Monday, December 4, 2017

PANIC IN PALESTINE: Abbas Calls 8 Muslim Nations And Begs Them To Stop Trump From Jerusalem Move – Re-blogged and administered by Aaron Halim

PANIC IN PALESTINE: Abbas Calls 8 Muslim Nations And Begs Them To Stop Trump From Jerusalem Move

Abbas “warned categorically that taking such a step would lead to the destruction of the peace process and would bring the region into an uncontrollable situation,”  according to his spokesperson Nabil Abu Rudeineh. On Wednesday Abbas ordered his foreign minister to demand the Arab League and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation hold emergency sessions regarding the possible US measures.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas called eight Arab and world leaders and urged them to prevent the relocation of the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and a declaration by US President Donald Trump acknowledging Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

“The LORD doth build up Jerusalem: he gathereth together the outcasts of Israel.” Psalms 147:2 (KJV) ...

PANIC IN PALESTINE: Abbas Calls 8 Muslim Nations And Begs Them To Stop Trump From Jerusalem Move – Re-blogged and administered by Aaron Halim

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