Why Won’t The Alt-Left Terrorists Take Down The Statue Of Hillary Clinton’s Friend, Klansman Senator Robert Byrd?
Notice that no one has demanded that statues of former senator and KKK
icon Robert Byrd be removed, statues honoring the hard-core former white
nationalist whom Hillary Clinton once called her friend and mentor,
including one prominently displayed in the West Virginia state capitol.
icon Robert Byrd be removed, statues honoring the hard-core former white
nationalist whom Hillary Clinton once called her friend and mentor,
including one prominently displayed in the West Virginia state capitol.

August 17, 2017
Trump had it right when, during his press conference on infrastructure
he addressed the nonstop questions on Charlottesville, he asked if those
obsessed with fears of white nationalism if they would also remove
statues and monuments to George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, both
slave owners, in addition to the statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E.
EDITOR’S NOTE: The rabid alt-left wantsto erase all statues connected with the Confederacy, right? They want
to erase all statues that could be connected in any way with slavery,
right? Ummm, no, they don’t. Because they seem to have no problem at all
with statues of KKK leader Sen. Robert Byrd staying erect. Byrd, you
will recall, campaigned against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and
started his very own chapter of the KKK with him as the leader. And, oh,
almost forgot, KKK klansman Sen. Robert Byrd was the personal mentor to
Hillary Clinton. Ahh…now it makes sense.
Trump’s critics responded
that while Washington and Jefferson were slave owners, they did not go
to war to defend slavery. True enough, but also true is the fact that
white nationalism had its roots in the Democratic post-Civil War south
and that the KKK was founded by Democrats to suppress blacks liberated
by the Republican administration of President Abraham Lincoln.
alt-left movement, which shares the blame along with arguably racist
groups such as Black Lives Matter and Antifa, hate America so much that
they want to erase all vestiges of American history and throw them down
an Orwellian memory hole to be supplanted by alt-left politically
correct ideology.
Hillary Admits KKK Leader was Her MENTOR – Robert Byrd, the Man Who Tried to Stop Civil Rights Act
Notice that no one has demanded that statues of former senator and KKK icon Robert Byrd be removed, statues honoring the hard-core former white nationalist whom Hillary Clinton once called her friend and mentor, including one prominently displayed in the West Virginia state capitol:WithThe
the tearing down of confederate statues, removal of confederate flags,
and the destruction of anything from America’s past that is
controversial or downright deplorable, one statue has managed to escape
scrutiny from protesters.
It involves a U.S. Senator from West
Virginia. A prominent, highly successful member of the Democrat party.
And a mentor to the woman who almost became President of the United
He also happens to be a former card-carrying member of the
KKK. In fact, he created his own chapter along with 150 of his friends
and colleagues.
Where is the outrage and destruction of this statue?
is former Senator Robert Byrd who was once elected a top officer – the
Exalted Cyclops, whatever the hell that is – in the local Klan unit in
the early 1940s.
He is a man who once vowed never to fight in the military along with “race mongrels” or “with a negro by my side.”
After his passing, Hillary Clinton eulogized Byrd in a 2010 video in which she called him “my friend and mentor.”
alt-left seems very selective in its righteous indignation, ignoring
the historical record of a Democratic Party which embraced white
nationalism, founded the KKK, and honored one of the great bigots of
modern times — Robert Byrd.
The alt-left’s historical amnesia omits
the fact that it was Senator Robert Byrd, Democrat of West Virginia and
former “Grand Kleagle” with the Ku Klux Klan, who holds the distinction
of being the only senator to have opposed the only two black nominees
to the Supreme Court, Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas, and led a
52-day filibuster against civil rights legislation.
Sen. Al Gore,
father of the former vice president, voted against the act, as did Sen.
J. William Fulbright, to whom Bill Clinton dedicated a memorial, current
senior Senator from South Carolina Ernest Hollings, Sen. Richard
Russell and, of course, Sen. Strom Thurmond, who was a Democrat at that
Booker, among others, forgets that it was Democrats who unleashed the
dogs and turned on the fire hoses on civil rights marchers. It was
Democrats who stood in the schoolhouse door and are still standing there
by opposing school choice and trapping minority children in failing
schools. It was Democrats who blocked the bridge in Selma.
amnesia omits the fact that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 would never
have been possible without Republican leadership. Not only was that
legislation a personal victory for Illinois Republican Sen. Everett
Dirksen, then Senate Minority leader, Republicans in both the House and
Senate supported the measure in far greater percentages than Democrats.
Only six GOP Senators voted against the act, compared with 21 Democrats.
The party of Abraham Lincoln beat back the fire hoses and dogs of the
party of Robert Byrd.
As one pundit put it, the Democrats should
know a lot about Jim Crow laws, since they are the ones who wrote them.
Condoleezza Rice, President George W. Bush’s national security advisor,
explained at the 2000 GOP national convention why a black college professor would be a Republican:
first Republican I knew was my father John Rice. And he is still the
Republican I admire the most. My father joined our party because the
Democrats in Jim Crow Alabama of 1952 would not register him to vote.
The Republicans did. I want you to know that my father has never
forgotten that day, and neither have I.”
Trump has been roundly and unjustly vilified for allegedly not being
forceful enough quickly enough in his condemnation of racism in
Compare this to the free pass given to President Barack Hussein Obamaafter the murder of five Dallas police officers when he used a
memorial, not to condemn the racially motivated shooter, but rather
racist cops. As the Washington Times reported:
Obama defended the Black Lives Matter movement Tuesday at a memorial
service for five slain Dallas police officers, saying bigotry remains a
problem in police departments across the U.S.
While paying tribute
to the fallen officers for sacrificing their lives to protect
anti-police protesters from a sniper, Mr. Obama also called on law
enforcement agencies to root out bias that he said is contributing to
violence on the streets of America.
“We have all seen this bigotry
in our lives at some point,” Mr. Obama told an audience of about 2,500
at a concert hall in Dallas. “None of us is entirely innocent. No
institution is entirely immune. And that includes our police
departments. We know this.”
The officers — Michael Smith, Lorne
Ahrens, Michael Krol, Brent Thompson and Patrick Zamarripa — were killed
during a Black Lives Matter protest Thursday night by a black sniper
who told police he targeted white officers….
Fox News commentator
Katie Pavlich added: “Worst part of Obama’s lecture about racial bias
today? He did it at a memorial for 5 officers who were killed because
they were white.”
The alt-left and the media — apologies for being redundant — are attempting to rewrite some history and make us forget the rest.
It is the Democrats who are historically the party of white nationalism,a party that honors racist Klan members, and which ignores a sitting
president who glosses over a black nationalist out to kill white cops.
The alt-left talks of white nationalism but ignores the true character of movements like Black Lives Matter. As the Daily Caller reported and a video showed:
BlackWe saw their bloodlust in New York as “protesters” of police brutality chanted their lust for dead cops. As Heather MacDonald writes in her new book, The War On Cops (Encounter Books, 2016):
Lives Matter protesters marching on the Minnesota state fair on
Saturday spewed violent anti-cop rhetoric just hours after a Harris
County, Tex. sheriff’s deputy was ambushed and executed at a
Houston-area gas station.
“Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon,”
activists with the St. Paul, Minn. branch of Black Lives Matter chanted
while marching behind a group of police officers down a highway just
south of the state fair grounds.
the summer of 2014, as we have seen, a lie overtook significant parts
of the country and grew into a kind of mass hysteria. That lie holds
that the police pose a mortal threat to black Americans — indeed, that
the police are the greatest threat facing black Americans today. Several
subsidiary untruths buttress that central myth: that the
criminal-justice system is biased against blacks; that there is no such
thing as a black underclass; and that crime rates are comparable between
blacks and whites, so that disproportionate police action in minority
neighborhoods cannot be explained without reference to racism. The
poisonous effect of these lies manifested itself in the cold-blooded
assassination of two NYPD officers in December that year. The highest
reaches of American society promulgated those untruths and participated
in the mass hysteria. President Barack Obama, speaking after a grand
jury decided not to indict the police officer who fatally shot Michael
Brown, declared that blacks were right to believe that the
criminal-justice system was often stacked against them. Obama repeated
that message as he traveled around the country subsequently. Eric Holder
escalated a long-running theme of his tenure as U.S. attorney general:
that the police routinely engaged in racial profiling and needed federal
intervention to police properly….
Meanwhile, protests and riots
against the police were gathering force across the country, all of them
steeped in anti-cop vitriol and the ubiquitous lie that “black lives”
don’t “matter” to the police. “What do we want? Dead cops,” chanted
participants in a New York anti-cop protest….
racial hatred spawned by the alt-left and the Democrats goes ignored as
chants of “white nationalism” drown out the diminishing mantra of
“Russia, Russia, Russia”. The racial insensitivity and hypocrisy of
Obama, Holder, and the race-based Democratic Party feed off of identity
Think a statue of Robert E. Lee honors white nationalism and racism?
Then what, pray tell, does a statue honoring the likes of KKK leader
Robert Byrd represent. If one warrants taking down, then so does the
other. source
Why Won't The Alt-Left Terrorists Take Down The Statue Of Hillary Clinton's Friend, Klansman Senator Robert Byrd? • Now The End Begins
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