Thursday, May 25, 2017

DEEP STATE: Sean Hannity Is Silenced After Trying To Expose The Seth Rich Connection To WikiLeaks • Now The End Begins

DEEP STATE: Sean Hannity Is Silenced After Trying To Expose The Seth Rich Connection To WikiLeaks

Media Matters is “targeting my advertisers to silence my voice,”
Hannity tweeted. “They hope to get me fired. Rush (Limbaugh), O’Reilly,
(Glenn) Beck, (Don) Imus and now me.” He posted a series of links to
articles about Media Matters’ funding, and ties to figures reviled by
many conservatives, like George Soros and Bill Clinton.

Hannity says a media watchdog is guilty of “liberal fascism” for
targeting advertisers on his Fox News Channel show, as one company
announced Wednesday that it would no longer hawk its wares there

The Chicago-based
said that it had been “watching closely” and recently decided to
suspend its backing of Hannity.  Hannity, the sole survivor from Fox’s
once stable and powerful prime-time lineup, has been a strong backer of
President Donald Trump and believes the president is under attack from
media and opponents who want to destroy him. On Wednesday, Hannity said
he would no longer talk about a discredited story involving a murdered
Democratic National Committee chairman after speaking to the man’s
family, and after Fox had earlier retracted an online story it had
written about the case.

Uncertainty over whether Hannity would defy
his network’s bosses over the story led to big ratings on Wednesday.
The show reached 2.5 million viewers, or 50 percent more than it had for
the same night a year earlier, the Nielsen company said.

Hannity: It’s Time for Trump to ‘Purge’ the Deep State ‘Saboteurs Before It’s Too Late’

The same Deep State that Sean Hannity warned were conspiring to take down Trump have now set their sites on him.

On Wednesday,
Hannity sent a steady stream of tweets that targeted Media Matters for
America, the liberal lobbyists who a day earlier had posted a list of
his show’s advertisers on its web site. Targeting a show’s advertisers
is a potent line of attack in television; the swift abandonment of Bill
O’Reilly’s advertisers last month after the revelation of settlements
paid to women to quiet harassment charges was widely considered a factor
in his firing by Fox.

Media Matters is “targeting my advertisers
to silence my voice,” Hannity tweeted. “They hope to get me fired. Rush
(Limbaugh), O’Reilly, (Glenn) Beck, (Don) Imus and now me.” He posted a
series of links to articles about Media Matters’ funding, and ties to
figures reviled by many conservatives, like George Soros and Bill

Media Matters denied that it was mounting a pressure
campaign focusing on Hannity’s advertisers. The organization’s president
Angelo Carusone said he hadn’t spoken to any sponsors. He said he
wanted advertisers to be aware of Hannity’s “volatility” as part of a
general Media Matters campaign to get them to think about advertising on
Fox; Media Matters hasn’t posted a list of sponsors for any other
specific show.

Saying there’s no boycott campaign may be a distinction without a difference, however

Media Matters
listed on its website more than 150 companies that had run commercials
on “Hannity” in May, ranging from Lexus to Reddi-wip to Comedy Central.
Hannity tweeted Wednesday that he’d spoken to several of his advertisers
and they said they’d been “inundated” with emails urging them to stop
running commercials on his show. said in a statement that its decision to advertise on a show doesn’t mean it agrees or disagrees with its content.

don’t have the ability to influence content at the time we make our
advertising purchase,” the company said. “In this case, we’ve been
watching closely and have recently made the decision to pull our
advertising from Hannity.”

Hannity on Seth Rich Controversy: ‘For Now, I am Not Discussing the Matter at This Time’

company did not make clear when it made that decision or what about
Hannity’s content influenced its executives. A company representative
did not immediately return a call seeking comment.

By alerting his supporters about the list of advertisers, Hannity has played into his critics’ hands, Carusone said.

has demonstrated that he’s totally volatile and out of control,” he
said. “Hannity has done more to create pressure for his advertisers than
I have.”

Carusone suggested that Hannity is “acting out of fear
and anxiety over the future of Fox News by preying on the fears and
anxieties of his audience.”

“We’re not running a campaign to get him fired right now,” he said.

was active on Twitter before his show Tuesday, saying that he would
discuss the case of murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich and his own future on
Fox. It clearly paid off by drawing interest; his viewership was just
under the 2.6 million reached by the current queen of prime-time cable
television, Rachel Maddow, on MSNBC. source

DEEP STATE: Sean Hannity Is Silenced After Trying To Expose The Seth Rich Connection To WikiLeaks • Now The End Begins

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