Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The Largest Behavioral Conditioning Experiment In History Has Begun

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The largest behavioral conditioning experiment in the history of mankind has just begun in China and, for those who value their freedoms in the West, one can only pray it never makes it here.

A citizen score system has been developed which will rate each citizen on the basis of their political views, their expression on social media, the kinds of purchases they make, and their credit scores. 

These scores, ranging between 350-950, will be taken into account when handing out loans, approving travel visas, and other grants from the government. 

Such scores could also be used to determine who will have access to certain types of jobs. Essentially, your life opportunities will be determined by this score.

Where this system gets even more manipulating is that the scores of one's family and friends can also affect your score, thereby ensuring a social pressure to behave in the approved manner lest it affect those you know and care about.

There will be no hiding your score from family or friends and its impact on them, as everybody will have the ability to check anyone else's score online.

The Largest Behavioral Conditioning Experiment In History Has Begun

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