Thursday, August 31, 2017

Trump Administration Orders Military-Grade Weaponry To Be Given To Local Police Forces Across America • Now The End Begins

Trump Administration Orders Military-Grade Weaponry To Be Given To Local Police Forces Across America

Americans must never sacrifice their liberty for an elusive and dangerous — or false — security. The militarization of our law enforcement is just another symptom of an overall problem that stems from an unprecedented expansion of government power — where we are repeatedly asked to make such “liberty for what we tell you is security” tradeoffs. Ultimately, if we sacrifice the very nature of the institutions we have set up to enforce the law, what kind of law will we end up enforcing?

Speaking to the Fraternal Order of Police in Tennessee on Monday morning, Attorney General Jeff Sessions formally announced that the Trump administration will restart giving surplus military weapons and equipment to state and local law enforcement.

“A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty. The means of defence against foreign danger, have been always the instruments of tyranny at home.” James Madison Speech, Constitutional Convention (1787-06-29)

EDITOR’S NOTE: I 100% support our local police, and I 100% support our president, but I do not support giving military-grade battle weaponry to our local police forces. There should be a very clear line of division between military soldiers and police officers, and giving them battlefield weapons and equipment blurs that line to the point of invisibility. Our founding fathers warned against a military presence in the homeland, for any reason other than an attack by a foreign enemy. If America’s police become soldiers, then a state of war will be deemed to exist. The only question will be who is the actual enemy. 

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Trump Administration Orders Military-Grade Weaponry To Be Given To Local Police Forces Across America • Now The End Begins

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