Monday, June 19, 2017

WORLD AT WAR: US Shoots Down Syrian Aircraft As Van Runs Over Pedestrians In Front Of London Mosque • Now The End Begins

WORLD AT WAR: US Shoots Down Syrian Aircraft As Van Runs Over Pedestrians In Front Of London Mosque

A U.S. warplane shot down a Syrian army jet on Sunday in the southern
Raqqa countryside, with Washington saying the jet had dropped bombs near
U.S.-backed forces and Damascus saying the plane was downed while
flying a mission against Islamic State militants.

U.S. warplane shot down a Syrian army jet on Sunday in the southern
Raqqa countryside, with Washington saying the jet had dropped bombs near
U.S.-backed forces and Damascus saying the plane was downed while
flying a mission against Islamic State militants.

A Syrian army statement released on Syrian state television said the plane crashed and the pilot was missing in the first such downing of a Syrian jet by the United States since the start of the conflict in 2011.

army statement said it took place on Sunday afternoon near a village
called Rasafah. The “flagrant attack was an attempt to undermine the
efforts of the army as the only effective force capable with its allies …
in fighting terrorism across its territory,” the Syrian army said.

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WORLD AT WAR: US Shoots Down Syrian Aircraft As Van Runs Over Pedestrians In Front Of London Mosque • Now The End Begins

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