Thursday, May 18, 2017

RINO John McCain Comes Out Swinging Against President Trump, Joins Chorus Of Far-Left Voices • Now The End Begins

RINO John McCain Comes Out Swinging Against President Trump, Joins Chorus Of Far-Left Voices

John McCain’s comments add to rumblings among certain other Republicans on Capitol Hill who have signaled their willingness to abandon Trump over the allegations in Comey’s memo and reports of discussion of classified information with Russian diplomats. The Hill reported Wednesday that the Comey Memo was causing more GOPers to try and detach their legislative agenda from the president.

Longtime Trump opponent Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) added his voice to the chorus of alarm Tuesday in the wake of a New York Times report on an alleged memo from ex-FBI Director James Comey.

“We’ve seen this movie before,” McCain told CBS News’s Bob Schieffer. “I think it’s reaching the point where it’s of Watergate size and scale… it’s a centipede that the shoe continues to drop.”

“Every couple of days, there’s a new aspect of this really unhappy situation… None of us, no matter what our political leanings are, no matter how we feel about Trump, feel this is not good for America,” McCain added.

The comments are the harshest yet from the GOP side of the aisle and come as some Democrats are openly calling for President Donald Trump impeachment over the “Comey Memo.” Rep. Al Green (D-TX) did so on the House floor Tuesday morning.

McCain: Trump’s actions are of “Watergate size and scale”

John McCain’s comments add to rumblings among certain other Republicans on Capitol Hill who have signaled their willingness to abandon Trump over the allegations in Comey’s memo and reports of discussion of classified information with Russian diplomats. The Hill reported Wednesday that the Comey Memo was causing more GOPers to try and detach their legislative agenda from the president.

Hilton: Establishment wants Trump out right now

McCain has been a proponent of the Russian election-influence narrative, and a central figure in Senate hearings on the issue. He expressed his dismay over President Trump’s decision to dismiss Comey last week.

six-term senator and 2008 GOP nominee for president has been a pillar
of anti-Trump Republicans since shortly after Trump’s announcement in
2015 when the two became embroiled in a controversy over Trump’s comment on McCain’s time as a Vietnam POW. “Never Trump” commentator Bill Kristol even called for McCain to intervene as an independent candidate on the eve of the 2016 Republican National Convention.
McCain’s opposition to Russia’s foreign policy ambitions, dating back to the Cold War era, has played a central role in his political career. In his 2008 bid for the presidency, McCain famously wrote that “we are all Georgians” in advocating a stronger American response to the contemporaneous Russian military intervention in the small Caucasian state. He similarly called for the United States to provide military aid to Ukraine in 2014.

Although he stopped well short of calling for impeachment or resignation, the ultimate fate of President Richard Nixon in the 1970s scandal he referenced, McCain’s appraisal of the situation fits neatly into an emerging mainstream media narrative that Trump’s actions rise to an equivalent level. source

RINO John McCain Comes Out Swinging Against President Trump, Joins Chorus Of Far-Left Voices • Now The End Begins

Crazed Democrats And RINO GOP'ers Are Now Preparing To Call For President Trump's Impeachment • Now The End Begins

Crazed Democrats And RINO GOP’ers Are Now Preparing To Call For President Trump’s Impeachment

Last week, Democratic Rep. Mark Pocan of Wisconsin suggested the
country needed an “impeachment clock” to track how close the president
was to being removed from office. Pressure might also mount from the
party’s liberal base, which has grown in size and relevance since
Trump’s election, to call for impeachment.

strategists are racing to figure out whether it’s politically wise to
call for President Donald Trump’s impeachment, as one bombshell
revelation after another about his ties to Russia is forcing candidates
for the Senate and House of Representatives to consider the question far
sooner than anyone had expected.

In a significant development,
party operatives say they expect Democrats to poll-test the public’s
views on impeachment, trying to acquire hard data about an issue that
until now has not been seriously analyzed. Other strategists say that
candidates and party organizations will begin conducting focus groups on
the question.

These operatives acknowledge they’ve been caught
off guard by the speed with which impeachment has become a relevant
issue – and are wary of the political damage it could cause if not
handled correctly.

Even 10 days ago, before Trump
fired FBI Director James Comey, few party officials had even considered
such a dramatic move, which has happened only twice in American

“I mean, man, it’s not even Memorial Day!” said one Democratic operative.

Marxist Maxine Waters Calls for Impeachment of Pres. Trump at Tax Day Rally

Only after testing the question with voters will the party have a firmer sense of how it should act.

have no clue, to be honest,” another Democratic operative said when
asked what party strategists made of the politics of impeachment after
The New York Times reported on a Comey memo that alleges Trump asked the
then-FBI director to drop his probe of the president’s first national
security adviser. “Still processing what we’re reading in The Times.”

So far, a handful of Democratic lawmakers have outright called for impeachment.
Most have preferred a more cautious approach, calling for a special
prosecutor to oversee the investigation into Trump officials’ possible
ties to Russia.

strategists emphasized that they expect that questions of independent
investigations – and not calls for impeachment – will be the
overwhelming focus for the party in the coming days.

on Tuesday night, CNN reported that even Republican lawmakers are now
debating whether to support an independent prosecutor or independent
commission after the latest round of revelations.

And some Democrats are starting to at least entertain the possibility of impeachment.

“If it is, in fact, true, then yes, that is an impeachable offense,” said Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-Texas, on CNN.

week, Democratic Rep. Mark Pocan of Wisconsin suggested the country
needed an “impeachment clock” to track how close the president was to
being removed from office. Pressure might also mount from the party’s
liberal base, which has grown in size and relevance since Trump’s
election, to call for impeachment. source

Crazed Democrats And RINO GOP'ers Are Now Preparing To Call For President Trump's Impeachment • Now The End Begins

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

The Real News Coming Out Of Washington Is That President Trump Is The Target Of A Political Coup • Now The End Begins

The Real News Coming Out Of Washington Is That President Trump Is The Target Of A Political Coup

The bottom line is that we have some very powerful people in Washington who really don't like how democracy played out this time around and what they do to attack it next isn't going to be any better than what they're doing now.

Someone at the highest levels of government has leaked information to the news media about President Trump’s discussions with Russian officials. That’s potentially a serious crime. And, this wasn’t the first time.

EDITOR’S NOTE: By now it has become obvious to even the casual observer that our president is under dire, direct and sustained attack. There is a very powerful and organized behind-the-scenes campaign to destroy his presidency. All signs point to the Obama Shadow Government whose HQ is mere blocks from the White House. The fake news media has been relentless with their made-up reporting of half-truths while completely ignoring the real issues. The Far Left will stop at nothing to take down Trump, even if it includes a trip to the grassy knoll. 

There is, indeed, a bombshell of a story coming out of the news that President Donald Trump revealed sensitive information during his White House meeting with Russian officials last week. But it’s not that President Trump committed any crime. The really alarming news is that the duly-elected President of the United States appears to be the target of a political coup.

First, let’s be clear: President Trump has been sloppy, arrogant, and just plain misguided plenty of times during his short tenure in office — including the way he handled the firing of FBI Director James Comey and the hiring and firing of National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. And if he did unnecessarily compromise the source of the sensitive information he shared with the Russians, shame on him.

But a president cannot be removed from office for arrogance and sloppiness. The Constitution sets specific grounds for impeachment. They are “treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors.” To be impeached and removed from office, the House and Senate must find that the official committed one of these acts.

Hannity: 5 major forces are aligning to take down Trump

Here’s what I think is the bigger scandal: Someone at the highest levels of government has leaked information to the news media about President Trump’s discussions with Russian officials. That’s potentially a serious crime. And, this wasn’t the first time.

What all of the leaked stories have in common is that they were immediately beset with multiple leaks from highly placed officials meant to deeply defame President Trump. Once again, it’s important to note that a good deal of these leaks may, indeed, be illegal. The Espionage Act bans transmitting or communicating information “relating to the national defense” if the leaker believes the information could be used to harm the United States or aid a foreign nation. And it’s hard to see how these many leaks aren’t helping our enemies.

Hillary commands her followers to resist the Trump administration:

Where are these leaks coming from? When we look at the most likely sources, we find no real comfort. The first possibility is that someone close to President Trump himself is essentially acting like a mole in the White House. Remember that when the story broke Monday, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, and Deputy National Security Adviser Dina Powell were all in the room with President Trump and the Russians last week and they all flatly denied the news reports. If one of them is saying one thing publicly and something else to contacts in the news media, that is certainly not encouraging.

Then-candidate Donald Trump indeed insulted the intelligence community during the election, and many have concluded that this is their plotted revenge.

Almost as bad is the possibility that someone on one of the congressional intelligence committees is the source of this and other leaks. It’s one thing to use domestic policy or even overt foreign policy information to oppose a sitting president. It’s another to compromise knowledge of intelligence briefing materials to do so.

Obama creating a ‘shadow government?’

Here’s the kicker: None of this is actually working where it counts. Again, we have not one piece of evidence of any impeachable act. And it’s not even truly working in the polls. President Trump’s approval ratings may be lower than any modern president this early in his tenure, but they’re still higher than they were throughout the election. If anything, these constant attacks coming from this obviously angry and potentially illegal place are only strengthening the resolve of Trump’s base of supporters. They elected a guy they believed was truly the enemy of the established political class. And right on cue, the established political class is stopping at nothing to prove them right.

For all the things President Trump has said that have dragged down the level of our American political discourse, this sustained takedown effort is worse. And it’s not clear how this is going to end. Unlike President Trump, the leakers remain anonymous and thus unaccountable. They can presumably go on forever. And President Trump doesn’t seem like he’s going to stop fighting back or irritating and threatening his political opponents.

But don’t fool yourself into thinking this is OK or even tolerable. The bottom line is that we have some very powerful people in Washington who really don’t like how democracy played out this time around and what they do to attack it next isn’t going to be any better than what they’re doing now.

Luckily the American people remain wisely circumspect about all of this. President Trump’s polls aside, the voters are still giving him a decent shot to govern. And unaccountable people in Washington shouldn’t be trying to make that decision for us. source

The Real News Coming Out Of Washington Is That President Trump Is The Target Of A Political Coup • Now The End Begins

North Korea Modernizes Weapons Program And Is On An Accelerated Path To Build Nuclear ICBMs • Now The End Begins

North Korea Modernizes Weapons Program And Is On An Accelerated Path To Build Nuclear ICBMs

North Korea has said through state media that it has no choice but to
advance its nuclear and missile development to defend itself from
attack. It has said its weapons program is impervious to sanctions and
is already capable of hitting the U.S. with a nuclear-tipped missile.

Korea’s launch on Sunday of its most-sophisticated missile yet offered
new clues into how serious the country is in its nuclear ambitions

In the past three years,
North Korea has launched more major missiles than in the three previous
decades combined. That acceleration is one of the most dramatic signs
of leader Kim Jong Un’s push to overhaul the country’s weapons program
since he took power in late 2011. He has modernized production of
nuclear and missile parts, upgraded the program within the military
hierarchy and overtly pampered engineers, forcing Western leaders to
worry more about Pyongyang’s intentions than ever before.

On Sunday, North Korea launched a newly developed intermediate-range missile,
its 10th missile firing this year. Mr. Kim attended the test of the
nuclear-capable missile and described it as a “perfect weapon system,”
according to a state media report. Initial projections from several
experts suggested it would be able to reach U.S. military forces in

Even apparent failed missile launches, like one that blew up
within minutes on April 28, are now seen by independent experts as
signs of North Korea’s progress. Learning from those failures would move
the regime closer to its ultimate goal of mastering a long-range
missile that could threaten the U.S. with nuclear attack.

North Korea warns that nuclear-armed missile can strike U.S. territory:

For decades, Mr. Kim’s father and grandfather used the country’s missile program
to gain leverage in diplomatic talks and revenue from weapon exports.
Technological advances came slowly. That changed when Kim Jong Il died
and was succeeded by his youngest son, believed to be 33 years old.

dictator has shown no interest in negotiating with the U.S. about the
missile program, and North Korea’s nuclear ambition and skill are
advancing much more quickly.

The country is conducting missile
tests with the frequency needed to ensure the weapons can be reliably
used in conflict. A range of recent breakthroughs has forced the U.S.
and its allies to review their missile defenses.

Could North Korea trigger a nuclear war?

Jong Un very much wants to reach out and touch the homeland,” Gen. Lori
Robinson, head of the U.S. Northern Command, the part of the military
responsible for defending the U.S. mainland, told the Senate Armed
Services Committee in April.

Tackling the threat could become an
early point of tension between U.S. President Donald Trump, who is
trying to pressure Pyongyang into changing course, and new South Korean
President Moon Jae-in, who favors diplomacy and economic engagement with
North Korea. North Korea has said through state media that it has no
choice but to advance its nuclear and missile development to defend
itself from attack. It has said its weapons program is impervious to
sanctions and is already capable of hitting the U.S. with a
nuclear-tipped missile. source

North Korea Modernizes Weapons Program And Is On An Accelerated Path To Build Nuclear ICBMs • Now The End Begins

North Korea Modernizes Weapons Program And Is On An Accelerated Path To Build Nuclear ICBMs • Now The End Begins

North Korea Modernizes Weapons Program And Is On An Accelerated Path To Build Nuclear ICBMs

North Korea has said through state media that it has no choice but to
advance its nuclear and missile development to defend itself from
attack. It has said its weapons program is impervious to sanctions and
is already capable of hitting the U.S. with a nuclear-tipped missile.

Korea’s launch on Sunday of its most-sophisticated missile yet offered
new clues into how serious the country is in its nuclear ambitions

In the past three years,
North Korea has launched more major missiles than in the three previous
decades combined. That acceleration is one of the most dramatic signs
of leader Kim Jong Un’s push to overhaul the country’s weapons program
since he took power in late 2011. He has modernized production of
nuclear and missile parts, upgraded the program within the military
hierarchy and overtly pampered engineers, forcing Western leaders to
worry more about Pyongyang’s intentions than ever before.

On Sunday, North Korea launched a newly developed intermediate-range missile,
its 10th missile firing this year. Mr. Kim attended the test of the
nuclear-capable missile and described it as a “perfect weapon system,”
according to a state media report. Initial projections from several
experts suggested it would be able to reach U.S. military forces in

Even apparent failed missile launches, like one that blew up
within minutes on April 28, are now seen by independent experts as
signs of North Korea’s progress. Learning from those failures would move
the regime closer to its ultimate goal of mastering a long-range
missile that could threaten the U.S. with nuclear attack.

North Korea warns that nuclear-armed missile can strike U.S. territory:

For decades, Mr. Kim’s father and grandfather used the country’s missile program
to gain leverage in diplomatic talks and revenue from weapon exports.
Technological advances came slowly. That changed when Kim Jong Il died
and was succeeded by his youngest son, believed to be 33 years old.

dictator has shown no interest in negotiating with the U.S. about the
missile program, and North Korea’s nuclear ambition and skill are
advancing much more quickly.

The country is conducting missile
tests with the frequency needed to ensure the weapons can be reliably
used in conflict. A range of recent breakthroughs has forced the U.S.
and its allies to review their missile defenses.

Could North Korea trigger a nuclear war?

Jong Un very much wants to reach out and touch the homeland,” Gen. Lori
Robinson, head of the U.S. Northern Command, the part of the military
responsible for defending the U.S. mainland, told the Senate Armed
Services Committee in April.

Tackling the threat could become an
early point of tension between U.S. President Donald Trump, who is
trying to pressure Pyongyang into changing course, and new South Korean
President Moon Jae-in, who favors diplomacy and economic engagement with
North Korea. North Korea has said through state media that it has no
choice but to advance its nuclear and missile development to defend
itself from attack. It has said its weapons program is impervious to
sanctions and is already capable of hitting the U.S. with a
nuclear-tipped missile. source

North Korea Modernizes Weapons Program And Is On An Accelerated Path To Build Nuclear ICBMs • Now The End Begins

North Korea Modernizes Weapons Program And Is On An Accelerated Path To Build Nuclear ICBMs • Now The End Begins

North Korea Modernizes Weapons Program And Is On An Accelerated Path To Build Nuclear ICBMs

North Korea has said through state media that it has no choice but to
advance its nuclear and missile development to defend itself from
attack. It has said its weapons program is impervious to sanctions and
is already capable of hitting the U.S. with a nuclear-tipped missile.

Korea’s launch on Sunday of its most-sophisticated missile yet offered
new clues into how serious the country is in its nuclear ambitions

In the past three years,
North Korea has launched more major missiles than in the three previous
decades combined. That acceleration is one of the most dramatic signs
of leader Kim Jong Un’s push to overhaul the country’s weapons program
since he took power in late 2011. He has modernized production of
nuclear and missile parts, upgraded the program within the military
hierarchy and overtly pampered engineers, forcing Western leaders to
worry more about Pyongyang’s intentions than ever before.

On Sunday, North Korea launched a newly developed intermediate-range missile,
its 10th missile firing this year. Mr. Kim attended the test of the
nuclear-capable missile and described it as a “perfect weapon system,”
according to a state media report. Initial projections from several
experts suggested it would be able to reach U.S. military forces in

Even apparent failed missile launches, like one that blew up
within minutes on April 28, are now seen by independent experts as
signs of North Korea’s progress. Learning from those failures would move
the regime closer to its ultimate goal of mastering a long-range
missile that could threaten the U.S. with nuclear attack.

North Korea warns that nuclear-armed missile can strike U.S. territory:

For decades, Mr. Kim’s father and grandfather used the country’s missile program
to gain leverage in diplomatic talks and revenue from weapon exports.
Technological advances came slowly. That changed when Kim Jong Il died
and was succeeded by his youngest son, believed to be 33 years old.

dictator has shown no interest in negotiating with the U.S. about the
missile program, and North Korea’s nuclear ambition and skill are
advancing much more quickly.

The country is conducting missile
tests with the frequency needed to ensure the weapons can be reliably
used in conflict. A range of recent breakthroughs has forced the U.S.
and its allies to review their missile defenses.

Could North Korea trigger a nuclear war?

Jong Un very much wants to reach out and touch the homeland,” Gen. Lori
Robinson, head of the U.S. Northern Command, the part of the military
responsible for defending the U.S. mainland, told the Senate Armed
Services Committee in April.

Tackling the threat could become an
early point of tension between U.S. President Donald Trump, who is
trying to pressure Pyongyang into changing course, and new South Korean
President Moon Jae-in, who favors diplomacy and economic engagement with
North Korea. North Korea has said through state media that it has no
choice but to advance its nuclear and missile development to defend
itself from attack. It has said its weapons program is impervious to
sanctions and is already capable of hitting the U.S. with a
nuclear-tipped missile. source

North Korea Modernizes Weapons Program And Is On An Accelerated Path To Build Nuclear ICBMs • Now The End Begins

The Clue To The Identity Of The Woman In Revelation 12 Is Found All The Way Back In Genesis 37 • Now The End Begins

The Clue To The Identity Of The Woman In Revelation 12 Is Found All The Way Back In Genesis 37

Who is the woman in Revelation 12? According the Genesis 37, the woman
is none other than the nation of Israel. It is ludicrous to suggest that
the woman is Mary, just as it is equally implausible to suggest the
woman is the Church.

The moon represents Joseph’s mother, Rachel. And the “11 stars” are Joseph’s brothers with Joseph himself being the 12th “star”.

there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun,
and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve
stars: And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained
to be delivered. And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold
a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns
upon his heads.”
Revelation 12:1-3 (KJV)

For starters,
the Church is removed from the Earth in the Rapture before the start of
the time of Jacob’s trouble. Why? Because it is Jacob’s trouble –
Israel’s trouble – and the Church has no business being there so we are
called up and away. We see this blessed event taking place, in type, in
Revelation 4:1,2 (KJV). But lately for some reason, I have been seeing
videos and reading articles trying to make a connection between
Revelation 12 and the Church. So I thought it would be edifying to take a
moment and visit with “the woman” of Revelation 12.

If you are a Catholic,
you have undoubtedly taught that this “woman” is Mary giving birth to
the baby Jesus. If you are a Laodicean with a “new version” of the
Bible, you’ve likely been taught that the “woman” is the Church. But
this brief study compare scripture with scripture to show you that the
woman of Revelation 12 is exactly who the Bible says she is. The nation
of Israel in the time of Jacob’s trouble.

For starters, this “woman” is wearing some mighty unique attire

Clothed with the sun,
a crown of stars (12, mind you), and standing upon the moon. As a child
in Catholic school, I constantly saw illustrations of the “virgin” Mary
adorned like that. So to most Catholics, this sure sounds like Mary,
right? Wrong. Do you remember where we have read a passage like that
before? It’s all the way back in Genesis.

he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said,
Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon
and the eleven stars made obeisance to me. And he told it to his father, and to his brethren: and his father rebuked him, and said unto him, What is
this dream that thou hast dreamed? Shall I and thy mother and thy
brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to the earth? And his
brethren envied him; but his father observed the saying.”
Genesis 37:9-11 (KJV)

Ahhh, yes, the dream of Joseph that got him in hot water.
And what do we see here? We see the very same sun, moon and stars from
Revelation 12, and this passage give us their identity. As you read the
verses in Genesis, you see instantly that the sun represents
Joseph’s father, Jacob. The moon represents Joseph’s mother, Rachel. And
the “11 stars” are Joseph’s brothers with Joseph himself being the 12th
“star”. This band of brothers are the 12 tribes of Israel. So the “sun,
moon and stars” are the entire family of Jacob, are they not? Indeed
they are, so let’s ask the really obvious question now.

Who is the woman in Revelation 12?
According the Genesis 37, the woman is none other than the nation of
Israel. It is ludicrous to suggest that the woman is Mary, just as it is
equally implausible to suggest the woman is the Church. While it’s true
that Jesus came out of Mary, it is equally true and perhaps more so
that He came out of the tribe of Judah which is part of national Israel.
As far as this woman being the Church, it is Jesus who birthed the
Church and not the other way around. The Church no where is referred to
as a “woman”. It is called a virgin and a bride, but never a woman.

Going a little further,
it is Jesus who will rule with a “rod of iron”, and it was Jesus in
Acts who was “caught up to God” while the apostles watched. More than
that, Paul never tells us Christians that we are “of Mary”, but that we
are the “seed of Abraham”.

to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to
seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ. And
if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”
Galatians 3:16,29 (KJV)

Israel is told to run for their lives, literally

Lastly, we know exactly
who is driven out into the wilderness in Revelation 12 because in
Matthew 24 where the same event is recorded, Jesus tells us who the
woman is. And it is absolutely not Mary or the Church.

ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by
Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him
understand:) Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:”
Matthew 24:15,16 (KJV)

The people who are “in Judea”
are the remnant of national Israel who have not taken the Mark of the
Beast, and Jesus commands them to literally run for their lives. They do
run, right to the red rock city of Selah Petra where God miraculously
protects and feeds them there for ” a thousand two hundred and threescore days”, or three and one half years.

The great red dragon of Revelation 12 is Leviathan from Job 40

And what about the dragon
“casting a flood” out of his mouth to try and drown Israel? Certainly
you remember our old friend Leviathan from the book of Job, right? The
same guy whom you were falsely told was a “dinosaur” is none other than
the Devil, and the book of Job is a picture of the Jew in the time of
Jacob’s trouble.

“Behold, he drinketh up a river, and hasteth not: he trusteth that he can draw up Jordan into his mouth.” Job 40:23 (KJV)

the Bible says that he “drinketh up a river”, it is directly
referencing Revelation 12:15 (KJV). See  how it is all coming together,
and everywhere you look it is referencing Israel.

By the time all this takes place,
the Church will have already been safely in Heaven for three and a half
years. We will be watching “from the balcony” as the nation of Israel
flees from Antichrist and hides out in Selah Petra.

Now you know who the woman is. It’s the nation of Israel. What part of Revelation 12 is the Church involved with? None of it.

Not a single, solitary, tiny little bit.

The Clue To The Identity Of The Woman In Revelation 12 Is Found All The Way Back In Genesis 37 • Now The End Begins

New Evidence Emerges Showing Seth Rich Murdered At Command Of DNC Operatives For Leaking Emails • Now The End Begins

New Evidence Emerges Showing Seth Rich Murdered At Command Of DNC Operatives For Leaking Emails

Seth Rich was shot and killed last July in Northwest D.C and police have suggested the killing in the District's Bloomingdale neighborhood was a botched robbery. However, online conspiracy theories have tied the murder to Rich's work at the DNC. Just two months shy of the one-year anniversary of Rich's death, FOX 5 has learned there is new information that could prove these theorists right.

It has been almost a year since Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich was murdered in the nation’s capital. There have been no solid answers about why he was killed until now.

EDITOR’S NOTE: For fans of the series “Prison Break“, you are quite familiar of how “The Company” operated and how they eliminated people who sought to expose them. From the moment Seth Rich was murdered, conspiracy theorists connected his untimely death with the fact that it appeared he was the informant to WikiLeaks of the DNC and Hillary Clinton-related bombshell emails. Snopes immediately dismissed this idea – but – in a stunning revelation today, it would appear that the conspiracy “nuts” were, once again, correct. Someone from the Democrat’s “company” ordered his execution, a special “someone” who added Rich to the Clinton Dead Pool. Hmmm, I wonder who that could be? And you know who it wasn’t? Russia. 

Seth Rich was shot and killed last July in Northwest D.C and police have suggested the killing in the District’s Bloomingdale neighborhood was a botched robbery. However, online conspiracy theories have tied the murder to Rich’s work at the DNC.  Just two months shy of the one-year anniversary of Rich’s death, FOX 5 has learned there is new information that could prove these theorists right.

Report: Slain DNC staffer Seth Rich was in contact with WikiLeaks

Why are the Democrats so bent of trying to connect Russia to the Wikileaks email dumps? To divert attention away from the fact that it wasn’t Russia but Seth Rich who did the leaking. And who killed Seth Rich? Ho, ho, ho, don’t YOU know?

Rod Wheeler, a private investigator hired by the Rich family, suggests there is tangible evidence on Rich’s laptop that confirms he was communicating with WikiLeaks prior to his death.

Now, questions have been raised on why D.C. police, the lead agency on this murder investigation for the past ten months, have insisted this was a robbery gone bad when there appears to be no evidence to suggest that.

Wheeler, a former D.C. police homicide detective, is running a parallel investigation into Rich’s murder. He said he believes there is a cover-up and the police department has been told to back down from the investigation.

Wikileaks releases hacked DNC emails:

It was not Russia who gave the emails to Wikileaks, it was Seth Rich. And he paid for it with his life.

“The police department nor the FBI have been forthcoming,” said Wheeler. “They haven’t been cooperating at all. I believe that the answer to solving his death lies on that computer, which I believe is either at the police department or either at the FBI. I have been told both.”

How Seth Rich and 4 others  joined the Clinton Body Count in 2016:

When we asked Wheeler if his sources have told him there is information that links Rich to Wikileaks, he said, “Absolutely. Yeah. That’s confirmed.”

Wheeler also told us, “I have a source inside the police department that has looked at me straight in the eye and said, ‘Rod, we were told to stand down on this case and I can’t share any information with you.’ Now, that is highly unusual for a murder investigation, especially from a police department. Again, I don’t think it comes from the chief’s office, but I do believe there is a correlation between the mayor’s office and the DNC and that is the information that will come out [Tuesday]. source

New Evidence Emerges Showing Seth Rich Murdered At Command Of DNC Operatives For Leaking Emails • Now The End Begins

Mosque Takes Over Pentecostal Church In North Carolina As Pastor Prays To Allah In Opening Service • Now The End Begins

Mosque Takes Over Pentecostal Church In North Carolina As Pastor Prays To Allah In Opening Service

When they opened on Saturday, Christian clergy, including Pastor Jim Melnyk of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, participated in the ceremony. Other pastors from Methodist and Baptist congregations were also present.

Christian clergy helped a Muslim mosque open in a Pentecostal church.

“Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” Amos 3:3 (KJV)

EDITOR’S NOTE: What does the compromised Laodicean church look like these days? It looks like this. Local pastors in North Carolina not only helped a mosque to take over a church building, but they also participated in the opening service in prayer to the moon god Allah. Do you think these pastors took a moment to tell their new Muslim neighbors that without becoming born again by faith in Jesus Christ alone they would burn for an eternity in a place called Hell? Nope. That would be hate speech. 

“It’s open faith; we’re brothers,” Ali Mohammad, an organizer of the mosque, tells North Carolina’s News & Observer.  The Muslims are stripping the church of its Christian roots, including removing any crosses and handing them over to pastors in the area.

When they opened on Saturday, Christian clergy, including Pastor Jim Melnyk of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, participated in the ceremony. Other pastors from Methodist and Baptist congregations were also present.

“I see it as an important statement of community, that we take each other’s faiths seriously,” Melnyk says. “I want to acknowledge how important it is to build bridges in the community when we’re living in a time that is so anxiety ridden and there’s so much mistrust going on in the world around us. It’s important when we can find common ground and share our community.”

But Melnyk’s participation is not just a gesture of neighborly compassion.

“Christians, Jews and Muslims are all people of the book, and we all claim what the Hebrew Scriptures call the Abrahamic faith,” Melnyk tells WND. “We call it the Old Testament, and Muslims also claim the Bible.”

He says he personally worshipped Allah during the service.

“Obviously I’m a Christian, and I would not live comfortably within the full teachings of Islam, but I can recognize where we share teachings, and recognize the call to treat one another mercifully, and as the one God treats us mercifully, and that translates equally into Christianity as well as it does Islam,” Melnyk says. source

Mosque Takes Over Pentecostal Church In North Carolina As Pastor Prays To Allah In Opening Service • Now The End Begins

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Two-Time Loser Hillary Clinton Launches 'Dark Money' Website To Attack Trump Administration • Now The End Begins

Two-Time Loser Hillary Clinton Launches ‘Dark Money’ Website To Attack Trump Administration

Fast forward a year-and-a-half, and Clinton can count herself among the leaders of the “unaccountable dark money” groups. It’s just the latest twist in the long political saga that has become the Clintons’ legacy.

Two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton officially launched a new organization on Monday, ‘Onward Together’, with the stated goal of “advancing the vision that earned nearly 66 million votes in the last election.”

Put more bluntly, the group’s mission is to advance Clinton’s agenda, which was unable to defeat Donald Trump.

But buried on the donation page is this nugget:

or gifts to Onward Together, a 501(c)(4) organization, are not tax
deductible as charitable contributions or as business deductions.
By listing itself as a 501(c)(4), Clinton is able to take so-called “dark money,” or money from donors who legally do not have to be disclosed, in unlimited amounts.

In October 2015, during a town hall meeting in Iowa, Clinton called 501(c)(4) groups “unaccountable dark money,” and even used the left’s favorite boogey-men, the Koch brothers, as an example of a group that operates this kind of organization:

Fast forward a year-and-a-half, and Clinton can count herself among the leaders of the “unaccountable dark money” groups. It’s just the latest twist in the long political saga that has become the Clintons’ legacy. source

Two-Time Loser Hillary Clinton Launches 'Dark Money' Website To Attack Trump Administration • Now The End Begins

Mother’s Day: Obama praised ‘transgender’ moms, Trump celebrated ‘incredible women’ | News | LifeSite

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President Trump gives the commencement address at Liberty University on Mother's Day weekend.

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Mother’s Day: Obama praised ‘transgender’ moms, Trump celebrated ‘incredible women’

Peter LaBarbera Peter LaBarbera Follow Peter

May 15, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) — President Trump celebrated Mother’s Day with a White House proclamation bereft of LGBTQ references in a departure from predecessor Barack Obama, who previously used the mom-honoring day to promote homosexuality and gender-confusion, including biological men claiming to be women.

“Today and every day, we honor the incredible women whose influence on the world is beyond measure. They brighten America's future by shaping the character of each new generation,” states the Trump proclamation. “They lead us through our deepest lessons about perseverance and hard work, preparing us for life's responsibilities.”

Compare that to Obama’s final Mother’s Day proclamation in 2016 in which he wrote: “Regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status, mothers have always moved our Nation forward and remained steadfast in their pursuit of a better and brighter future for their children.”

As LifeSiteNews reported at the time, Obama’s 2016 reference to “transgender” “mothers” was the “first-ever explicit reference to biological males acting as mothers in the history of the annual presidential message.” Managing Editor David Kupelian, author of the book The Snapping of the American Mind, called the Obama statement “head-spinning LGBT madness.”

“With Obama, everything is political – employed to advance his perversely transformative agenda,” even Mother's Day, Kupelian said.

Mother’s Day: Obama praised ‘transgender’ moms, Trump celebrated ‘incredible women’ | News | LifeSite

Monday, May 15, 2017

The Man Who Was Beheaded The Day He Became A Believer

The Man Who Was Beheaded The Day He Became A Believer

News Image By Michael Brown/Ask Dr Brown May 15, 2017 Share this article:

Most of us are familiar with the story of the 21 Coptic Christians from Egypt who held fast to their faith and were beheaded by ISIS in February, 2015. 

But did you know that only 20 of them were actually Copts from Egypt? Did you know that one of the martyrs was from Chad, and he had not been a Christian prior to the day of his beheading?

Although this story was previously reported, I had not heard it before this week. 

But at this week's World Summit in Defense of Persecuted Christians hosted by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, which I had the privilege of attending, a Coptic leader shared the account. 

It is a remarkable story and yet another tribute to the faith of these martyred Copts.

All 21 men had been working in Libya when they were kidnapped by ISIS. But as can be seen in pictures where they are lined up on the beach to be killed, one of them had darker skin and different facial features. This was the man from Chad.

The Coptic Christians were given a choice to deny Jesus or die. They refused to deny Him, knowing it would cost them their heads.

When the terrorists ordered the man from Chad to deny Jesus or die, he answered, "Their God is my God," thereby sealing his fate.

That's how moved he was by the faith of these Christians. Their refusal to deny their Savior, even at the point of death - literally, at the point of a knife to their throats - moved him to make a profession of faith, one that would cost him his head as well. Can we grasp the intensity of this story?

The man had not been a believer. All he had to say was, "I don't believe in Jesus" or, "Jesus is not the Son of God," and he could walk away a free man.

He would be with his family again. He would not die a brutal death. He would live to see another day.

How many Christians would be sorely tempted under such circumstances? How many would waver and, for that moment, deny their Lord, just to avoid beheading?

Yet this man, who had not been a follower of Jesus before then, was so moved by the dedication of these Christians that he became a believer on the spot.

"Go ahead and behead me," he was saying. "Your god is not my God. Their God is my God."

That is the power of the gospel, and that is how we overcome Satan, by not loving our lives to the point of death (Revelation 12:11).

That is why this story needs to be told and retold until the faith of those martyrs becomes our faith, until people look at our lives and say, "Your God is my God, whatever may come my way."

And here's something striking. As I have listened this week to the stories of persecuted Christians, even hearing from family members of martyrs, I have not heard a word of self-pity. Not a word.

I have heard words of courage and dedication. I have heard words of great love for Jesus. I have heard requests for prayer and help. But I have not heard any self-pity.

The daughter of an Iranian pastor martyred 20 years ago spoke of her own life experience and of her father's refusal to back down. 

Now, 20 years after her father was buried in an unmarked grave, she could speak of multiplied hundreds of thousands of Iranian Muslims coming to faith in Jesus. Her father's blood was not shed in vain.

That is how a seed planted in the ground first dies and then produces much fruit (John 12:24-25).

A Syrian Christian leader shared how a radical Islamic group offered to arm them to fight against another radical Islamic faction. He replied, "We already have two arms, love and forgiveness. We don't want to become another militia."

That is how we overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21). Some Christians even said to ISIS, "Thank you for helping to unite us!"

Yet it would be wrong to think of these suffering believers as super saints, which is another lesson for us all.

Most of them are just ordinary Christians, not preachers or pastors, and certainly not big-name evangelists. 

They are mothers and fathers, young people and old people, laborers and housewives, educated and uneducated. Yet they have remained faithful under hellish pressure, enduring unspeaking suffering.

Yet rather than curse God, they bless Him, and rather than retaliate against their enemies with hatred and vengeance, they offer forgiveness and love.

Earlier this year, a couple told me about their trip to Ethiopia where they met with family members of the Ethiopian Christians beheaded by ISIS. They spoke with the widow of one of the martyrs who was pregnant when he was killed, making his death even more painful.

But when they talked with this young woman, rather than bemoan her terrible loss, she said to them, "How is it that I had the privilege of being married to a martyr for Jesus?" 

She was an uneducated woman with no social status, and she was humbled beyond words that she was chosen to be the wife of a martyr.

This is why radical Islam will ultimately fall before the name of Jesus and why every other force that seeks to wipe out the Church will fail in the end. It's also why we should stop feeling sorry for ourselves when things get a little rough. 

Are we not also more than conquerors through Him who loved us? (See Romans 8:37)

Originally published at - reposted with permission.

The Man Who Was Beheaded The Day He Became A Believer

69 Years Ago Today, US President Harry Truman Officially Recognized The Regathered State Of Israel • Now The End Begins

69 Years Ago Today, US President Harry Truman Officially Recognized The Regathered State Of Israel

This Government has been informed that a Jewish state has been proclaimed in Palestine, and recognition has been requested by the provisional Government thereof. The United States recognizes the provisional government as the de facto authority of the new State of Israel.

On May 14, 1948, U.S. President Harry Truman recognized the newly-declared State of Israel — over the vehement objections of the State Department, which was partial to the Arab states and lacked confidence that the Jewish state could defend itself

“Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.” Matthew 24:32,33 (KJV)

EDITOR’S  NOTE: The regathering of the nation of Israel in 1948 is a partial fulfillment of Jesus’ prophecy as found in Matthew 24, it will have its complete fulfillment at the end of the time of Jacob’s trouble. As of the 69th anniversary today, we are officially one year away from the 70th anniversary of this regathering, will God again visit Israel? It is our contention that if more prophecy is to be fulfilled within our lifetime, that sometime between right now and Israel’s 70th anniversary could be the time period in which it might happen. 

President Harry S. Truman declared:

Government has been informed that a Jewish state has been proclaimed in
Palestine, and recognition has been requested by the provisional
Government thereof.

The United States recognizes the provisional government as the de facto authority of the new State of Israel.
Truman’s brief telegram was an act of immense political courage.

For months, his leading foreign policy advisers, including Secretary of State George C. Marshall, had been urging him not to recognize Israel, but rather to consider a prolonged “trusteeship” of Palestine after the British Mandate had expired.

Recognition Of Israel On May 14, 1948 By Harry Truman:

In brazen tactics reminiscent of the “deep state” methods being used by the federal bureaucracy against President Donald Trump today, the State Department even tried to tie Truman’s hands. As one of his advisers, Clark Clifford, later recalled:

fears about the State Department had crystallized after a bitter
incident in March, when, without informing the President, it had
permit­ted the American delegation to the UN to reverse its support for
partition and switch to trusteeship for Palestine – a contradiction of a
personal commitment the President had given the previous day to Chaim
Weiz­mann, the Zionist leader who would later become the first President
of Israel. Furious and depressed when he learned what had happened,
Presi­dent Truman wrote on his calendar for March 19, 1948: “The State
Dept. pulled the rug from under me today….The first I know about it is
what I see in the papers! Isn’t that hell? I am now in the position of a
liar and a double-crosser. I’ve never felt so low in my life. There are
people on the third and fourth level of the State Dept. who have always
wanted to cut my throat. They’ve succeeded in doing it.”
The State Deparment’s arrogance merely strengthened Truman’s resolve on the issue. Truman wrote to his sister on March 21, 1948 that the State Department’s “striped pants conspirators” had “balled up” the issue, but added that “it may work out anyway in spite of them.”

On May 12, Truman presided over a decisive meeting in the Oval Office. The State Department presented its case against Israel. Clifford was there, and spoke in favor of recognition. Secretary Marshall objected to his presence, adding: “If you follow Clifford’s advice and if I were to vote in the election, I would vote against you.”

Donald Trump Promises To Move Embassy From Tel Aviv To Jerusalem :

As a candidate, President Trump said he could “100% guarantee” that he would move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. When this move takes place, it will set off a firestorm across the Middle East that could dramatically advance the end time Bible prophecy timeline.

President Truman did not make his decision known until the fateful day itself. The president’s staff made clear to the State Department that if it opposed him, Truman was prepared to fight a political war against it. Finally, the bureaucrats backed down.

The diplomats at the United Nations were taken by surprise. Clifford notes their reaction in his memoir: “As The New York Times reported the next morn­ing, ‘the first reaction was that someone was making a terrible joke, and some diplomats broke into skeptical laughs.’”


But reality soon set in. The United States had recognized Israel — and the Soviet Union did the same a few days later.

Since then, the State Department has generally retained an anti-Israel bias — partly because of the oil reserves controlled by Israel’s enemies, and partly because of the sheer number of Arab and Muslim states, which allows them to exert disproportionate power in many international institutions.

The left’s embrace of the Palestinian cause has also affected the political culture in Washington. The consensus in the foreign policy community is that moves such as relocating the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem would launch — indeed, almost justify — a “third intifada.”

But for Truman, the issue of recognizing Israel was fundamentally a moral one. And he was not going to let any bureaucrat, or any foreign threat, stand in his way. As he wrote to his brother on March 22, 1948: “I think the proper thing to do, and the thing I have been doing, is to do what I think is right and let them all go to hell.” source

Will the God of Abraham visit Israel at 70?

“For thus saith the LORD, That after seventy years be accomplished at Babylon I will visit you, and perform my good word toward you, in causing you to return to this place.” Jeremiah 29:10 (KJV)

69 Years Ago Today, US President Harry Truman Officially Recognized The Regathered State Of Israel • Now The End Begins

Sunday, May 14, 2017

The Mary In the King James Bible Bears No Resemblance To The 'Blessed Mother' Of Roman Catholicism • Now The End Begins

The Mary In the King James Bible Bears No Resemblance To The ‘Blessed Mother’ Of Roman Catholicism

If Mary was, as the Vatican asserts, "fashioned by the Holy Spirit" and then "kept free from all sin", then the birth of Jesus is not so special after all. Mary kinda beats Jesus to the punch, wouldn't you say? But then, stealing the glory from Jesus Christ is really what the Roman Catholic "Mary" was invented to do.

Catholics are taught to “pray to the Blessed Mother” for leading and guidance in their daily lives, yet incredibly the real-life Mary never advised anyone on anything. When she attempted, one time, to give her opinion, Jesus instantly rebuked her

“Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.” Matthew 1:18 (KJV)

Almost 1,900 years after the birth of the biblical Mary, the Roman Catholic Church declared some startling and amazing things about her. Not the least of which was the blasphemous and heretical notion that she was born sinless.

“The Fathers of the Eastern tradition call the Mother of God “the All-Holy” (Panagia), and celebrate her as “free from any stain of sin, as though fashioned by the Holy Spirit and formed as a new creature”. By the grace of God Mary remained free of every personal sin her whole life long.” Catechism of the Catholic Church

This idea was unknown to any writer in the New Testament which clearly states that “all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” in the book of Romans. Yet the idea of a “sinless Mary” forms the basis of Catholicism. Why else do you think that when Catholics “pray the rosary”, they say 10 “Hail Marys” to every one “Our Father”?

If Mary was, as the Vatican asserts, “fashioned by the Holy Spirit” and then “kept free from all sin”, then the birth of Jesus is not so special after all. Mary kinda beats Jesus to the punch, wouldn’t you say? But then, stealing the glory from Jesus Christ is really what the Roman Catholic “Mary” was invented to do.

Things you were taught about Mary that are not supported in the Bible:

  • Mary was not sinless: After the birth of Jesus, Mary went to the Temple to make an atonement for her personal sin according to the Law of Moses. Sinless people don’t need to make sacrifices, Jesus never made one, He was one. Vatican teaching answers this by saying that Mary just made that unnecessary sacrifice because she “was humble”. Well, if she was sinless and pretended to have sin and make a phony sacrifice, that’s not humility, that’s a lie. And lying is a sin, so you do the math. “And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord; (As it is written in the law of the Lord, Every male that openeth the womb shall be called holy to the Lord;) And to offer a sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of the Lord, A pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons.” Luke 2:22-24 (KJV)
  • Mary never consulted on anything ever: Catholics are taught to “pray to the Blessed Mother” for leading and guidance in their daily lives, yet incredibly the real-life Mary never advised anyone on anything. When she attempted, one time, to give her opinion, Jesus instantly rebuked her. “And the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee; and the mother of Jesus was there: And both Jesus was called, and his disciples, to the marriage. And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine. Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come.” John 2:1-4 (KJV)
  • Mary had no voice in the early Church: If Mary was indeed the miracle-working super saint that the Vatican claims she is, like all the apostles actually were, then the time for her to “show her stuff” would have been on the day of Pentecost, right? Think about it, the prophecies of Joel had started to come to pass, the apostles were having dreams, visions, signs, wonders and tongues…but where was Mary? She was with the other women, NOT “above the other women”, and simply one of the saints the Bible records as praying to the Lord. Please note that no one in the Church as it was being formed prayed to her, or even recorded that she even had anything to say. What a shocking contrast to the all-knowing, prayer-answering, floating apparition “Blessed Virgin” of the Catholic Church. “These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren.” Acts 1:14 (KJV)
  • Mary had other children: If you take away the perpetual virginity of Mary, then the bulk of all Catholic doctrine built around her collapses. And this is exactly what the King James Bible does so you won’t be confused about the matter. Not only that, Mark gives you the NAMES of the four half-brothers of Jesus! These are not “cousins” as the Vatican pathetically asserts, these are others brothers from the SAME mother. Mark also said there were sisters, so that makes a minimum of 6 kids born to Mary and Joseph during the time she was a “perpetual virgin” Hmm…“And when the sabbath day was come, he began to teach in the synagogue: and many hearing him were astonished, saying, From whence hath this man these things? and what wisdom is this which is given unto him, that even such mighty works are wrought by his hands? Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon? and are not his sisters here with us? And they were offended at him.But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, but in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house.” Mark 6:2-4 (KJV)
  • Mary’s role as Jesus’ mother ends at the cross: In His final moments on the cross, Jesus makes a very anti-Catholic statement. He tells Mary that she is no longer His mother, as the soon-to-be-risen Saviour is “from everlasting” and needs no mother. Jesus feels so strongly about the transfer that it’s recorded with two of the very rare exclamation points in Scripture. Instead of “promoting” Mary to lead the guide the new Church, He lets us know she has no active role in the Church other than simply being a good role model for other women of like faith. “Now there stood by the cross of Jesus his mother, and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalene. When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy son! Then saith he to the disciple, Behold thy mother! And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home.” John 19:25-27 (KJV)
  • Mary is never called the ‘mother of God’: The Roman Catholic “Hail Mary” prayer is loosely based on the biblical account of the angel Gabriel appearing to her, but with plenty of embellishment thrown in for good measure. She is NEVER called the “mother of God” one time ever, this is a complete invention of the Vatican. In fact, the Bible goes one step further with Gabriel not even referring to her as the “mother of Jesus”, but calls Him the Son of God. “And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.” Luke 1:35 (KJV)
  • Mary is not the woman in Revelation 12: The Vatican teaches that Mary is the woman in Revelation 12 with the “12 stars” around her head, but nothing could be further from the truth. The woman in Revelation 12 is the nation of Israel to whom the Saviour was born, and that “woman” flees” into the red rock city of Selah Petra to escape Antichrist in the time of Jacob’s trouble. “And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.” Revelation 12:1,2 (KJV)
If you are a Roman Catholic reading this now (I did not say ‘Catholic christian’ because there is no such thing) as I was for 30 years, why don’t you use your brain and think for a moment? the Vatican makes these outrageous claims about Mary, but NONE of them are found in the Bible. Where are they found? In the writings of the Catholic Church 1,500 later.

This is why the Roman Catholic Church does not have the Bible as its sole authority, because the Bible is against what they teach as I have shown you above. The King James Bible actively contradicts official Vatican teaching in dozens and dozens of places regarding Mary.

Don’t believe the lies of the Catholic Church:

Did you know that the Catholic Church teaches that the very first apparition of Mary was while she was still alive? Incredible but true, that’s official Vatican teaching.

The real Mary in the Bible was a sweet and sanctified young lady who loved the LORD with all her heart, and accepted the awesome task given her. But she was born in the image of Adam and Eve, as we all were, and acknowledged Jesus as her Saviour. Sinless people have no need of a Saviour, just as well people have no need of a doctor.

“And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.” Luke 1:47 (KJV)

The real Mary in the Bible performed no miracles, there is no record of her advising anyone or anyone seeking her advice. Have you ever wondered about that? None of the astonishing things the Catholic Church attributes to Mary are never once found in the Bible. The real Mary in the Bible would be horrified if she knew what was being taught falsely about her.

“For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;” 1 Timothy 2:5 (KJV)

The real Mary in the Bible was a saved sinner who needed a Saviour just like anyone else who ever lives. Don’t pray to her, don’t ask her advice, worship Jesus instead.

“So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.” Hebrews 9:28 (KJV)

The Mary In the King James Bible Bears No Resemblance To The 'Blessed Mother' Of Roman Catholicism • Now The End Begins

500,000 People Watch Pope Francis Create Two Child Saints Who Spoke With Demons In Fatima Vision • Now The End Begins

500,000 People Watch Pope Francis Create Two Child Saints Who Spoke With Demons In Fatima Vision

Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims were on hand, many of whom had spent days at Fatima in quiet prayer, reciting rosaries before a statue of the Madonna. They clapped in admiration after the pope recited the rite declaring the Martos saints.

Half a million people attended an open-air mass in Fatima, Portugal as Pope Francis made two shepherd children who died nearly a century ago saints

“The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger.” Jeremiah 7:18 (KJV)

EDITOR’S NOTE: Clutching Babylonian rosary beads and praying to statues, the Roman Catholic faithful showed up in massive numbers to worship at the feet of Pope Francis as he declared two children who were visited by demons at Fatima in 1917 to be “saints”. During the mass, he held high an Egyptian sun disk as he prayed to his god. Everything about the Roman Catholic Church has nothing to do with the Bible, but with Babylonian pagan worship. If you are a Catholic, like I was for 30 years, you need to run from that Godless, pagan system that teaches you to revere and pray to pagan idols. Mary does not hear your prayer, she didn’t remain a virgin, and she doesn’t appear to anyone ever at any time. Run.

Pope Francis proclaimed Francisco and Jacinta Marto saints at the start of Mass on Saturday marking the centenary of their visions. One hundred years ago, the two children, and their cousin Lucia, said the Virgin Mary appeared to them and gave them three secrets, including the end of the Cold War and World War Two.

This is what idol worship looks like, now bow and kiss his ring:

But the children were not believed and civil authorities threatened them with death by boiling oil if they didn’t recant their story. But they held fast and eventually the church recognized the apparitions as authentic in 1930.

Pope Fatima: Homily for Canonization Mass

Pope Francis prayed at the tombs of two of the Portuguese shepherd children ahead of the Canonization Mass, which was held in the open air and attended by half a million believers.

Among those in the shrine’s vast square was Brazilian boy Lucas Baptista who in 2013 suffered severe head trauma he was not expected to survive. His medically inexplicable healing was the ‘miracle’ needed for the siblings Francisco and Jacinta Marto to be canonised.

The Fatima demon visitation in Portugal in 1917:

Lucas and the pope embraced during the Mass.

‘Our Lady foretold, and warned us about, a way of life that is godless and indeed profanes God in his creatures,’ Francis said in his homily. ‘Such a life, frequently proposed and imposed, risks leading to hell.’

He urged Catholics today to use the example of the Marto siblings and draw strength from God, even when adversity strikes.

The demonic visitation of Fatima:

‘We can take as our examples Saint Francisco and Saint Jacinta, whom the Virgin Mary introduced into the immense ocean of God’s light and taught to adore him,’ he said. ‘That was the source of their strength in overcoming opposition and suffering.’


The Martos are now the youngest-ever saints who didn’t die as martyrs.

Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims were on hand, many of whom had spent days at Fatima in quiet prayer, reciting rosaries before a statue of the Madonna. They clapped in admiration after the pope recited the rite declaring the Martos saints. source

“And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” Revelation 18:4 (KJV)

500,000 People Watch Pope Francis Create Two Child Saints Who Spoke With Demons In Fatima Vision • Now The End Begins

Iran Furiously Building Nuclear Program Because Obama Treaty Protects Them From Scrutiny • Now The End Begins

Iran Furiously Building Nuclear Program Because Obama Treaty Protects Them From Scrutiny

Daniel Coats, America's top spymaster, informed Congress this week in an intelligence briefing that Iran's ballistic missile work continues unimpeded and could be used by the Islamic Republic to launch a nuclear weapon, according to unclassified testimony.

Iran continues to make critical technological strides in its efforts to perfect an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of delivering nuclear weapons over great distances, efforts that violate international prohibitions, according to the director of national intelligence, who informed Congress this week that the Islamic Republic “would choose ballistic missiles as its preferred method of delivering nuclear weapons.”

The disclosure comes just days after Iranian leaders announced the upcoming launch of two new domestically produced satellites. Iran has long used its space program as cover for illicit missile work, as the know-how needed to launch such equipment can be applied to long-range ballistic missile technology.

Daniel Coats, America’s top spymaster, informed Congress this week in an intelligence briefing that Iran’s ballistic missile work continues unimpeded and could be used by the Islamic Republic to launch a nuclear weapon, according to unclassified testimony.

Turns out Obama’s “historic deal” was actually a cover for Iran to build nuclear weapons faster:

Iran’s ballistic missile work, particularly its focus on ICBMs, runs counter to United Nations resolutions barring such activity, though it remains unclear if the Trump administration plans to pursue new sanctions on Iran.
Iran continues to perform key research and development on nuclear missile capabilities despite the landmark nuclear agreement with Western powers, according to the last U.S. intelligence assessments.

“Iran is pursuing capabilities to meet its nuclear energy and technology goals and to give it the capability to build missile-deliverable nuclear weapons, if it chooses to do so” Coats wrote in his written testimony to the Senate intelligence committee.

U.S. officials are unsure if Iran will build nuclear weapons, but it is likely this intention would dictate Tehran’s future adherence to the nuclear deal, which the administration of former President Barack Obama framed in such a way as to leave out the issue of ballistic missiles.

The reality of Obama’s Iranian Nuclear Deal:

The United States assesses that Iran remains about a year away from a functional nuclear missile if it decides to build one in violation of the nuclear deal.

Iranian military leaders claim their missile work is unrelated to the nuclear agreement and permissible under it. The country’s refusal to abandon this work has caused concern on Capitol Hill, as well as among U.S. national security insiders who view the work as related to Iran’s aspirations for regional dominance.

The U.S. intelligence community maintains that Iran—which has the largest inventory of ballistic missiles in the Middle East—likely would use this technology to launch a nuclear weapon.

“We judge that Tehran would choose ballistic missiles as its preferred method of delivering nuclear weapons, if it builds them,” according to Coats. “Iran’s ballistic missiles are inherently capable of delivering WMD, and Tehran already has the largest inventory of ballistic missiles in the Middle East.”

“Tehran’s desire to deter the United States might drive it to field an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM),” Coats wrote, referring to Iran’s covert missile work. “Progress on Iran’s space program could shorten a pathway to an ICBM because space launch vehicles use similar technologies.”

Iran “continues to leverage cyber espionage, propaganda, and attacks to support its security priorities, influence events and foreign perceptions, and counter threats—including against U.S. allies in the region,” Coats testified.

This includes cyber attacks “directly against the United States,” such as in 2013, when an Iranian hacker penetrated the computer systems of a U.S. dam.

Iran also is pursuing a massive buildup of its military, which observers have described as unprecedented.

The U.S. intelligence community has confirmed that Iran is developing “a range of new military capabilities to monitor and target U.S. and allied military assets in the region, including armed UAVs [drones], ballistic missiles, advanced naval mines, unmanned explosive boats, submarines and advanced torpedoes, and anti-ship and land-attack cruise missiles,” according to Coats. source

Iran Furiously Building Nuclear Program Because Obama Treaty Protects Them From Scrutiny • Now The End Begins