Monday, May 29, 2017

Trump to Palestinian leader Abbas: 'You lied to me' | World Israel News

Trump to Palestinian leader Abbas: ‘You lied to me’

In Bethlehem, Trump reportedly yelled at Abbas,
accusing him of lying about being committed to peace and covering up his
own incitement to terror.

Israel’s Channel 2 TV reported Sunday that US President Donald
Trump screamed at Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas
during their meeting in Bethlehem last week, accusing him of lying and
of incitement to terror.

“You lied to me in Washington when you talked about commitment to
peace, but the Israelis showed me you were personally responsible for
incitement,” Trump reportedly told the PA leader.

When the two leaders met in Washington early May, Abbas claimed  [...]

Trump to Palestinian leader Abbas: 'You lied to me' | World Israel News

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