Thursday, July 6, 2017

Meet Canada’s newest multi-millionaire – Omar Khadr.

Meet Canada’s newest multi-millionaire – Omar Khadr.

Yes, that Omar Khadr – the admitted Al-Qaida terrorist who murdered US Army medic Christopher Speer with a grenade.

The same Omar Khadr who’s on video building improvised explosive
devices exactly like the ones that killed and maimed countless serving

Now Justin Trudeau is reportedly giving this convicted terrorist a $10 million compensation package – and apologising to him.

Omar Khadr took the life of a husband and a father, and now the
Liberal government wants to reward him with tens of millions of your

Khadr is only alive today because of the medical treatment he
received from US forces after killing one of their comrades, and now,
thanks to Justin Trudeau, he will be one of the wealthiest men in

This is wrong.

Admitting to working with the same terrorist organisation that killed
Canadians on September 11th doesn’t deserve an official apology from
the Government of Canada.

Killing our allies doesn’t deserve a $10 million pay day courtesy of the taxpayers of Canada.

Tell Justin Trudeau - no multi-million dollar payouts to terrorists!

Sign here:

Meet Canada’s newest multi-millionaire – Omar Khadr.

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