Monday, May 29, 2017

How The New Testament Church Can Be Both The Bride And Body Of Jesus Christ At The Same Time • Now The End Begins

How The New Testament Church Can Be Both The Bride And Body Of Jesus Christ At The Same Time

Going 6,000 years back into the past, in the very beginning of Genesis,
God has placed a wonderful and amazing type of the New Testament Church
in the creation of Adam and Eve. For the "first Adam", God fashioned
him a bride out of his own body. For the "last Adam" which 1 Corinthians
tells us is Jesus Christ, God has done exactly the same thing. He has
given Him a body from which He also has created a Bride.

Going 6,000 years back into the past,
in the very beginning of Genesis, God has placed a wonderful and
amazing type of the New Testament Church in the creation of Adam and
Eve. [...]

How The New Testament Church Can Be Both The Bride And Body Of Jesus Christ At The Same Time • Now The End Begins

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