Monday, September 21, 2015

Apollo (destroyer) temple dedication September 23

Published on Sep 21, 2015
this video, we look at the September 23rd date for the temple
dedication of Apollo (Apollyon/Destroyer). We see how the Statue of
Liberty is a replica of the sun god (Apollo) and that America has been
paying homage to the god of destruction and not "liberty" as they
believe. We also take a look at why the book of Jonah is read on the Day
of Atonement and the connection between Jonah and Joel 2, which is a
description of the Day of the Lord beginning at the time of the sun
being darkened and moon turning to blood (September 2015). The 40-day
probationary period ends on the Day of Atonement and there has been no
national repentance this time; therefore the judgment of God is about to
begin. Prepare for the Day of Atonement.

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