NASA Admits Existence of Massive Planet X, Sparking Nibiru Apocalypse Controversy

“WhatI see for them is not yet, What I behold will not be soon: A star rises from Yaakov, A scepter comes forth from Yisrael; It smashes the brow of Moab, The foundation of all children of Shet.” Numbers 24:17 (The Israel Bible™)
An artist’s illustration of a possible ninth planet hovering at the edge of our solar system. Neptune’s orbit is shown as a bright ring around the Sun. (NASA/ESO/Tom Ruen/nagualdesign)
After years of denying and debunking, NASA scientists confirmed the existence of a ninth planet in a discovery that seems to conform to popular theories of an apocalyptic collision with a planet called Nibiru. Skeptics on both sides bring their arguments, while researchers continue to present more amazing discoveries of this yet-to be-seen addition to the solar system.
On October 4th, NASA published a press release stating that it had discovered unmistakable evidence of a ninth planet in the far extremes of space, orbiting the solar system. The planet is surmised to be ten times the mass of Earth, but it has yet to be seen since its elliptical orbit is estimated to be about 60 billion miles away from the sun.
The description of the new planet conformed so closely to the predictions of Nibiru, a large planetary object that many believe will collide with the earth, that the NASA press release contained a cosmic disclaimer.
“If a planet is there, it’s extremely distant and will stay that way (with no chance — in case you’re wondering – of ever colliding with Earth, or bringing ‘days of darkness’).”
Coincidentally, the head researcher, astronomer Mike Brown, also tweeted a dismissal of the Nibiru theory.
The similarities between Nibiru, also called Planet X, and the new NASA discovery are remarkable nonetheless. Brown and his co-researcher, Konstantin Batygin, based their conclusion of a ninth planet on their observation of six known objects in the distant Kuiper Belt, a region of icy bodies stretching from Neptune outward toward interstellar space. All the objects displayed elliptical orbits pointing in the same direction. The only explanation for this tilted orbit was the gravitational influence of another, much larger object.
“Over long periods of time, Planet Nine will make the entire solar-system plane precess or wobble, just like a top on a table,” Batygin said.
Similarly, Planet X was first proposed by astronomers in the 19th century to explain observed irregularities in the orbits of Uranus and the newly-discovered Neptune. Though still the source of valid scientific conjecture, the Planet X theory was reworked into an apocalyptic version in the 1990s, in which planetary destruction from a planet called Nibiru is imminent.
The NASA researchers are convinced that unlike Planet X, their ninth planet does indeed exist.
“There are now five different lines of observational evidence pointing to the existence of Planet Nine,” said Batygin. “If you were to remove this explanation and imagine Planet Nine does not exist, then you generate more problems than you solve. All of a sudden, you have five different puzzles, and you must come up with five different theories to explain them.”
Yuval Ovadia, whose films on Nibiru and Planet X have garnered millions of views, was skeptical of NASA’s disclaimer.
“They have been denying the existence of Planet X for years, and suddenly they announce they found it,” Ovadia told Breaking Israel News incredulously. “They say that Nibiru doesn’t exist while at the same time they announce a new planet. They are just arguing about the name, not the existence of Planet X.”
The reason behind this alleged deception is clear to Ovadia.
“NASA is trying to avoid generating panic,” he said. “They haven’t even sighted the new planet so it is impossible for them to know if its orbit will intersect with the Earth’s orbit. People understand this.”
Ovadia bases his theory on sources in Jewish literature relating to the Star of Jacob described in the Book of Numbers.
What I see for them is not yet, What I behold will not be soon: A star rises from Yaakov, A scepter comes forth from Yisrael; It smashes the brow of Moab, The foundation of all children of Shet. Numbers 24:17
Most notably, a section of the Zohar, the foundational work of Jewish mysticism, describes in detail an astronomical occurrence that must necessarily precede the Messiah.
Then one awful star the color of crimson will appear in the middle of the heavens, burning and sparkling in the eyes of the entire world. And a fire will appear as one flame in the northern part of the sky, for forty days, shocking the entire world. At the end of forty days, the fire and the star will battle…At that time, the Messiah will be awakened from a place called ‘the bird’s nest’, and he will be revealed in the Galilee.
Ovadia and some rabbis believes this describes the arrival of the Planet Nibiru, though this belief is not universally accepted.
Dr. Noah Brosch, a retired professor of astronomy at Tel Aviv University and director of the Wise Observatory, is skeptical of the skeptics.
“They can say the new planet is Nibiru, and they can even say it is made of green cheese,” Dr. Brosch said emphatically. “Unlike these Planet X theories, NASA does not make claims until they have thoroughly checked it out. They do not deny claims without first checking the possibility that it exists. This is science and is a result of data, not made-up theories.”
Despite NASA’s advances, the ninth planet still contains several mysteries. Researchers are unsure of the origins of Planet Nine. It may be a refugee from this solar system or it may be a rogue from the outer realms that was captured by the sun’s gravity. Batygin and Brown are using the Subaru Telescope at Mauna Kea Observatory in Hawaii to attempt a sighting of the elusive super-planet which will put this question to rest.
NASA Admits Existence of Massive Planet X, Sparking Nibiru Apocalypse Controversy – Re-Shared and administered by Aaron Halim
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