Friday, September 22, 2017

Rise Of The Beast? New Push For Powerful Federal Europe Led By President – Re-Shared and administered by Aaron Halim

Rise Of The Beast? New Push For Powerful Federal Europe Led By President


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By PNW Staff September 22, 2017

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European Union boss Jean-Claude Juncker has charted a course for a
much more powerful superbloc of nations in his controversial State of
the Union address. With Britain leaving and the continent's economy
growing, its federalists are now taking the chance to push for a big
leap forward. 

The most notable for prophecy
watchers is his call for combining the EU's two presidental positions --
the European Commission, responsible for the bloc's day-to-day running,
and the European Council, which brings together the national leaders --
in a single post, filled after a Europe-wide election.

understand the challenges of his or her job and the diversity of our
member states, a future president should have met citizens in the town
halls of Helsinki as well as in the squares of Athens," Juncker said. 

Electing a single leader for the bloc has been suggested
for years but rarely has the role and responsibility of such a position
been outlined.  This new leadership position would also be emboldened by
what the European Commission Presidents envisions as a new European
Defence Union that all member stats would join - essentially an EU army.

Several member states led by Germany and
France have already taken incremental steps to consolidate specific
units, divert defense funds into sequestered accounts and create new
coordinated command structures.  For the first time, the EU created in
March a joint military command center. 

In fact
Gernmany's foreign minister has expressed hopes of a European
superstate becoming a global player in international politics, in the
midst of growing tensions between Russia and North Korea. Foreign
minister Sigmar Gabriel said it was time Europe found its "own voice"
instead of letting the US dictate global affairs while the continent
argues amongst itself. 

Part of that unified
push sees an oppotunity for Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia to finally
become full members of the Schengen borderless area while the President
of the Ukraine is pushing for an immediate seat at the EU table to
become the bloc's 28th member.  This would stretch the power of Brussels
thousands of miles from Ireland to the borders of Russia.

President Poroshenko called for Ukraine to be seen as the "new eastern
border" of the European Union, a union which he said should accept the
vision of Juncker and become "closer". He said: "The idea of European
integration must get a second wave.
Will this second wave create a fully unified EU that
could soon be a military to rival that of the United States in size,
capability and cohesion? The bureaucrats in Brussels would like nothing

Bible prophecy watchers have long
speculated that the EU could represent be the final "Beast" empire
talked about in the book of Daniel and Revelation.

potential for a new more powerful/federalist Europe with a single
president to lead it has ramifications not only politically and
economically but prophetically as well.  

even The Economist magazine recognized that this was an important
factor for some Protestants voting to leave the Union in their article:
"Protestants, leaving Europe is a matter of eschatology".  

evangelicals believed that remaining in the EU put them at risk of
eventually joining the "The Beast's" final world empire.  Why did they
believe this?  

The Bible speaks of several
different beasts. Each one is used symbolically to give insight into
different aspects of the final world empire and it's leader, and when
studied together give us a much better picture of what to expect in the
Last Days. 

Revelation 13 speaks of a beast in
its first 7 verses. Another beast, ridden by a woman, is described in
Revelation 17. Daniel 7 speaks of four separate beasts, with a reference
to a "little horn" that appears during the time of the fourth beast.
Revelation 13 also describes a second "two-horned beast," beginning in
verse 11. These beastly images are also to be understood in the context
of the giant image of a man composed of four separate metals in Daniel

Relative to most of these descriptions, in describing
this final world empire is the number 10; 10 toes, 10 heads and 10
horns. Each give us different understanding but all point to an alliance
of 10 nations or leaders that will one day be controlled by the "little
horn", the Antichrist.

It remains to be seen
how the number 10 figures into this new European push but some have
suggested as the EU enlarges it needs a smaller council to help it be
administered.  A  European council of 10 that represtents the bloc of
nations to the EU president is an interesting possibility.

a new, powerful and charismatic leader emerge on the scene to lead
Europe? European Commission Juncker is already pushing for the spread of
the Euro to non-European nations.  This would certainly spread the
economic power of the joint bloc as well.

We do
not know how these proposals will ultimately play out but we do know
eventually this prophecy will come to pass.  Recent events represent
serious change for this region and the world.  It is an area that the
Bible has a lot to say about in the Last Days and we encourage you to
become familiar with the different passages in Daniel and Revelation
that reveal what the final world empire will look like. 
prophecy experts recently came together to produce a new 10 hour DVD
series called "Decoding The Future", that walks you through the Book of
Revelation, chapter by chapter.  This resource will equip you with a
better understanding of how these "beast" passages fit into the larger
context of Revelation and the Bible itself.

Rise Of The Beast? New Push For Powerful Federal Europe Led By President – Re-Shared and administered by Aaron Halim

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