After Trump Fires James Comey, A Cold Chill Settles In Over Hillary Clinton’s Hometown Of Chappaqua
With the firing of James Comey from the FBI, Hillary Clinton just started looking over her shoulder, and if Trump holds true to form, she has very good reason to. Donald Trump has five main promises to keep. Defeating ISIS, moving the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, building the border wall, rebuilding the military and the economy, and prosecuting HIllary Clinton for her illegal email server and for deleting 33,000 emails after the FBI told her not to.

May 11, 2017
Promises made and promises kept of the Donald Trump presidency
“The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.” Robert FrostThey had it all figured out, this was a no-brainer. Barack Obama would campaign for Hillary Clinton, the fake news media would campaign for Hillary Clinton, the DNC would rig the nominating process to favor Hillary Clinton, and the “can’t miss” candidate would become the country’s first “madame president”. And in the process of so doing, all the secrets and scandals of both Crooked Hillary and Barack Obama would remain buried forever. Yeah…
President Trump’s decision to fire James Comey touched off widespread speculation in Washington over what will happen to the FBI’s Russia meddling probe – but the prospect of new leadership at the bureau also could hold implications for the ‘closed’ Hillary Clinton email case.
Brian Weidner, a veteran former FBI agent, suggested both the case and the immunity deals struck during that investigation could be revisited.
Don’t forget that bringing Crooked Hillary to justice was a Trump campaign promise:
“I would be surprised if they did not review all the investigations regarding HRC and come up with a conclusion regarding prosecution. The statute of limitations hasn’t come into play yet,” he said in an email to Fox NewsAs for the immunity deals struck with key players in the Clinton orbit, he noted those deals are “with the government, so in theory it wouldn’t change.”
However, he wrote, “a new AG and new director may take a good look at the entire case, and if anyone who received immunity did not live up to their agreement, like Huma [Abedin] with the classified documents on her computer, the deal is off and they are potential targets again.”
Comey First, Crooked Hillary Next?
With the firing of James Comey from the FBI, Hillary Clinton just started looking over her shoulder, and if Trump holds true to form, she has very good reason to. Donald Trump has five main promises to keep. Defeating ISIS, moving the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, building the border wall, rebuilding the military and the economy, and prosecuting Hillary Clinton for her illegal email server and for deleting 33,000 emails after the FBI told her not to.Don’t be surprised if the Clintons suddenly embark on a global goodwill tour of third world countries. Far, far away third world countries with no extradition policies.
After Trump Fires James Comey, A Cold Chill Settles In Over Hillary Clinton's Hometown Of Chappaqua • Now The End Begins
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