Sunday, August 20, 2017

Hate Groups Clash This Time In Boston As 20 Black Lives Matter Thugs Arrested For Pounding On Police Vehicles • Now The End Begins

Hate Groups Clash This Time In Boston As 20 Black Lives Matter Thugs Arrested For Pounding On Police Vehicles

President Trump was quick to respond to the demonstration, unlike his
response to Charlottesville last week, and tweeted out: 'Looks like many
anti-police agitators in Boston. Police are looking tough and smart!
Thank you.' Out of the thousands in attendance, around 20 were arrested
following members of the Black Lives Matter movement gathering at the
Common, where a Confederate flag was burned and some pounded on the
sides of a police vehicle.

thousand ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter “anti-fascist protesters”
marched through the streets of Boston in protest against right-wing
activists hosting a ‘free speech’ rally on Saturday.  Some of the
counter-protesters clashed with police after the largely peaceful march
through the city that ended when the handful of activists who attended
the free speech rally left.

Funny thing. Today a couple hundred KKK/Neo-Nazis showed up in Boston
with a permit to hold a rally. They were met by 15,000 members of the
other hate groups known as ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter. In under an
hour, both ANTIFA and BLM were being arrested for “menacing behaviour”
against, not the KKK or the Neo-Nazis, but against the Boston police!
They say they are “anti-fascist”, eh? They say they stand for “freedom
for all”, eh? So why do they shoot cops in Texas? Why do they burn and loot minority-owned businesses?Is it “hate speech” for me to even be asking these questions? CNN says it is. 

President Trump was quick to respond to the demonstration,
unlike his response to Charlottesville last week, and tweeted out:
‘Looks like many anti-police agitators in Boston. Police are looking
tough and smart! Thank you.’

Out of the thousands in attendance,
around 20 were arrested following members of the Black Lives Matter
movement gathering at the Common, where a Confederate flag was burned
and some pounded on the sides of a police vehicle.

Protesters and police clash in Boston

city mayor had pleaded for counter-protesters to stay away, saying
their presence would draw more attention to the far-right activists and
could result in violence.

However, opponents of the right-wing
took over the event, chanting anti-Nazi slogans and waving signs
condemning white nationalism, in order to stand against what they
thought could have turned into a platform for racist propaganda.

The small right-wing group huddled
in a circle at the park as barricades fenced them off from the
thousands upon thousands of counter-protesters who came to drown out
their event.

Around an hour after the rally’s start time of noon,
the few dozen who came for the free speech event left their enclosed
area as police helped escort the planned speakers from the park.

the event was cut short and the anti-fascist protesters greatly
outnumbered the right-wing attendees, some counter-protesters squared
off against riot police, following the outrage of the tragic events in
Virginia. source

Hate Groups Clash This Time In Boston As 20 Black Lives Matter Thugs Arrested For Pounding On Police Vehicles • Now The End Begins

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