversy — and potentially worse, given the
unrest in Charlottesville — after he announced plans on Saturday to move
two Confederate monuments from prominent places near a Lexington
courthouse. source

and protesters clashed during a right-wing rally and
counter-demonstration in Seattle on Sunday, but there were no immediate
reports of serious injuries. The dueling events came one day after a woman was killed and 19 other people were injured in
a white nationalist protest and counter-protest in Virginia. Seattle
police said in a statement that three men were arrested on suspicion of
obstruction and assault. Confiscated weapons included ax handles,
2-by-4s and balloons containing an “unknown liquid substance,” the
statement said. source

BALTIMORE: Baltimore City Councilman Brandon Scott is
formally calling for all four of Baltimore’s Confederate-era monuments
to be torn down. In a resolution being introduced Monday, Scott calls
for “the immediate destruction of all Confederate Monuments in
Baltimore.” In the resolution, he cites the white nationalist rally in
Charlottesville over the weekend that left three dead. source

A Confederate heritage organization has asked the state for permission
to gather Sept. 16 at Richmond’s Robert E. Lee monument. The rally would
come roughly a month after Saturday’s white nationalist protest
descended into violence in Charlottesville. The Department of General
Services has received a request from Americans for Richmond Monument
Preservation for a permit to hold an event at the Lee Monument on
Monument Avenue, according to Dena Potter, an agency spokeswoman, who
said the application is under review and has not been approved. source

Not only that, the fake news media is trying desperately to attach President Trump’s name to the violence.

The rabid Liberal Left in America is very, very violent, and have been making death threats against President Trump for quite sometime now. Please watch this video with caution, it is very graphic.

Now the very same people
are attempting to attach President Trump’s name to the violence in
Virginia, but guess what? It won’t work, fake news media, keyboard
warriors will expose you each and every time. Guaranteed.

The Radical Left Funded By George Soros Planning More Racially-Fueled Attacks In Seattle, Baltimore and Kentucky • Now The End Begins

Sunday, August 13, 2017

The International Church of Cannabis In Denver Colorado Where Pot Smoking Congregants Are 'Elevationists' • Now The End Begins

The International Church of Cannabis In Denver Colorado Where Pot Smoking Congregants Are ‘Elevationists’

“Being an elevationist [the term they’ve coined for the theology of the
new church] means being an explorer,” Lee begins. “Our spiritual
journey is one of self-discovery, not one of dogma. We believe there is
no one-path solution to life’s big questions. This is simply a
supportive place for each one of us to find a pathway to our own
spirituality, whatever that may be.” Think of it like the pick ’n’ mix
of belief. There is no doctrine, no creed, no scripture or book. Simply
choose bits of whatever world religions work for you, or make something
up yourself, mix it all together, and see if it tastes good.

congregations dwindle, a new religion is lighting up Denver,
Colorado. Aaron Millar joins the ‘elevationists’ of the International
Church of Cannabis who worship the weed

sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring
lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist stedfast in
the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your
brethren that are in the world.”
1 Peter 5:8,9 (KJV)

As the present spiritual darkness intensifies over not just America but
the world as a whole, we are seeing stranger and stranger phenomena.
The Bible tells us that in the time of Jacob’s trouble, the One World
Religion will include all manner of deviant behaviour in their “worship”
services. Not only will there be drug and alcohol use, but open
prostitution and cannibalism as well. Being a pothead has become big
business in 2017, and it is also become a religion. They don’t call it
pot smoking, now they are partaking in the “holy sacrament of cannabis”.
A partnership will Hillsong can’t be too far away. And painting their
“sanctuary” in bright, rainbow colors didn’t happen by accident.

It started, naturally, with a group of friends smoking a joint.
Steve Berke, a graduate of Yale University, was temporarily living in
an old church in Denver, Colorado. His estate agent parents had bought
the 113-year-old building with the plan to turn it into flats. He and
Lee Molloy, as well as a few friends, had just moved from Miami to
capitalise on Colorado’s lucrative marijuana market. But then, in the
words of Lee: “We started having these stupid, fantastical
conversations. What if we kept it as a church?” So Steve convinced his
parents to give him the building and, nine months later, on 20 April
2016 – 4/20, as it’s known in the United States, the unofficial
pothead’s holiday (because it’s 4.20pm somewhere, right?) – the
International Church of Cannabis opened its doors with its own chapel,
theology and video game arcade.

The International Church of Cannabis in Denver:

From the outside all appears normal:
red-brick towers, blocky turrets, a classic city church in an otherwise
leafy suburb of Denver. But there are giveaways. The three front doors
and arched window facade have been spray-painted with silver galaxies
and bright, happy-face planets. The work of legendary painter and graphic artist Kenny Scharf,
who has exhibited in the Whitney and New York’s Museum of Modern Art,
it looks more like the backdrop for an illegal 90s rave than your
typical parish church. But it’s indicative of the coup that Elevation
Ministries, the non-profit company that Steve and Lee co-founded to set
up the Church of Cannabis, has managed to pull off.

“That mural
would probably buy you next door’s house,” Lee says, letting me in. But
they got it for the price of an air ticket for Scharf, a few days’
skiing and the loan of a jacket. People love fantastical ideas.

original plan was to open it to the general public, but because
Colorado’s current pot law only allows smoking in private clubs, it is,
for now at least, a members-only affair. To date they have more than
1,400 on their list. They open the doors from Thursday to Sunday for
smoke-free public viewing, with private cannabis services held on Friday
nights. It seems to be growing.
Every single surface has been painted
in vibrant patterns of red, blue and green, geometric prisms with
mythological creatures, stars and eyes hidden within. At the back wall,
two dream-like Dali-esque giants sit cross-legged as if lost in
meditation. “It feels like a hallucination,” someone says beside me,
eyes careening upwards. It’s like being swallowed by a Pink Floyd album
cover. Perhaps most impressive of all is that it was created
spontaneously without a sketch or a plan. This was another freebie: they
flew Spanish artist Okuda San Miguel over and bought him a bunch of
paints, then he started work in one corner and painted whatever he
dreamed up until he finished. It took him just six days – he rested on
the seventh.

As the service begins
we are encouraged to get to know each other: people spark up joints and
pass them around. Long wisps of smoke float to the ceiling and cover
the congregation in a flowery shroud; splutterings of coughs and
giggles, the sharp intake of breath on all sides. There are about 30 of
us in all, a mixed bag of misfits ranging from a self-proclaimed pothead
granny, whose eyes appear to move independently of each other, to a
couple of Harold & Kumar wannabes taking selfies at the altar. And
then there’s Lee: a former Bible quiz champion, raised in a strict
evangelical Christian home, he has the credentials of a preacher if not
the look: bushy hipster beard and long messy hair, dark bags under his
eyes and the whiff of old smoke on his shirt. It feels more like the
start of an AA meeting than a spiritual encounter. But then he starts to

Being an elevationist [the term they’ve
coined for the theology of the new church] means being an explorer,” Lee
begins. “Our spiritual journey is one of self-discovery, not one of
dogma. We believe there is no one-path solution to life’s big questions.
This is simply a supportive place for each one of us to find a pathway
to our own spirituality, whatever that may be.” Think of it like the
pick ’n’ mix of belief. There is no doctrine, no creed, no scripture or
book. Simply choose bits of whatever world religions work for you, or
make something up yourself, mix it all together, and see if it tastes
good. “There are as many pathways to being an elevationist as there are
elevationists,” Lee says. Spirituality shouldn’t be a prescription; it
should be an adventure. It’s about seeking, not being told what to find.

It’s an idea that will strike a chord with many people.
Church attendance in the UK is on the decline. Last year only 1.4% of
the population attended Sunday Anglican services – the lowest level ever
recorded. There is a significant demographic of people who simply can’t
relate to organised religion or outright oppose it on principle. Being
able to explore your own path, within a supportive space, could help
fill that widening spiritual deficit.

But here’s where they may lose you.
That journey of self-discovery, says Lee, is enhanced by ritual
cannabis use. “We have been programmed to behave and think in certain
ways,” he says. “Cannabis helps elevationists tear down those false
realities.” source

The International Church of Cannabis In Denver Colorado Where Pot Smoking Congregants Are 'Elevationists' • Now The End Begins

Do You Think It's A Coincidence That The Charlottesville Race Riots Took Place On George Soros Birthday? • Now The End Begins

Do You Think It’s A Coincidence That The Charlottesville Race Riots Took Place On George Soros Birthday?

Who were those people who protested the "white nationalists" in Charlottesville yesterday? For starters, they included ANTIFA, a radical Liberal terror group that is every bit as disgusting as the Ku Klux Klan is. ANTIFA was there at the "Unite The Right" rally for the sole purpose of escalating the rhetotic until it became violence, which it certainly did. Who funds ANTIFA? George Soros does.

Who turned yesterday’s demonstration into a riot? ANTIFA did, Black Lives Matter did, and they could not have done it without the tens of millions of dollars they receive from George Soros’ various foundations and shell corporations.

This weekend, white nationalist groups including the KKK decided to protest the removal of Confederate statues in Charlottesville, Virginia. As American citizens, it is their right to do so, as unpalatable as those groups are. In response, the looney Liberal Far-Left including Antifa and Black Lives Matter decided to show up and “take them on”. As a result, multiple people including two state troopers lay dead today. The violence reached insane levels when a car was driven at high speed into the crowd, killing one woman instantly.

And in an amazing coincidence, this all happened on George Soros birthday.

Ahh, George Soros, even at the advanced age of 87, like the true Nazi he is, can still crank out the hate and unrest in record numbers. Let’s pause here for a moment, shall we, and refresh our collective memory with some of Soros’ “greatest hits”, like these:

  • SHOCK AS IT’S REVEALED GEORGE SOROS SPENT MILLIONS CREATING THE FERGUSON RACE RIOTS: The handouts, revealed in tax filings from Soros’s private foundation, were given to dozens of different groups which weighed in on the crisis. Organizers from professional groups in Washington, D.C., and New York were bused into the Missouri town to co-ordinate messaging and lobby to news media to cover events using the billionaire’s funding.
  • GEORGE SOROS IS THE REAL CONTROLLING POWER BEHIND THE BLACK LIVES MATTER MOVEMENT: George Soros is the major financial source responsible for funding the leftist movement in America. Groups like ACORN and Occupy Wall Street are a disruptive influence in our culture and seek to divide and transform our society into a Marxist design. Linked to this disruptive scheme is Black Lives Matters through Soros support and funds.
  • SHOCK AS GEORGE SOROS’ MASKED PROTESTERS ATTACK DONALD TRUMP MOTORCADE AFTER RALLY IN MINNEAPOLIS: Last night, George Soros’ masked thugs jumped on Donald Trump’s motorcade as it was leaving the Minneapolis rally, shouted obscenities, and beat and hammered the car carrying Trump. This morning, not one liberal news outlet has this story. If the same thing had happened to Hillary there would be a “national outcry” and calls to bring them to justice.
  • GEORGE SOROS ANARCHY GROUPS PROVIDING ANTI-TRUMP SCRIPT FUELING PHONY TOWN HALL PROTESTS: The anti-Trump script for activists is meant to aid a project driven by the George Soros funded group declaring the week of February 18-26 – the first congressional recess of the 115th Congress – to be “Resistance Recess.”
  • GEORGE SOROS ADMITS HE’S BEHIND MUSLIM MIGRANT INVASION OF EUROPE: Last week, Mr Orban accused Mr Soros – who was born in Hungary – of deliberately encouraging the migrant crisis. “This invasion is driven, on the one hand, by people smugglers, and on the other by those (human rights) activists who support everything that weakens the nation-state,” Mr Orban said. “This Western mindset and this activist network is perhaps best represented by George Soros.” Mr Soros has now issued an email statement to Bloomberg Business, claiming his foundations help “uphold European values”, while Mr Oban’s actions in strengthening the Hungarian border and stopping a huge migrant influx “undermine those values.”
If you would like to read the entire NTEB archive on George Soros, click here, but we think you get the idea. Just like the massive race riots in St. Louis and Baltimore were not “organic protests”, neither was yesterday’s race riots in Virginia.

Who were those people who protested the “white nationalists” in Charlottesville yesterday?

For starters, they included ANTIFA, a radical Liberal terror group that is every bit as disgusting as the Ku Klux Klan is. ANTIFA was there at the “Unite The Right” rally for the sole purpose of escalating the rhetotic until it became violence, which it certainly did. Who funds ANTIFA? George Soros does.

Next up, we had Black Lives Matter at the rally yesterday. BLM, as you may recall, is the radical domestic terror group that shoots cops and holds drivers on freeways captive by forcibly stopping the flow of traffic. BLM worked in concert with ANTIFA in Virginia to ensure that violence took place. Who funds Black Lives Matter? George Soros does.

Watch ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter throw the first punch:

Who started the violence yesterday? ANTIFA and BLM, click here to watch them throw the first punch.

Is the KKK a domestic terror group? Absolutely they are, but guess what? If they want to hold a legal, peaceful demonstration that is their guaranteed right to do so as American citizens under our Constitution. Free speech is for the ugly speech, too, provided it does not break the law by turning into a riot. Riots are not protected by our Constitution.

Who turned yesterday’s demonstration into a riot? ANTIFA did, Black Lives Matter did, and they could not have done it without the tens of millions of dollars they receive from George Soros’ various foundations and shell corporations.

If the idea of a KKK-sponsored “Unite The Right” rally disgusts you, as it should, then don’t go. But if you do go with the sole intent of inciting violence, then you are every bit as disgusting and guilty as the people whom you are protesting. The groups who came to protest the white nationalists were looking for trouble, and they found it. They found it because they caused it. And the blood of the people who died is on the hands of ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, and most of all, George Soros.

Happy Birthday, George Soros, you demon from the pit of Hell. And pat yourself on the back while you’re at it. Your puppets did you proud yesterday.


Do You Think It's A Coincidence That The Charlottesville Race Riots Took Place On George Soros Birthday? • Now The End Begins