Tuesday, April 11, 2017

ON THE BRINK: Gen. McMaster Confirms President Trump Has Ordered Strike On North Korea • Now The End Begins

President Trump has ordered his military advisers to be ready with a list of options to smash North Korea’s nuclear threat.

“And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” Matthew 24:6 (KJV)

EDITOR’S NOTE: If you have not been following the news for the past few days, you are way behind. Over the past 72 hours, the United States carried out a cruise missile strike on Syria because of their chemical attack on their own civilians. Shortly after that, both Russia and Iran stood up to declare that “real war” was coming. Then today China moved 150,000 troops to the North Korean border. Why? Because President Trump has declared that the nuclear buildup happening in North Korea will be addressed shortly. The powder keg is fully packed, with the fuse dangling prominently upward. All it needs is the match. Are YOU ready for what comes next?

One of the advisers, Lieutenant General H. R. McMaster, confirmed his Commander-in-Chief has made the order as a U.S. carrier strike group heads for the region. It is believed that among the options are combined special forces raids and pre-emptive missile strikes.

One of the problems facing an American-led operation to hit Pyongyang’s leader Kim Jong-Un is the intricate tunnel network under the capital.

McMaster: Trump Has Asked For ‘Full Range Of Options To Remove’ North Korean Threat To U.S., Allies

ON THE BRINK: Gen. McMaster Confirms President Trump Has Ordered Strike On North Korea • Now The End Begins

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