Turkish Dictator Recep Erdogan Calls For Muslims Worldwide To ‘Flood Jerusalem’, Warns Trump On Embassy
During his address, Erdogan also warned the Trump administration not to
move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, saying the step would be
"extremely wrong" and "ill-advised". Erdogan said: "It is not a simple
location change. Those who think that way are not aware of how delicate
the balance is in the Holy Land."
move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, saying the step would be
"extremely wrong" and "ill-advised". Erdogan said: "It is not a simple
location change. Those who think that way are not aware of how delicate
the balance is in the Holy Land."

May 9, 2017
his address, Erdogan also warned the Trump administration not to move
its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, saying the step would be
“extremely wrong” and “ill-advised”
“Andin that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people:
all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all
the people of the earth be gathered together against it.” Zechariah 12:3 (KJV)
EDITOR’S NOTE: After staging a coup in Turkey and successfully seizing power in a 2017 version of Hitler’s Enabling Act,
warned U.S. President Donald Trump to not fulfill his campaign promise
to move the United States Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Not only
that, he also called on Muslims worldwide to ‘flood Jerusalem’ and
“drive out the occupiers’.
Turkish dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan has called on Muslims around
the world to visit Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem to protect the site’s
Islamic identity. The Turkish dictator also took the opportunity to heap
scorn on Israel, likening the country’s policies to South Africa’s
apartheid era. Speaking at a conference on Jerusalem in Istanbul,
Erdogan verbally lashed out at Israel regarding its settlement plan s in
West Bank and Jerusalem.
Erdogan successful in major power grab to expand his powers:
“We,as Muslims, should be visiting Al-Quds more often,” Erdogan said, using
the Arabic name for Jerusalem. “Each day that Jerusalem is under
occupation is an insult to us.”
As many as 26,000 Turks visited the Temple Mount,
or Noble Sanctuary, in 2016. However, Erdogan emphasized “hundreds of
thousands” should be visiting the site, which is considered holy by
Erdogan warns Trump to not even think about fulfilling one of his major campaign promises:
Erdoganwent on to say: “What’s the difference between the present acts of the
Israeli administration and the racist and discriminatory politics that
were practised against black people in the past in America – and up
until a short time ago in South Africa.”
During hisErdogan’s speech attracted a stinging response from Israel,
address, Erdogan also warned the Trump administration not to move its
embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, saying the step would be “extremely
wrong” and “ill-advised”.
Erdogan said: “It is not a simple
location change. Those who think that way are not aware of how delicate
the balance is in the Holy Land.”
who said the leader has no rights to preach morality. “Whoever
systematically violates human rights in his country should not preach
morality to the only true democracy in the region. Israel adheres
strictly to full freedom of worship for Jews, Muslims and Christians –
and will continue to do so in spite of this baseless slander,” noted a
sharp statement from Israel’s foreign ministry.
Israel’s Haaretz newspaper
reported that Israel did not plan to respond to Erdogan’s speech, but
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu changed his mind after his remarks
were widely reported by domestic and international media. source
Turkish Dictator Recep Erdogan Calls For Muslims Worldwide To 'Flood Jerusalem', Warns Trump On Embassy • Now The End Begins
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