FAKE NEWS: CNN Pushes The Outrageous Claim That Islam Helped To Create The United States
While Muslims were present at America’s founding, Islam — as a
coherent, self-conscious religious and political civilization — was not.
Had it been present, one would have expected the Founding Fathers to be
more aware of it, and one would have expected to see an American
version of the faith emerge, one more comfortable with ideas of
tolerance and individual liberty, much as different reformist versions
of Judaism flourished in the United States.
coherent, self-conscious religious and political civilization — was not.
Had it been present, one would have expected the Founding Fathers to be
more aware of it, and one would have expected to see an American
version of the faith emerge, one more comfortable with ideas of
tolerance and individual liberty, much as different reformist versions
of Judaism flourished in the United States.

May 29, 2017
CNN’s W. Kamau Bell devoted a recent episode of his series United Shades of America to exploring Muslim and Arab communities.
Aside from some interesting vignettes, the programis left-wing, anti-Trump propaganda that firmly establishes the
network’s political bias. Bell also serves up some historical
distortions of the sort spoonfed to undergraduates on
politically-correct campuses, such as the claim that Islam has always
been present in the U.S. [...]
FAKE NEWS: CNN Pushes The Outrageous Claim That Islam Helped To Create The United States • Now The End Begins
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