Thursday, April 13, 2017

FINAL COUNTDOWN?: Calling Trump's Bluff, North Korea Prepares To Detonate A Nuclear Bomb • Now The End Begins

US officials believe North Korea has placed a nuclear device in a tunnel, which could mean a nuclear test is imminent

“Behold, it is come, and it is done, saith the Lord GOD; this is the day whereof I have spoken.” Ezekiel 39:8 (KJV)

EDITOR’S NOTE: Officials believe that right now, at this very moment, North Korea has placed a live nuclear weapon into a launch tunnel and is preparing to detonate it. Leader Kim Jong-Un has told foreign journalists in the region to “prepare for a big event” tomorrow. President Trump has already ordered US warships to North Korea, and saying he will not allow this to happen. Russia, Iran and China have all promised to defend North Korea from any attacks. Better go find your Bible, dust it off, and start reading it again. Or you can just wait for the events prophesied there to leap off the page at you. Because that’s what’s getting ready to happen.

It is believed North Korea is in the final states of preparing for its sixth nuclear test. Washington-based 38 North, a website that monitors North Korea, said satellite images from Saturday showed vehicles and trailers at the Punggye-ri test site and signs that communications cables may have been laid to a test tunnel.

in Russian newspaper Pravda Report claim more than 600,000 people –
around 25 per cent of the city’s population – are being urgently
evacuated, as tensions escalate between North Korea and the United
States. source

FINAL COUNTDOWN?: Calling Trump's Bluff, North Korea Prepares To Detonate A Nuclear Bomb • Now The End Begins

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