Monday, April 10, 2017

China Moves 150,000 Troops To North Korea Border In Event Of Pre-Emptive Strike By United States • Now The End Begins

While the catalyst is unclear, it appears the market dropped as headlines of further sanctions against Russia appeared and reports of China deploying 150,000 troops to its North Korea border.

According to Korean news agency Chosun, the
“Chinese army has deployed about 150,000 troops to the North Korean
border in two groups to prepare for unforeseen circumstances.” The
reason: the prospect of “military options”, such as preemptive attacks
on North Korea, like the one the United States launched on Syria.

Translated into English via Google Translate:

As the United States announced
its independent North Korean behavior and moved the United States
Navy’s nuclear-powered Calvinus (CVN-70) carrier class to Singapore, the
Chinese army has deployed about 150,000 troops in two groups to prepare
for unforeseen circumstances.

“The report said. It is because of
the prospect of taking “military options”, such as preemptive attacks on
North Korea, just as the United States has launched an air raid on

Japan’s Sankei Shimbun reported on the 9th that the Syrian
missile strike in the United States shocked China, suggesting that the
People’s Liberation Army forces are moving toward the Yalu River, .

newspaper said the video was also broadcast on the Internet, but the
authorities removed the relevant information, saying the move was a
medical and aft support unit for the Shenyang bulb (the northern light

There is an observation that medical and back-up support
units will be dispatched to “train for North Korean refugees,” the
newspaper added.

On the same day, the Northern Bulb of China’s
Tohoku District Defense Command issued the orders for full-scale
pre-emptive orders to all the submarine and submarine units on the same
day, while the 16th, 23, 39, and 40th group troops in the North Korean
border area.

These media assume that the Kiryuolbun and the eagle
training of the two countries will end the month of this month when the
emergency situation on the Korean peninsula is eradicated and Kim Jong
Eun and the North Korean leadership are removed and the weapons of mass
destruction of North Korea are destroyed. And that he took the same

The core units that respond immediately to the drastic
changes in North Korea are the 39th group and the 40th group, each of
which has its headquarters in Yingkou and Jinzhou in Liaoning Province.
The 39th group is a heavy army mechanized unit and the 40th group is the
rapid reaction group. (translated from South Korean site

China Moves 150,000 Troops To North Korea Border In Event Of Pre-Emptive Strike By United States • Now The End Begins

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