Saturday, May 27, 2017

Move Over, Transgenders, 'Modified Humans' Are The Next Group Demanding Public Acceptance • Now The End Begins

Move Over, Transgenders, ‘Modified Humans’ Are The Next Group Demanding Public Acceptance

'For this we have been called satanic, crazy and plenty more, but we
couldn't care less that's just their opinions. 'I am never bothered by
what people have to say, they will either love or hate us, we don't
judge anybody so I don't understand why they judge us.' The reality TV
show will follow the human dolls trying to carve careers away from the
world of body alteration and their extreme looks...

Move Over, Transgenders, 'Modified Humans' Are The Next Group Demanding Public Acceptance • Now The End Begins

Hillary Clinton Tells Massive Lie While Giving Commencement Speech, Fake News Media Stays Silent • Now The End Begins

Hillary Clinton Tells Massive Lie While Giving Commencement Speech, Fake News Media Stays Silent

No sooner were the words out of her mouth when her massive. college
educated, liberal audience raised their voices in a raucous cheer. Would
have been a pretty good moment except for one thing. It was a lie.
Richard Nixon was not impeached...
Read on:


Hillary Clinton Tells Massive Lie While Giving Commencement Speech, Fake News Media Stays Silent • Now The End Begins

George Soros Spends $80M To Launch New Anti-Trump Network Staffed By Former ACORN Employees • Now The End Begins

George Soros Spends $80M To Launch New Anti-Trump Network Staffed By Former ACORN Employees

"This national network, led by working class people of color and
immigrants, will supply the power and the fight we need to resist the
Trump administration's all-out assault on American values," Ellison told
CNN. "I look forward to standing with CPD Action's leaders in the
streets and in Congress to win real progressive change."
Read on:

George Soros Spends $80M To Launch New Anti-Trump Network Staffed By Former ACORN Employees • Now The End Begins

After 20 Years Of Unchecked Muslim Immigration, The UK Is Now Home To 23,000+ Islamic Terrorists • Now The End Begins

After 20 Years Of Unchecked Muslim Immigration, The UK Is Now Home To 23,000+ Islamic Terrorists

Under the delusion of multiculturalism, European states have allowed
millions of Muslim migrants to live within their borders, but with
assimilating into the culture of their host countries. The recent
Ramadan bombing of innocents at the Manchester Arena had Britons picking
the flesh of the victims out of their hair, you would think that would
have been a massive wakeup call for them, right? Wrong.
 Read on:

After 20 Years Of Unchecked Muslim Immigration, The UK Is Now Home To 23,000+ Islamic Terrorists • Now The End Begins

Thursday, May 25, 2017

THE SHOVE HEARD 'ROUND THE WORLD: President Trump At NATO Asserts 'America First' Literally • Now The End Begins

THE SHOVE HEARD ‘ROUND THE WORLD: President Trump At NATO Asserts ‘America First’ Literally

President Trump had earlier put his weight behind his first handshake
with France's new president, Emmanuel Macron, gripping and torquing his
way on Thursday through the crucial moment in their budding

Trump moment went viral for the wrong reason on Thursday as he and the
leaders of 27 other NATO member countries assembled for a photo at the
treaty organization’s gleaming new Brussels, Belgium headquarters.

This is one of the reasons I voted for Trump, to not act like a
politician, to not stand on excessive ceremony, and most of all to put
America first. But shoving aside the leader of another country so he
could get his desired position in the photo op takes everything to a
whole, new level. Go Trump!

As President Trump made his way
through the group to take his position in the front row next to
Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, Montenegro’s Prime Minister Duško
Marković was in his way. So Trump put his hand on Marković’s upper arm
and shoved him aside.

Montenegro is not yet a NATO country. Its
membership becomes official on June 5. The ‘family photo’ was planned
with assigned positions for 31 people: the 28 heads of state and the
Montenegrin, plus Stoltenberg, and the king and prime minister of
Belgium, the host country.

Trump, Stoltenberg and the Belgians
were set to be front-row center, with British Prime Minister Theresa May
on Trump’s other side. Marković – the new guy – was placed in the back
row on the far right end.

Donald Trump found the prime minister of Montenegro in his way on Thursday, so he shoved him aside:

Trump was seen as a party pooper at the NATO summit, lecturing his
fellow heads of state about their deadbeat nature and the need to secure
their borders in the fight against terror.

‘You have thousands
and thousands of people pouring into our various countries and spreading
throughout, and in many cases we have no idea who they are. We must be
tough, we must be strong and we must be vigilant,’ the president told

And he groused that ‘NATO members must finally contribute their fair share and meet their financial obligations.’

of the 28 member nations are still not paying what they should be
paying,’ he said, ‘and what they are supposed to be paying, for their
defense.’ ‘This is not fair to the people and taxpayers of the United
States,’ he said, ‘and many of these nations owe massive amounts of
money for past years.’

Trump had earlier put his weight behind his
first handshake with France’s new president, Emmanuel Macron, gripping
and torquing his way on Thursday through the crucial moment in their
budding relationship.

They shook hands for a full five seconds
while camera shutters clicked, pumping their fists 16 times in a seeming
battle of the phalanges.

Their knuckles turned white, their eyes
met, their jaws clenched. Trump ultimately released first, leaving
Macron to hang on to his open hand. Macron, the youngest French head of
state since Napoleon, has held office for just 11 days.

But Trump,
who is fond of winners and considers ‘loser’ to be the ultimate insult
for murderous terrorists, seemed to give him his stamp of approval –
moments before the younger president brought up global warming to jab

Just a month ago, he suggested that far-right French
presidential candidate Marine Le Pen was the ‘strongest’ candidate ‘on
borders, and she’s the strongest on what’s been going on in France – a
reference to terrorism.

Thursday he was firmly on Team Macron.

is my great honor to be with the newly elected president of France, who
ran an incredible campaign and had a tremendous victory,’ he said. ‘All
over the world they’re talking about it.’

‘We have a lot to
discuss,’ Trump added, ‘including terrorism and other things.
Congratulations. Great job.’ The two men did their best grip-and-grin at
the Brussels residence of the U.S. ambassador to Belgium. source

THE SHOVE HEARD 'ROUND THE WORLD: President Trump At NATO Asserts 'America First' Literally • Now The End Begins

The Roman Catholic Vatican City State Is Indeed The Mother Of Harlots And Mystery Babylon From The Bible • Now The End Begins

The Roman Catholic Vatican City State Is Indeed The Mother Of Harlots And Mystery Babylon From The Bible

Starting in the late 1970's to early '80's,the Vatican made a concerted
effort to rebrand themselves as "christian" and began to form alliances
with the pentecostals and charismatic churches that were heavily
focused on feelings and emotions, and not so much on Bible doctrine.

The Vatican system is the only world structure that is
a woman, wears purple and scarlet, uses a golden cup filled with wine,
has shed the blood of Bible believing saints, and has become
indescribably wealthy through ruling over the kings of the earth.

the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with
gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand
full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her
forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE
drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs
of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.”
Revelation 17:4-6 (KJV)

There are three topics you can bring up if you really want to rankle the lazy, biblically-ignorant, Laodicean church. Talk about the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church, the doctrine of eternal security,
and expose the Roman Catholic system for being the whore of Revelation.
These are three sure-fire ways to make the pew fillers howl in
self-righteous indignation. Today we are going to discuss the last item
on the list, the Roman Catholic harlot.

For starters, the Roman Catholic Church is not now nor ever was Christian by any kind of Biblical definition

Biblically, the Church of Jesus Christ was started
in the book of Acts between chapters 2-15. The Roman Catholic church
did not get its start until the year 325 AD with the edict of
Constantine. That’s roughly a 250 year discrepancy between the two. The
Christian Church and the Roman Church became intertwined when Rome
declared Christianity to be the state religion, and performed a hostile
takeover. This is the start of what used to be taught in schools as the
Dark Ages. For 1,200 years, the Roman church made it a crime punishable
by death if you dared to own a Bible, read a Bible, or attempt to decide
for yourself what it meant. For more on that subject, click here.

Starting in the late 1970’s to early ’80’s,the Vatican made a concerted effort to rebrand themselves as “christian” and began to form alliances with the pentecostals and charismatic churches
that were heavily focused on feelings and emotions, and not so much on
Bible doctrine. The fruit of Rome’s effort has paid heavy dividends as
we see here in Kenneth Copeland’s heretical bowing down to “Mother
Rome”, and leading his flock right into the gutter.

Understanding who Mystery Babylon really is

In chapter 17 of the book of Revelation, the Holy Spirit gives us some bullet points as to who the identity of this woman is, and they are as follows:

  • MYSTERY BABYLON is typified as a woman and a harlot filled with abominations.
  • This
    woman is branded with purple and scarlet colors and holds a golden cup
    in her hand that she dispenses the “wine of her fornication” from.
  • This woman is the world’s largest killer and persecutor of Bible believing Christians.
  • This woman reigns over the kings and people of the Earth, and makes herself rich from them.
My, my…is there anyone out there who might fulfill all these requirements in one fell swoop? Why yes, I do believe there is.

So, ok, I am sure it’s just a massive coincidence that papal Rome
is bedecked in purple and scarlet colors in their vestments. Just as I
am equally sure it is only coincidental that the popes perform their
rituals with a very ornate and expensive golden cup, from which they
dispense wine. Every priest who performs “mass” anywhere in the world
uses a golden cup in every ceremony.

Heading into #3 on our list, all that is necessary to prove this point is a copy of “Fox’s Book Of Martyrs
and the desire to actually read it and see for yourself how the Roman
Catholic Church slaughtered Bible believing Christians for over 300
years. Or you can ask yourself this. Who killed James, Peter, Paul,
Matthew and all the rest of the apostles? Rome. Who were the Christians
in the catacombs hiding from? The Romans. Who fed the Christians to the
lions? The Romans. Now you know why it is called the Roman Catholic Church.

Lastly, we see that the Roman Catholic Church system is wealthy beyond description

The Vatican has large investments with the Rothschilds
of Britain, France and America, with the Hambros Bank, with the Credit
Suisse in London and Zurich. In the United States it has large
investments with the Morgan Bank, the Chase-Manhattan Bank, the First
National Bank of New York, the Bankers Trust Company, and others. The
Vatican has billions of shares in the most powerful international
corporations such as Gulf Oil, Shell, General Motors, Bethlehem Steel,
General Electric, International Business Machines, T.W.A., etc. At a
conservative estimate, these amount to more than 500 million dollars in
the U.S.A. alone.

The Vatican’s treasure of solid gold has
been estimated by the United Nations World Magazine to amount to
several billion dollars.
A large bulk of this is stored in gold
ingots with the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank, while banks in England and
Switzerland hold the rest. But this is just a small portion of the
wealth of the Vatican, which in the U.S. alone, is greater than that of
the five wealthiest giant corporations of the country. When to
that is added all the real estate, property, stocks and shares abroad,
then the staggering accumulation of the wealth of the Catholic church
becomes so formidable as to defy any rational assessment.

Now we know exactly who this woman in Revelation 17 and 18 is

The women described in Revelation 17 & 18
is obviously not an actual woman, it is a SYSTEM that is typified by a
woman with the spirit of Jezebel. Why do you think that Rome is called
the “mother church”, and why all popes including Francis calls the Roman
Catholic church a woman?

“The Church is also mother because she cares for her children and guides us on the path of salvation,” the Pope stated in his Sept. 3 general audience. “She
nourishes and sustains us with the sacraments; she illuminates us with
the light of the Gospel, orients us to the good, encourages us in
moments of darkness and defends us from the snares of evil, exhorting us
to vigilance so as not to succumb to its seductions. He then invited all present to invoke the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, praying that we can “learn from her that tenderness which allows us to be witnesses of maternity of the Church.””
The Vatican system is the only world structure that is refers
to themselves as a woman, wears purple and scarlet, uses a golden cup
filled with wine, has shed the blood of Bible believing saints, and has
become indescribably wealthy through ruling over the kings of the earth.
In short, the Roman Catholic Church system, with the Vatican as its
head and authority, fulfills all the qualifications in the description of the “woman” in Revelation 17 & 18.

Mystery Babylon is not America, it’s not Islam, its not the New World Order. It’s exactly who the Bible says it is.

It’s the Roman Catholic Church system. Now you know. Tell a friend.

The Roman Catholic Vatican City State Is Indeed The Mother Of Harlots And Mystery Babylon From The Bible • Now The End Begins

DEEP STATE: Sean Hannity Is Silenced After Trying To Expose The Seth Rich Connection To WikiLeaks • Now The End Begins

DEEP STATE: Sean Hannity Is Silenced After Trying To Expose The Seth Rich Connection To WikiLeaks

Media Matters is “targeting my advertisers to silence my voice,”
Hannity tweeted. “They hope to get me fired. Rush (Limbaugh), O’Reilly,
(Glenn) Beck, (Don) Imus and now me.” He posted a series of links to
articles about Media Matters’ funding, and ties to figures reviled by
many conservatives, like George Soros and Bill Clinton.

Hannity says a media watchdog is guilty of “liberal fascism” for
targeting advertisers on his Fox News Channel show, as one company
announced Wednesday that it would no longer hawk its wares there

The Chicago-based
said that it had been “watching closely” and recently decided to
suspend its backing of Hannity.  Hannity, the sole survivor from Fox’s
once stable and powerful prime-time lineup, has been a strong backer of
President Donald Trump and believes the president is under attack from
media and opponents who want to destroy him. On Wednesday, Hannity said
he would no longer talk about a discredited story involving a murdered
Democratic National Committee chairman after speaking to the man’s
family, and after Fox had earlier retracted an online story it had
written about the case.

Uncertainty over whether Hannity would defy
his network’s bosses over the story led to big ratings on Wednesday.
The show reached 2.5 million viewers, or 50 percent more than it had for
the same night a year earlier, the Nielsen company said.

Hannity: It’s Time for Trump to ‘Purge’ the Deep State ‘Saboteurs Before It’s Too Late’

The same Deep State that Sean Hannity warned were conspiring to take down Trump have now set their sites on him.

On Wednesday,
Hannity sent a steady stream of tweets that targeted Media Matters for
America, the liberal lobbyists who a day earlier had posted a list of
his show’s advertisers on its web site. Targeting a show’s advertisers
is a potent line of attack in television; the swift abandonment of Bill
O’Reilly’s advertisers last month after the revelation of settlements
paid to women to quiet harassment charges was widely considered a factor
in his firing by Fox.

Media Matters is “targeting my advertisers
to silence my voice,” Hannity tweeted. “They hope to get me fired. Rush
(Limbaugh), O’Reilly, (Glenn) Beck, (Don) Imus and now me.” He posted a
series of links to articles about Media Matters’ funding, and ties to
figures reviled by many conservatives, like George Soros and Bill

Media Matters denied that it was mounting a pressure
campaign focusing on Hannity’s advertisers. The organization’s president
Angelo Carusone said he hadn’t spoken to any sponsors. He said he
wanted advertisers to be aware of Hannity’s “volatility” as part of a
general Media Matters campaign to get them to think about advertising on
Fox; Media Matters hasn’t posted a list of sponsors for any other
specific show.

Saying there’s no boycott campaign may be a distinction without a difference, however

Media Matters
listed on its website more than 150 companies that had run commercials
on “Hannity” in May, ranging from Lexus to Reddi-wip to Comedy Central.
Hannity tweeted Wednesday that he’d spoken to several of his advertisers
and they said they’d been “inundated” with emails urging them to stop
running commercials on his show. said in a statement that its decision to advertise on a show doesn’t mean it agrees or disagrees with its content.

don’t have the ability to influence content at the time we make our
advertising purchase,” the company said. “In this case, we’ve been
watching closely and have recently made the decision to pull our
advertising from Hannity.”

Hannity on Seth Rich Controversy: ‘For Now, I am Not Discussing the Matter at This Time’

company did not make clear when it made that decision or what about
Hannity’s content influenced its executives. A company representative
did not immediately return a call seeking comment.

By alerting his supporters about the list of advertisers, Hannity has played into his critics’ hands, Carusone said.

has demonstrated that he’s totally volatile and out of control,” he
said. “Hannity has done more to create pressure for his advertisers than
I have.”

Carusone suggested that Hannity is “acting out of fear
and anxiety over the future of Fox News by preying on the fears and
anxieties of his audience.”

“We’re not running a campaign to get him fired right now,” he said.

was active on Twitter before his show Tuesday, saying that he would
discuss the case of murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich and his own future on
Fox. It clearly paid off by drawing interest; his viewership was just
under the 2.6 million reached by the current queen of prime-time cable
television, Rachel Maddow, on MSNBC. source

DEEP STATE: Sean Hannity Is Silenced After Trying To Expose The Seth Rich Connection To WikiLeaks • Now The End Begins

Obama Knowingly Allowed MS-13 Gang Members Into The United States As Illegal Immigrants • Now The End Begins

Obama Knowingly Allowed MS-13 Gang Members Into The United States As Illegal Immigrants

The MS-13 gang members were part of the surge of UAC, or “unaccompanied
alien children,” as the government labels them, who overwhelmed the
Obama administration in 2014, leaving Homeland Security struggling to
staunch the flow from Central America.

Obama administration knowingly let in at least 16 admitted MS-13 gang
members who arrived at the U.S. as illegal immigrant teenagers in 2014, a
top senator said Wednesday, citing internal documents that showed the
teens were shipped to juvenile homes throughout the country

Ron Johnson, chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, said a
whistleblower turned over Customs and Border Protection documents from
2014 detailing the 16 persons who were caught crossing the border.

apprehended them, knew they were MS-13 gang members, and they processed
and disbursed them into our communities,” Mr. Johnson, Wisconsin
Republican, said.

Judge Jeanine: MS-13 Gangsters Came Here Under Obama Policy

The gang members were part of the surge
of UAC, or “unaccompanied alien children,” as the government labels
them, who overwhelmed the Obama administration in 2014, leaving Homeland
Security struggling to staunch the flow from Central America.

at the time said the children should be treated as refugees fleeing
horrific conditions back home — though security analysts said the
children were prime recruiting territory for gangs already in the U.S.

Johnson said the image of UAC as little children is misleading. Out of
nearly 200,000 UAC apprehended between from 2012 to 2016, 68 percent
were ages 15, 16 or 17 — meaning older teens. The majority were also
male, making them targets for gang recruiting. source

Obama Knowingly Allowed MS-13 Gang Members Into The United States As Illegal Immigrants • Now The End Begins

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

At The Vatican Today Pope Francis Gave President Trump The Gospel...Of Climate Change • Now The End Begins

At The Vatican Today Pope Francis Gave President Trump The Gospel…Of Climate Change

Pope Francis’s choice of gift suggests he is adding his voice to those
pressing Trump not to renege on the Paris accord, which is the
cornerstone of global efforts to limit climate change. The Vatican said
in a statement that the talks focused on international affairs and the
promotion of peace, with particular emphasis on health care, education
and immigration.

Francis gave President Trump a copy of his 2015 encyclical calling for
urgent, drastic cuts in fossil-fuel emissions after a half-hour meeting
in his private study

“And upon her forehead was
ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of
the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw
her, I wondered with great admiration.”
Revelation 17:5,6 (KJV)

If Pope Francis was a Bible believing Christian,
he would have spoke to President Trump about his soul and his eternal
destiny. If Pope Francis was a Bible believing Christian, he would have
given him the gospel of the grace of God as first preached by the
apostle Paul. But Pope Francis is neither a Bible believer nor a
Christian, so what is he? He is a king over the country of Vatican City,
and when the president arrived he did what any other worldly king would
do. He talked politics, and the gospel of Climate Change in particular.

Francis joined an international chorus urging Donald Trump to meet U.S.
commitments on climate change in talks at the Vatican Wednesday

Pope Francis gave President Trump a copy of his 2015 encyclical calling for urgent, drastic cuts in fossil-fuel emissions after a half-hour meeting in his private study.

choice of gift suggests he is adding his voice to those pressing Trump
not to renege on the Paris accord, which is the cornerstone of global
efforts to limit climate change. The Vatican said in a statement that
the talks focused on international affairs and the promotion of peace,
with particular emphasis on health care, education and immigration.

The king of Vatican City receives the President of the United States:

Here is the Whore of Babylon in all her devilish pomposity. Enjoy!

10 Things You May Not Know About the Vatican

The Vatican and Vatican City
are many things to many people, but God has a rather unique name for
it. The Bible calls the Roman Catholic Vatican system the “Whore of
Babylon”, and describes her in graphic detail in Revelation 17 and 18 in
your King James Bible.

So here are 10 fun facts that you should know about the “mother of harlots” that is the Vatican.

  • 1. Vatican City is the smallest country in the world. Encircled
    by a 2-mile border with Italy, Vatican City is an independent
    city-state that covers just over 100 acres, making it one-eighth the
    size of New York’s Central Park. Vatican City is governed as an absolute
    monarchy with the pope at its head. The Vatican mints its own euros,
    prints its own stamps, issues passports and license plates, operates
    media outlets and has its own flag and anthem. One government function
    it lacks: taxation. Museum admission fees, stamp and souvenir sales, and
    contributions generate the Vatican’s revenue.
  • 2. St. Peter’s Basilica sits atop a city of the dead, including its namesake’s tomb. A
    Roman necropolis stood on Vatican Hill in pagan times. When a great
    fire leveled much of Rome in A.D. 64, Emperor Nero, seeking to shift
    blame from himself, accused the Christians of starting the blaze. He
    executed them by burning them at the stake, tearing them apart with wild
    beasts and crucifying them. Among those crucified was St.
    Peter—disciple of Jesus Christ, leader of the Apostles and the first
    bishop of Rome—who was supposedly buried in a shallow grave on Vatican
    Hill. By the fourth century and official recognition of the Christian
    religion in Rome, Emperor Constantine began construction of the original
    basilica atop the ancient burial ground with what was believed to be
    the tomb of St. Peter at its center. The present basilica, built
    starting in the 1500s, sits over a maze of catacombs and St. Peter’s
    suspected grave.
  • 3. Caligula captured the obelisk that stands in St. Peter’s Square. Roman
    Emperor Caligula built a small circus in his mother’s gardens at the
    base of Vatican Hill where charioteers trained and where Nero is thought
    to have martyred the Christians. To crown the center of the
    amphitheater, Caligula had his forces transport from Egypt a pylon that
    had originally stood in Heliopolis. The obelisk, made of a single piece
    of red granite weighing more than 350 tons, was erected for an Egyptian
    pharaoh more than 3,000 years ago. In 1586 it was moved to its present
    location in St. Peter’s Square, where it does double duty as a giant
  • 4. For nearly 60 years in the 1800s and 1900s, popes refused to leave the Vatican. Popes
    ruled over a collection of sovereign Papal States throughout central
    Italy until the country was unified in 1870. The new secular government
    had seized all the land of the Papal States with the exception of the
    small patch of the Vatican, and a cold war of sorts then broke out
    between the church and the Italian government. Popes refused to
    recognize the authority of the Kingdom of Italy, and the Vatican
    remained beyond Italian national control. Pope Pius IX proclaimed
    himself a “prisoner of the Vatican,” and for almost 60 years popes
    refused to leave the Vatican and submit to the authority of the Italian
    government. When Italian troops were present in St. Peter’s Square,
    popes even refused to give blessings or appear from the balcony
    overlooking the public space.
  • 5. Benito Mussolini signed Vatican City into existence. The
    dispute between the Italian government and the Catholic Church ended in
    1929 with the signing of the Lateran Pacts, which allowed the Vatican
    to exist as its own sovereign state and compensated the church $92
    million (more than $1 billion in today’s money) for the Papal States.
    The Vatican used the payment as seed money to re-grow its coffers.
    Mussolini, the head of the Italian government, signed the treaty on
    behalf of King Victor Emmanuel III.
  • 6. Popes did not live at the Vatican until the 14th century. Even
    after the construction of the original St. Peter’s Basilica, popes
    lived principally at the Lateran Palace across Rome. They even left the
    city altogether in 1309 when the papal court moved to Avignon, France,
    after King Philip IV arranged for a French cardinal to be elected pope.
    Seven popes, all French, ruled from Avignon, and the papacy did not
    return to Rome until 1377, by which time the Lateran Palace had burned
    and the Vatican started to be used as a papal residence. Much repair
    work needed to be done, however, because the Vatican had fallen into
    such disrepair that wolves dug for bodies in the cemetery and cows even
    wandered the basilica.
  • 7. The Swiss Guard was hired as a mercenary force. The
    Swiss Guard, recognizable by its armor and colorful Renaissance-era
    uniforms, has been protecting the pontiff since 1506. That’s when Pope
    Julius II, following in the footsteps of many European courts of the
    time, hired one of the Swiss mercenary forces for his personal
    protection. The Swiss Guard’s role in Vatican City is strictly to
    protect the safety of the pope. Although the world’s smallest standing
    army appears to be strictly ceremonial, its soldiers are extensively
    trained and highly skilled marksmen. And, yes, the force is entirely
    comprised of Swiss citizens.
  • 8. At several times during the Vatican’s history, popes escaped through a secret passageway. In
    1277, a half-mile-long elevated covered passageway, the Passetto di
    Borgo, was constructed to link the Vatican with the fortified Castel
    Sant’Angelo on the banks of the Tiber River. It served as an escape
    route for popes, most notably in 1527 when it likely saved the life of
    Pope Clement VII during the sack of Rome. As the forces of Holy Roman
    Emperor Charles V rampaged through the city and murdered priests and
    nuns, the Swiss Guard held back the enemy long enough to allow Clement
    to safely reach the Castel Sant’Angelo, although 147 of the pope’s
    forces lost their lives in the battle.
  • 9. The majority of Vatican City’s 600 citizens live abroad. As
    of 2011, the number of people with Vatican citizenship totaled 594.
    That number included 71 cardinals, 109 members of the Swiss Guard, 51
    members of the clergy and one nun inside the Vatican walls. The largest
    group of citizens, however, was the 307 members of the clergy in
    diplomatic positions around the world. With Benedict XVI residing as a
    pope emeritus in the Vatican, the population will increase by one when a
    new pope is named.
  • 10. The Vatican Observatory owns a telescope in Arizona. As
    Rome expanded, light pollution from the city made it increasingly
    difficult for astronomers at the Vatican Observatory—located 15 miles
    from the city at the papal summer residence in Castel Gandolfo—to view
    the night skies, so in 1981 the observatory opened a second research
    center in Tucson, Arizona. The Vatican conducts astronomical research
    with a state-of-the-art telescope that sits atop Mount Graham in
    southeast Arizona.

At The Vatican Today Pope Francis Gave President Trump The Gospel...Of Climate Change • Now The End Begins

Open Border Liberals Who Live Behind Walls In Gated Communities Should Immediately Stop Talking • Now The End Begins

Open Border Liberals Who Live Behind Walls In Gated Communities Should Immediately Stop Talking

This is typical thinking of the rich, Marxist liberals who have one set
of rules for the general population to live by, and another set of
rules by which they exist. Europe right now, especially France and
England are besieged by Islamic terror attacks because over the past 10
years they have allowed an uncheck and unvetted stream of immigrants to
take up residence in their countries, create sleeper cells and then plan
and execute terror attacks.

megastar Katy Perry made an impassioned plea for people to “co-exist”
and said that “barriers” or “borders” could detract from that goal in an
interview following the terrorist bombing at an Ariana Grande concert
in Manchester, U.K. on Monday night that claimed the lives of at least
22 people and injured dozens of others.

In an interview Tuesday on Elvis Duran and the Morning Show, the
“Chained to the Rhythm” singer suggested that people “unite” following
the tragedy, which occurred as young fans and their parents were leaving
the 21,000-seat arena at around 10:35 p.m. local time.

Katy Perry On Manchester Bombing: We Need To Unite & Love Each Other…No Barriers…No Borders…Coexist

we say behind people’s backs, the Internet can be a little bit ruthless
as far as fan bases go but I think that the greatest thing we can do is
just unite and love on each other,” Perry said, adding, “No barriers,
no borders, we all just need to co-exist.”

Hmm, does that strike you as odd in any way? It should. Katy Perry just purchased a new home in LA that
sits behind massive security gates and rimmed with security fences in a
secluded area. After calling for “no barriers or borders” for victims
of Islamic terrorism, will she now be uninstalling the massive walls of
protection in her new home?

Lol, lets move on.

mark-zuckerberg-facebook-home-hawaii-stone-wallA few years ago,
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife went on vacation to the
beautiful Hawaiian island of Kauai. Like many before him, he fell in
love with the place.

Zuckerberg then reportedly spent $100 million to purchase 700 acres of land.

say the social media multi-billionaire isn’t being very neighbourly. He
put up a wall surrounding the expansive property and he’s launched
lawsuits against hundreds of Hawaiians who might have small claims to
land within his new estate.

Now that’s funny because the Facebook CEO and cofounder expressed concern over Trump’s executive orders on
immigration and refugees. “Like many of you, I’m concerned about the
impact of the recent executive orders signed by President Trump,”
Zuckerberg wrote in a Facebook post, which cited his family’s immigrant background and his volunteer work with undocumented schoolchildren.

should also keep our doors open to refugees and those who need help,”
Zuckerberg wrote. “That’s who we are. Had we turned away refugees a few
decades ago, Priscilla’s family wouldn’t be here today.”

This is typical thinking of the rich, Marxist liberals
who have one set of rules for the general population to live by, and
another set of rules by which they exist. Europe right now, especially
France and England are besieged by Islamic terror attacks because over
the past 10 years they have allowed an uncheck and unvetted stream of
immigrants to take up residence in their countries, create sleeper cells
and then plan and execute terror attacks.

Every, single rich celebrity Liberal out there
has bodyguards, gates, walls, locks and all manner of security to keep
them safe from their fans, yet at the same time rail against national
security measures to protect citizens from Islamic terrorists. Their
answer to the recent Manchester killing of innocents by Islamic terrorist Salman Abedi amounts to nothing more than pious words, teddy bears, candlelit vigils and #PrayForManchester hashtags.

Liberals want you to be docile, unarmed and unwilling to fight back and protect yourself, while they live behind locked gates.

It’s time to fight back, against both the terrorists and the Liberals.

Open Border Liberals Who Live Behind Walls In Gated Communities Should Immediately Stop Talking • Now The End Begins

As Muslim Immigration To United States Increases, So Does Female Genital Mutilation Brutality Against Women • Now The End Begins

As Muslim Immigration To United States Increases, So Does Female Genital Mutilation Brutality Against Women

In a report last year, the CDC says the surge in female genital
mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) is “wholly a result of rapid growth in the
number of immigrants from FGM/C-practicing countries living in the
United States.” It then went on to list those countries, and virtually
all of them have large Muslim populations.

you think the cases of little-girl genital mutilation that made
national headlines last month after a flurry of arrests in Detroit is a
one-off event, think again.

Female Genital Mutilation is a disgusting and barbaric custom practiced
by Muslim-dominated countries around the world to enslave and dominate
young Islamic women. Islamic butchers like to call it “female
circumcision”, but in reality it is more in line with female castration.
As Muslims immigrate to the United States in ever-larger numbers,
incidences of this illegal act grow exponentially. Mohammed told his
followers in the hadith to do this to their young girls. Mohammed had a 6-year old wife. You do the math.

The CDC estimates that more than 513,000 girls and women — most of them living in New York, DC and Minneapolis — are now at risk of such disfigurement across the country, a threefold increase since 1990. What’s behind the sickening trend? Muslim immigration.

If it’s “Islamophobic” to say that, blame the US government.

In a report last year, the CDC says the surge in female genital mutilation/cutting
(FGM/C) is “wholly a result of rapid growth in the number of immigrants
from FGM/C-practicing countries living in the United States.” It then
went on to list those countries, and virtually all of them have large
Muslim populations.

Female Genital Mutilation Comes to America:

Immigrants from Indonesia,
the largest Muslim nation, are not factored into the government’s
513,000 figure. If they were, the size of the CDC estimate would likely
grow by “several tens of thousands,” the 2016 study’s lead author says.

figures became available after we wrote our paper, but it turns out
that FGM was much more common in Indonesia than had been thought,”
recently retired CDC researcher Howard Goldberg told The Post.

CDC report singles out Syrian refugees, warning the barbaric practice
may be widespread among these immigrants seeking asylum in the US.

not just Muslim parents performing the religious — albeit illegal —
ritual. It’s also licensed doctors at respected hospitals, who also
happen to be Muslim. And they have the blessing of some of the most
eminent Muslim scholars in America.

While Islamic apologists
insist FGM has nothing to do with Islam, that it’s a pagan African
custom, such arguments appear to be disinformation designed to protect
the faith at the expense of little girls. Consider that the Assembly of
Muslim Jurists in America, which renders official religious rulings for
Muslims living in the US, promotes clitoris cutting as beneficial for

Senior AMJA official Dr. Hatem Elhagaly has ruled that the
practice was endorsed by the Muslim prophet Muhammad in a hadith, or
sacred supplement to the Koran. “A very small portion of the clitoris
may be removed in the procedure,” he wrote in a recent fatwa.

American Academy of Pediatrics fellow and Mayo Clinic pediatrician
until 2012, Elhagaly acknowledges the practice is controversial, but
advises American Muslims to ignore criticism: “We, however, should never
doubt anything in our religion because of the bad publicity the media
creates about it. Would it have been sensible for Muslims 50 years ago
to doubt male circumcision because it was not yet shown by science to be
of benefit?

“The same could be true with female circumcision,” he
added. “They may figure out the benefits of the practice in 50 or 500

The World Health Organization, however, says the painful
practice has no known health benefits. In fact, it can cause
complications during childbirth, make intercourse painful and remove any
pleasure a woman can get from sex.

Lawyers for the two Muslim
doctors who federal authorities recently arrested in Detroit for
mutilating two 7-year-old girls — and possibly 70 others — also claim
they were doing it for health reasons. But the prosecutor argued, “This
brutal practice is conducted on girls for one reason — to control them
as women.” Forcing them to have all or part of their clitoris removed,
the criminal complaint explains, ensures they remain chaste and don’t
cheat on their future husbands. source

As Muslim Immigration To United States Increases, So Does Female Genital Mutilation Brutality Against Women • Now The End Begins

Shock As President Trump In Israel Blows Off Promise To Move Embassy To Jerusalem Saying 'That's A Good One' • Now The End Begins

Shock As President Trump In Israel Blows Off Promise To Move Embassy To Jerusalem Saying ‘That’s A Good One’

Out of all the comments he could have said, that is the one comment,
that in my mind, comes as close to "I've decided not to keep my campaign
promise to move the embassy" as you can possibly get. True, you never
know what Trump will do as we witnessed in the Comey firing, but as far
as ominous signs go, this one bodes not well.

after landing in Ben Gurion Airport Monday afternoon, President Trump
shook hands with members of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s cabinet.

“And in that day will I make Jerusalem
a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it
shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered
together against it.”
Zechariah 12:3 (KJV)

While most cabinet members
made do with a simple “Hello, Mr. President”, “Welcome to Israel”, or
other pleasantries, Bennett took the opportunity to make a personal, if
brief, appeal to the president to make good on his 2016 campaign promise
to recognize Jerusalem as the united capital of Israel.

to Israel. It’s Jerusalem’s birthday, you know – 50 years,” Bennett
told the president. “This is the time to recognize Jerusalem.”

Trump responded to Bennett saying, “That’s a good one…” before moving on. You can read the rest of the story here on the website.

Hmm, interesting comment for the president to make,
“that’s a good one”. Out of all the comments he could have said, that
is the one comment, that in my mind, comes as close to “I’ve decided not
to keep my campaign promise to move the embassy” as you can possibly
get. True, you never know what Trump will do as we witnessed in the
Comey firing, but as far as ominous signs go, this one bodes not well.

It is a far cry from his oft-repeated campaign promise to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem and recognize the same as the capital city of Israel, as we see here below:

Not only that,
not once during his two day stay in the Holy Land have I heard
President Trump utter a single sentence of support for Jerusalem as
being the capital of Israel. If you have a link to a story or video
showing him vocalizing support for Jerusalem and Israel, please post it
in the comments section below.

The Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995

For those of you who don’t know The Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995
was sponsored by Sen. Bob Dole, signed into law by then-president Bill
Clinton, and became enacted on November 8, 1995. The act stipulates that
Jerusalem “should remain an undivided city” and “should be recognized
as the capital of the State of Israel.”

The law further states
that the above should occur no later than May 31, 1999 – but adds the
famous “presidential waiver” clause allowing the president to suspend
the law’s implementation for six months “if he determines and reports to
Congress in advance that such suspension is necessary to protect the
national security interests of the United States.”

All three presidents since then – Clinton, Bush, and Obama – have availed themselves of this privilege, and the embassy has remained in Tel Aviv.
Donald Trump campaigned hard on the promise that he would be the
president who would finally buck the status quo and actually move the
Embassy to Jerusalem. And this is where things get interesting.

On June 1, the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 will automatically take effect unless President Trump moves to stop it

As of the time of this writing,
President Trump is physically in the nation of Israel, visiting
Jerusalem. Is it possible he will make the announcement to move the
Embassy to Jerusalem? Yes, it is possible though not likely probable. As
previously stated, he has yet to utter word one regarding Jerusalem as
the “undivided capital of Israel”.

But in exactly 9 days from today,
on June 1st, the move to finally authorize the switch to Jerusalem will
automatically be triggered. All Trump has to do is nothing, just let it
happen. This is something that all presidents over the past 22 years
did not have the guts to do. At the last second, they all signed the
waiver to delay it for another 6 months.

In exactly 9 days from today,
the world will know if Donald Trump is the true “agent of change” he
promised to be, by allowing the waiver stopping the Embassy transfer to
expire. But if he signs a new waiver, then you may rightly expect he
will never authorize the move of the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to

If President Trump doesn’t fulfill the
very promise that allowed him to win against all odds, if America
refuses to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, then you would
have to ask a very serious and sobering question. And that very simply
is this.

What does God need America for anyway, and why should He
continue to preserve us, if we cannot acknowledge that Jerusalem is the
capital of Israel?

Shock As President Trump In Israel Blows Off Promise To Move Embassy To Jerusalem Saying 'That's A Good One' • Now The End Begins

Trump’s Visit to Western Wall Affirms That Land of Israel Is God-Given - Breaking Israel News

President Trump’s Momentous Visit to Western Wall Touches the People of Israel

“At that time they shall call
Yerushalayim the throne of Hashem; and all the nations shall be gathered
unto it, to the name of Hashem, to Yerushalayim.” Jeremiah 3:17 (The Israel Bible™)

In an unprecedented and historic
gesture on Monday, US President Donald Trump became the first sitting
American president ever to visit the Western Wall, the last remaining
remnant of the Jewish Holy Temple destroyed 2,000 years ago and one of
the holiest sites in Israel. The visit deeply touched the people of
Israel, who saw it as a true affirmation that the president recognizes
the Biblical and God-given nature of the Jewish land.

His visit came the day before Israel
is due to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the city’s unification in
the 1967 Six-Day War, when the Temple Mount, the holiest site in
Judaism, returned to the Jews after 2,000 years.

All eyes were on President Trump, joined by wife, daughter, son-in-law
and a large entourage of security personnel, as he made his way on
Monday afternoon through the twisting cobblestone alleys of the Old City
to emerge onto the completely emptied plaza of the Western Wall, or
Kotel – a trip no other acting president has ever made.

more at

Trump’s Visit to Western Wall Affirms That Land of Israel Is God-Given - Breaking Israel News