Monday, November 27, 2017

DARPA Begins Experiments To Change People’s Behavior By Implanting Microchips In Their Brains – Re-blogged and administered by Aaron Halim


DARPA Begins Experiments To Change People’s Behavior By Implanting Microchips In Their Brains

Artificial intelligence in microchip
implants will detect and study the brain to know what pulses to send –
described by scientists as a “window on the brain”. DARPA has handed the
cash to teams form the University of California and Massachusetts
General Hospital.

Microchips implanted into people’s skulls are being developed by boffins funded by the US military’s research division DARPA.

“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and
bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And
that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of
the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:16,17 (KJV)

EDITOR’S NOTE: Just a few years ago, a story
like this would have lit up social media, and people would rightly be
connecting human implantable microchips with the coming Mark Of The Beast during the time of Jacob’s trouble. But as technology like iPhones with facial recognition
are now becoming commonplace, we are losing our fear of invasive
technology and embracing it. They don’t even make credit or debit cards
without the chip now, no longer optional. ‘Life on a chip’ is exactly
what the Bible say coming 2,000 years ago. And oh, ‘boffins’ is British
slang for someone who does scientific research

These implants will use electronic pulses to alter
the chemicals in people’s brains in a process called “deep brain
stimulation”. This will then change people’s moods and is believed to be
able to treat mental illness and provide therapy.

Artificial intelligence in microchip implants will detect and study
the brain to know what pulses to send – described by scientists as a
“window on the brain”. DARPA has handed the cash to teams form the
University of California and Massachusetts General Hospital.

Testing suggestions the mood implants can be used to treat disorders
such as Parkinson’s. Experiments have been also carried out on people
with depression – but the the results are inconclusive so far.

DARPA Implants Chips In U.S. Soldiers’ Brains

DARPA is funding the project with the long-term goal of being able treat traumatised soldiers.

The current work – which includes human testing – was presented at the Society of Neuroscience in Washington, reports Nature.

Neuroscientist Edward Chang said: “The exciting thing about these
technologies is that for the first time we’re going to have a window on
the brain where we know what’s happening in the brain when someone

He added: “We’ve learned a lot about the limitations of our current technology,”

Chang also denied the technology will be able to ready people’s
minds, explaining they will simply “have access to activity that encodes
their feelings”. Scientists hope the new implant will allow doctors and
scientists are window into people’s minds.

This will also personalized treatments for people to better treat
illnesses and regulate feelings. Dementia and Alzheimer’s are also hoped
to be treated using the implants. source

DARPA Begins Experiments To Change People’s Behavior By Implanting Microchips In Their Brains – Re-blogged and administered by Aaron Halim

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