Canadian Government Authorizes Passports To Display An ‘X’ For People Who Don’t Identify As Male Or Female
Starting August 31, 2017, IRCC will be the first Government of Canada department to introduce interim measures, which include allowing individuals to add an observation to their passport stating their sex should be identified as “X,” indicating that it is unspecified. Interim measures will be available until IRCC is able to print documents with an “X.”

August 27, 2017
Now Canadians who claim to be neither a man nor a woman will be able to identify their gender as ‘X’ on their passports.
“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” Genesis 1:27 (KJV)EDITOR’S NOTE: The New Testament of the Bible was written in Greek, and the 3 Greek words that make up the number 666 are hexakósioi hexēkonta héx. You will note that they all have an “x” in them. Hex in Greek means 6, in English a “hex” is like a curse that a witch or wizard would cast on someone. Suffice to say a hex is never a good thing. The letter “x” is absolutely associated with the Mark of the Beast and with the Antichrist himself. The 6 in Latin is the word “sex”, as in the same word we use for gender today. So it is quite interesting that Canada has decided to use the letter “x” for people who consider themselves neither male nor female on their passports. What would a race of “x” look like? Since there are only two types of humans according to God, male and female, they would have to be placed by definition in the non-human category. Who would be the leader of these “x” people? None other than Mr. Hex Hex Hex, of course. Do you see where all this is headed?
The move from the department for Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship is intended to “support LGBTQ2 rights” and advance the Canadian government’s “agenda on gender equality, diversity and inclusion”.
Official statement from the Canadian government:
The Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, today announced that the Government of Canada will be working to implement an “X” gender designation in Canadian passports, as well as other documents issued by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to support LGBTQ2 rights and advance the Government’s agenda on gender equality, diversity and inclusion. An “X” will make it easier for people who do not identify as female (“F”) or male (“M”) to acquire passports and other government-issued documents that better reflect their gender identity.Starting August 31, 2017, IRCC will be the first Government of Canada department to introduce interim measures, which include allowing individuals to add an observation to their passport stating their sex should be identified as “X,” indicating that it is unspecified. Interim measures will be available until IRCC is able to print documents with an “X.”
Today’s announcement follows steps to protect Canadians in their right to the gender identity of their choice, and freedom of gender expression. Earlier this summer, Bill C-16 amended the Canadian Human Rights Act and added gender identity and gender expression to the list of prohibited grounds of discrimination.
In the coming months, the Government of Canada will continue this important work in developing a consistent federal approach to how its programs and services collect, use and display sex and gender information so Canadians can have their gender more accurately reflected in government documents while also protecting their privacy. Our government is committed to better reflecting the gender identity and gender diversity of Canadians. source
Other countries that allow for a third “unspecified” gender category include Australia, Denmark, Germany, and New Zealand.
In April, British LBGT activist group Stonewall called for a gender-neutral “X” option for UK passports, claiming transgender people are “afraid to travel abroad for fear of intrusive questioning or difficulties at passport control”.In June, Canada’s province Ontario passed legislation that allows the government to seize children from families that refuse to accept their child’s chosen “gender identity” or “gender expression”.
Bill 89, “Supporting Children, Youth and Families Act, 2017”, was approved on June 1 by a vote of 63 to 23.
The Minister of Children and Youth Services, Michael Coteau, who introduced the bill, said earlier this year that a parent’s failure to recognise and support a child’s gender self-identification is a form of “child abuse”, and a child in these circumstances should be removed from their parents and placed into “protection where the abuse stops”.
In the same month, in the first case of its kind in the country, a baby in British Columbia was issued with a health card with the letter “U” for a gender marker. The child’s “parent”, non-binary transgender Kori Doty, also petitioned the government to have baby Searyl’s gender omitted from their birth certificate. source
Canadian Government Authorizes Passports To Display An 'X' For People Who Don't Identify As Male Or Female • Now The End Begins
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