Friday, August 1, 2014

IDF Deepens Hold in Gaza, Uncovers Hamas Intelligence and Weapons | United with Israel

IDF Deepens Hold in Gaza, Uncovers Hamas Intelligence and Weapons | United with Israel

Channel 2 reports that some 300,000 residents of southern Israel have left their homes since the start of Operation Protective Edge due to the rocket fire from the Gaza Strip and the infiltration threat. Many are reluctant to return, as the tunnel threat is still imminent.

Since last night, the IDF and IAF have targeted approximately 110 terror activity sites across the Gaza Strip. Five of the targets were homes of senior Hamas officials who had used their residences as command and control centers.

Over the past 24 hours, more than 140 rockets were fired at Israel; 81 rockets hit Israel, nine were intercepted and 50 fell short in the Gaza Strip. On Wednesday, 36 percent of rockets fired at Israel fell short in the Gaza Strip. Hamas has fired over 2,670 rockets at Israeli civilians since the beginning of Protective Edge.

My comment: The Israelis, are they not within their rights to try to stop barrages of rockets sent by Hamas into residential area etc., while they hide behind human-shields?

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