Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Islamic State Muslims Declare Sexual Jihad on Christian Family for not Paying Islamic Tax - Freedom Outpost

Islamic State Muslims Declare Sexual Jihad on Christian Family for not Paying Islamic Tax

Muslims in Iraq who are members of ISIS, are conducting what they call a Jihad marriage, also known as "sexual jihad," and in so doing have been entering random homes, pulling out the women and raping them.

They entered the home of a Christian family and demanded they pay the Islamic tax. When they said that they did not have the money, three Muslims seized the mother and daughter and gang raped them in front of the mother's husband. After enduring such an event, the husband committed suicide. According to one report:

In one instance, ISIS members entered the home of an Assyrian family in Mosul and demanded the poll tax (jizya). When the Assyrian family said they did not have the money, three ISIS members raped the mother and daughter in front of the husband and father. The husband and father was so traumatized that he committed suicide.

According to one witness, women "are being kidnapped from their house by the ISIS warriors and forced into what they call into a 'jihad marriage.'"

After one woman was raped, her brother committed suicide out of guilt because he was unable to stop the rapists. As one activist explained: [...]

Islamic State Muslims Declare Sexual Jihad on Christian Family for not Paying Islamic Tax - Freedom Outpost

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