Pope Francis Now Says Rights For Muslim Migrants More Important Than A Country’s National Security
Ignoring critics who say his calls are unrealistic and naive, Pope
Francis insisted in the new message that border guards must be trained
to protect migrants and that each new arrival, regardless of legal
status, must be guaranteed access to basic services beyond health care.
That extends to guaranteeing access to consulates, the justice system
and the ability to open a bank account and survive financially, he said.
Francis insisted in the new message that border guards must be trained
to protect migrants and that each new arrival, regardless of legal
status, must be guaranteed access to basic services beyond health care.
That extends to guaranteeing access to consulates, the justice system
and the ability to open a bank account and survive financially, he said.

August 21, 2017
Francis on Monday urged countries to greatly improve their welcome to
migrants and stop collective expulsions, saying migrants’ dignity and
right to protection trumps national security concerns.
“Andthe woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with
gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand
full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her
Consider the incredible contradictions of Pope Francis. He preaches
against gun ownership, yet is surrounded by gun-toting bodyguards every
where he goes. He preaches against border walls, yet lives in a gilded
mansion that’s ringed by a massive border wall. He preaches that
everyone should take in Muslim migrants, yet the Vatican with its
limitless billions has only taken in 3 refugee families. Today, the pope
told his followers that the “rights” of illegal Muslim migrants trump
any nation’s national security policy.
Pope Francis’ politically pointed message was made in view of the Catholic Church’s 2018 World Refugee Day,
celebrated Jan. 14. It comes amid mounting anti-immigrant sentiment in
Europe and beyond following waves of migrant arrivals and Islamic
extremist attacks.
In the message, Francis demanded governments
welcome, protect, promote and integrate migrants, saying Jesus’ message
of love is rooted in welcoming the “rejected strangers of every age.”
Pope Francis releases message for World Day of Migrants and Refugees:
He demanded a simplified processof granting humanitarian and temporary visas and rejected arbitrary and
collective expulsions as “unsuitable.” He said the principle of
ensuring each person’s dignity “obliges us to always prioritize personal
safety over national security.”
Francis has made refugees a priority of his pontificate,
making his first trip outside Rome in 2013 to the island of Lampedusa,
ground zero in Europe’s migration crisis. He has repeatedly spoken out
for migrants’ rights, demanded countries build “bridges not walls,” and
personally brought a dozen Syrian refugees back to Rome with him when he
visited a Greek refugee camp in 2016.
IgnoringHe called for policies
critics who say his calls are unrealistic and naive, Francis insisted
in the new message that border guards must be trained to protect
migrants and that each new arrival, regardless of legal status, must be
guaranteed access to basic services beyond health care.
extends to guaranteeing access to consulates, the justice system and
the ability to open a bank account and survive financially, he said.
Unaccompanied minors, he said, require even greater protection,
including guaranteeing them citizenship and access to schooling, as well
as foster programs rather than detention centers.
that support family reunification, employment opportunities and
accelerated citizenship procedures to improve migrants’ abilities to
His call was immediately rejected by the leader of Italy’s anti-immigrant Northern League party,
which has opposed government proposals to change Italy’s law to
accelerate citizenship for children born in Italy to non-Italians.
you want to do it in the Vatican, go ahead,” Matteo Salvini wrote on
Facebook. “But as a Catholic, I don’t think Italy can welcome and
support the whole world.” source
Pope Francis Now Says Rights For Muslim Migrants More Important Than A Country's National Security • Now The End Begins
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