Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The TV Cameras Responsible For Civilian Deaths In Gaza

I write this as a member of the press. I’m proud to be a journalist and a documentary filmmaker. I’m a member of the Foreign Press Association in Israel, and the co-recipient of this year’s Edward R. Murrow Award from the American Overseas Press Club. I say this off the top because I’m not an outsider pointing my finger at the media. Every year, journalists sacrifice their lives in war zones so as to keep us informed and protect freedom of the press, a cornerstone of democracy. 

But the fact is that when it comes to Israel, the media has acted irresponsibly. Good journalism has been replaced by politically correct misreporting, and one of the net results is that Palestinian civilians, including children, are paying with their lives. How so?
Read more at http://www.prophecynewswatch.com/2014/July29/291.html#IOl0cXVw2JFofEfp.99

The TV Cameras Responsible For Civilian Deaths In Gaza

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