Saturday, May 27, 2017

After 20 Years Of Unchecked Muslim Immigration, The UK Is Now Home To 23,000+ Islamic Terrorists • Now The End Begins

After 20 Years Of Unchecked Muslim Immigration, The UK Is Now Home To 23,000+ Islamic Terrorists

Under the delusion of multiculturalism, European states have allowed
millions of Muslim migrants to live within their borders, but with
assimilating into the culture of their host countries. The recent
Ramadan bombing of innocents at the Manchester Arena had Britons picking
the flesh of the victims out of their hair, you would think that would
have been a massive wakeup call for them, right? Wrong.
 Read on:

After 20 Years Of Unchecked Muslim Immigration, The UK Is Now Home To 23,000+ Islamic Terrorists • Now The End Begins

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