Wall Township High School In NJ Photoshops Out All References To President Trump From Student’s Year Books
Montana Dobrovich-Fago, the freshman class president, had submitted a
Donald Trump quote to go beneath her picture. But when she got her
yearbook on Wednesday, the quote wasn't there, even though the other
class presidents were included, even the senior class president's quote
by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Donald Trump quote to go beneath her picture. But when she got her
yearbook on Wednesday, the quote wasn't there, even though the other
class presidents were included, even the senior class president's quote
by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

June 11, 2017
New Jersey high school has censored out mentions of Donald Trump in
their yearbook and now the school is investigating the ‘possible
violation of First Amendment rights’.
EDITOR’S NOTE:Just for fun, if you are a Conservative who loves this county and
values our wonderful and God-given First Amendment right to Free Speech,
why don’t you take a moment and call (732) 556-2000. Leave a polite,
respectful message urging the school to do the right thing and reissue
the year books with the Photoshopped elements removed and the original
quotes and images restored. A quick and easy way to help make America
great, again. Thank you.
One student at Wall Township High School
in New Jersey had submitted a Donald Trump quote that wasn’t included
with her picture. Two others had Trump logos on their clothes either
cropped or edited out of their pictures.
Now those students’
parents are calling for the yearbooks to be re-issued and the school
superintendent Cheryl Dyer has said she is looking into ‘an allegation
of censorship and the possible violation of First Amendment rights’, according to NJ.com.
Montana Dobrovich-Fago, the freshman class president, had submitted a Donald Trump quote to go beneath her picture.
when she got her yearbook on Wednesday, the quote wasn’t there, even
though the other class presidents were included, even the senior class
president’s quote by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. [...]
Wall Township High School In NJ Photoshops Out All References To President Trump From Student's Year Books • Now The End Begins
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