Sec’y Of Defense James ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis Orders Halt To Obama’s Transgender Recruitment Program For Military
Transgender activists were furious about Mattis’ last-minute decision
to block Obama’s directive, which would have resulted in a de-facto
endorsement of the transgender ideology by the most respected government
institution in the nation.
to block Obama’s directive, which would have resulted in a de-facto
endorsement of the transgender ideology by the most respected government
institution in the nation.

July 1, 2017
Secretary of Defense has frozen a decision by former President Barack
Obama to recruit transgender soldiers this year, and a new poll shows
the planned recruitment freeze is very popular.
EDITOR’S NOTE:President Trump is under such constant attack, it’s hard to tell what
he’s accomplishing. But he is getting a tremendous amount done day in
and day out. Month after month, like icebergs breaking off into the
ocean, former President Obama’s signature executive orders and policy
decisions are disappearing under the Trump onslaught.
Two of every three swing voters say
the Pentagon should postpone plans to accept “transgender” people who
are trying to live as members of the opposite sex, according to the new
poll by Rasmussen Reports.
Defense Secretary James Mattis
explained his July 30 decision to delay Obama’s plan for six months,
just before it was to begin operating:
becoming the Secretary of Defense, I have emphasized that the
Department of Defense must measure each policy decision against one
critical standard: will the decision affect the readiness and lethality
of the force? Put another way, how will the decision affect the ability
of America’s military to defend the nation? It is against this standard
that I provide the following guidance on the way forward in accessing
transgender individuals into the military Services.
The six-month delay will encourage and help opponents lobby against Obama’s pro-transgender policy.
Throughout 2016,Obama used his power as president to push schools and other
institutions to support the claim by transgender activists that people
have a hidden “gender identity” which is independent of their sex and
biology. These advocates also say that a person’s sex is determined by
their “gender identity,” not their male-or-female body. In turn, the
advocates demand that the federal government force Americans to accept
the sex-switching “gender identity” claims made by each person,
regardless of scientific data about genetics, biology and the variety of
normal behavior and appearances shown by normal women and men.
Sorry, Rachel, Obama’s plan to turn the military transgender just got cancelled:
Sec'y Of Defense James 'Mad Dog' Mattis Orders Halt To Obama's Transgender Recruitment Program For Military • Now The End Begins
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