Friday, December 1, 2017

Is God Preparing To Once Again Visit The Jews As 70th Anniversary Of Israel Being Regathered Approaches? • Now The End Begins

Is God Preparing To Once Again Visit The Jews As 70th Anniversary Of Israel Being Regathered Approaches?

On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we will be looking at the importance of the numbers 7 and 70 as they relate to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy in the last days before the Rapture of the Church takes place. We will also look at the possibility of the Rapture taking place in the Springtime of 2018. Sound crazy? Maybe so, but we live in crazy times, and they are about to get even wilder.

On May 14, 1948, two minutes after midnight, the nation of Israel was officially regathered according to Bible prophecy. The fig tree of Matthew 24 was blooming after two millennia of dormancy. Is God getting ready to speak?

“For thus saith the LORD, That after seventy years be accomplished at Babylon I will visit you, and perform my good word toward you, in causing you to return to this place.” Jeremiah 29:10 (KJV)  


Is God Preparing To Once Again Visit The Jews As 70th Anniversary Of Israel Being Regathered Approaches? • Now The End Begins

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