Do You Think It’s A Coincidence That The Charlottesville Race Riots Took Place On George Soros Birthday?
Who were those people who protested the "white nationalists" in Charlottesville yesterday? For starters, they included ANTIFA, a radical Liberal terror group that is every bit as disgusting as the Ku Klux Klan is. ANTIFA was there at the "Unite The Right" rally for the sole purpose of escalating the rhetotic until it became violence, which it certainly did. Who funds ANTIFA? George Soros does.

August 13, 2017
Who turned yesterday’s demonstration into a riot? ANTIFA did, Black Lives Matter did, and they could not have done it without the tens of millions of dollars they receive from George Soros’ various foundations and shell corporations.
This weekend, white nationalist groups including the KKK decided to protest the removal of Confederate statues in Charlottesville, Virginia. As American citizens, it is their right to do so, as unpalatable as those groups are. In response, the looney Liberal Far-Left including Antifa and Black Lives Matter decided to show up and “take them on”. As a result, multiple people including two state troopers lay dead today. The violence reached insane levels when a car was driven at high speed into the crowd, killing one woman instantly.And in an amazing coincidence, this all happened on George Soros birthday.
Ahh, George Soros, even at the advanced age of 87, like the true Nazi he is, can still crank out the hate and unrest in record numbers. Let’s pause here for a moment, shall we, and refresh our collective memory with some of Soros’ “greatest hits”, like these:
- SHOCK AS IT’S REVEALED GEORGE SOROS SPENT MILLIONS CREATING THE FERGUSON RACE RIOTS: The handouts, revealed in tax filings from Soros’s private foundation, were given to dozens of different groups which weighed in on the crisis. Organizers from professional groups in Washington, D.C., and New York were bused into the Missouri town to co-ordinate messaging and lobby to news media to cover events using the billionaire’s funding.
- GEORGE SOROS IS THE REAL CONTROLLING POWER BEHIND THE BLACK LIVES MATTER MOVEMENT: George Soros is the major financial source responsible for funding the leftist movement in America. Groups like ACORN and Occupy Wall Street are a disruptive influence in our culture and seek to divide and transform our society into a Marxist design. Linked to this disruptive scheme is Black Lives Matters through Soros support and funds.
- SHOCK AS GEORGE SOROS’ MASKED PROTESTERS ATTACK DONALD TRUMP MOTORCADE AFTER RALLY IN MINNEAPOLIS: Last night, George Soros’ masked thugs jumped on Donald Trump’s motorcade as it was leaving the Minneapolis rally, shouted obscenities, and beat and hammered the car carrying Trump. This morning, not one liberal news outlet has this story. If the same thing had happened to Hillary there would be a “national outcry” and calls to bring them to justice.
- GEORGE SOROS ANARCHY GROUPS PROVIDING ANTI-TRUMP SCRIPT FUELING PHONY TOWN HALL PROTESTS: The anti-Trump script for activists is meant to aid a project driven by the George Soros funded group declaring the week of February 18-26 – the first congressional recess of the 115th Congress – to be “Resistance Recess.”
- GEORGE SOROS ADMITS HE’S BEHIND MUSLIM MIGRANT INVASION OF EUROPE: Last week, Mr Orban accused Mr Soros – who was born in Hungary – of deliberately encouraging the migrant crisis. “This invasion is driven, on the one hand, by people smugglers, and on the other by those (human rights) activists who support everything that weakens the nation-state,” Mr Orban said. “This Western mindset and this activist network is perhaps best represented by George Soros.” Mr Soros has now issued an email statement to Bloomberg Business, claiming his foundations help “uphold European values”, while Mr Oban’s actions in strengthening the Hungarian border and stopping a huge migrant influx “undermine those values.”
Who were those people who protested the “white nationalists” in Charlottesville yesterday?
For starters, they included ANTIFA, a radical Liberal terror group that is every bit as disgusting as the Ku Klux Klan is. ANTIFA was there at the “Unite The Right” rally for the sole purpose of escalating the rhetotic until it became violence, which it certainly did. Who funds ANTIFA? George Soros does.Next up, we had Black Lives Matter at the rally yesterday. BLM, as you may recall, is the radical domestic terror group that shoots cops and holds drivers on freeways captive by forcibly stopping the flow of traffic. BLM worked in concert with ANTIFA in Virginia to ensure that violence took place. Who funds Black Lives Matter? George Soros does.
Watch ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter throw the first punch:
Who started the violence yesterday? ANTIFA and BLM, click here to watch them throw the first punch.Is the KKK a domestic terror group? Absolutely they are, but guess what? If they want to hold a legal, peaceful demonstration that is their guaranteed right to do so as American citizens under our Constitution. Free speech is for the ugly speech, too, provided it does not break the law by turning into a riot. Riots are not protected by our Constitution.
Who turned yesterday’s demonstration into a riot? ANTIFA did, Black Lives Matter did, and they could not have done it without the tens of millions of dollars they receive from George Soros’ various foundations and shell corporations.
If the idea of a KKK-sponsored “Unite The Right” rally disgusts you, as it should, then don’t go. But if you do go with the sole intent of inciting violence, then you are every bit as disgusting and guilty as the people whom you are protesting. The groups who came to protest the white nationalists were looking for trouble, and they found it. They found it because they caused it. And the blood of the people who died is on the hands of ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, and most of all, George Soros.
Happy Birthday, George Soros, you demon from the pit of Hell. And pat yourself on the back while you’re at it. Your puppets did you proud yesterday.

Do You Think It's A Coincidence That The Charlottesville Race Riots Took Place On George Soros Birthday? • Now The End Begins
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