Top 5 Revealed Biblical Prophecies of 5777
“Every word of Hashem is pure, A shield to those who take refuge in Him.” Proverbs 30:5 (The Israel Bible™)

(Breaking Israel News)
Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, approaches this week, it is
customary to look back and reflect on the previous year. Between Sunday
and Wednesday, Breaking Israel News will present a series of Top Lists
recalling some of the most significant Biblical and Israel stories of
5777. On Sunday, we look back on 5777’s biggest stories of redemption:
the year’s top 10 articles demonstrating
that the Messiah is on his way. On Monday, we will revisit the top 5
Biblical prophecies fulfilled in Israel and around the world this year.
On Wednesday, the series will conclude with the year’s top 5 stories of
how the Bible comes to life in spectacular images and events worldwide.
In 5777, Biblical and
Jewish prophecies manifested before our eyes in real and unmistakeable
news events. A Biblically-based retrospective reveals that the words of
the Torah are as relevant today as they were at Sinai, reappearing in
current events that speak in a prophetic fashion.
1. Fulfilling Ezekiel’s Prophecy, Jacob’s Biblical Sheep Arrive in the Promised Land

December, after a 2,000-year absence, the distinctively speckled and
four-horned Jacob’s Sheep finally returned to the grazing lands of their
original owners: the Biblical patriarchs, as the prophet Ezekiel
foretold in 34:11 when he predicted that God’s flocks would be “gathered
from the countries” and returned to Israel. An intrepid young couple
overcame bureaucratic entanglements and obstacles to bring this flock of
119 sheep “on the wings of eagles” from Canada to Israel. Once again,
the distinctive bleating of the sheep that accompanied Jacob when he
left Laban is being heard in the hills of Israel.
2. Biblical Return of 70 Nations as Countries Gather in Paris to Condemn Israel

politics took on a Biblical appearance in January as precisely 70
nations gathered in Paris to initiate an anti-Israel decree. The
roll-call of nations echoed the 70 grandsons of Noah who repopulated the
entire world. Just as the nations gathered to call the Jews thieves in
their own land, precisely as prophesied in an ancient Jewish source,
thus will the nations be gathered to bring 70 oxen as sacrifices for
Sukkot in the Third Temple.
3. New Star to Appear in Night Sky, Heralding Balaam’s Prophecy of Messiah

discovered a binary star system gone nova which will become visible as
one of the brightest lights in the night sky in the year 2022. This
astronomical event, the first of its kind in recorded history, was first
predicted as accompanying the messiah by the non-Jewish prophet Balaam,
who called it Jacob’s Star in the Book of Numbers. Scientists are
gazing through their telescopes, eagerly awaiting a phenomenon the Bible
says will precede a “sceptre that will rise out of Israel.”
4. Strange Phenomenon of Sharks Massing on Israel’s Coast Could Be Fulfillment of Ezekiel 38 [WATCH]

of sharks appeared off the coast of Israel in an unprecedented
phenomenon scientists were hard-pressed to explain, but which the
Prophet Ezekiel clearly anticipated in 38:20 when he foretold the
mysterious appearance of wildlife in Israel. Despite declining global
shark populations, especially in the Mediterranean, the sharks gathered
near the shoreline, lingering long enough to make their presence known,
before just as mysteriously disappearing.
5. New Red Sea-Dead Sea Pipeline Echoes Isaiah’s Prophecy of Water in Desert

ambitious joint project creating a pipeline to carry water from the Red
Sea to the Dead Sea clearly fulfilled Isaiah’s prophecy that Israel’s “arid lands” would turn “into springs of water”. The
agreement, reached this summer between Israel, Jordan, and the
Palestinian Authority, launches a massive project to build an
unprecedented, 220-kilometer pipeline through the Middle Eastern deserts
with the goal of irrigating some of the world’s driest regions – just
as Isaiah prophes
Re-Shared and administered by Aaron Halim
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