Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Ring Of Fire Trembling Renews Fears Over California Big One – Re-Shared and administered by Aaron Halim

Ring Of Fire Trembling Renews Fears Over California Big One

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By Michael Snyder/End Of The American Dream September 26, 2017

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The portion of "the Ring of Fire" that runs along the west coast of
North America is starting to shake like a leaf. As most of you already
know, the outer perimeter of the Pacific Ocean is known for high levels
of seismic activity, and the experts tell us that more than 80 percent
of all earthquakes and more than 70 percent of all volcanic eruptions
take place within the Ring of Fire. 

The North
American section of the Ring of Fire has been relatively quiet for an
extended period of time, but now all of the shaking down in Mexico is
causing a tremendous amount of concern. In fact, some now fear that all
of the shaking down there may be a harbinger of things to come for

Within the last 30 days, there have
been three major earthquakes in Mexico. This latest one was a magnitude
6.2 earthquake, and it was accompanied by an eruption of Mt.

A magnitude 6.2 earthquake
that shook Mexico on Saturday was blamed for five deaths, spreading fear
among a population reeling from multiple natural disasters and
interrupting the search for survivors from a bigger tremor earlier this

South of Mexico City, the Popocatepetl volcano
sent a column of ash into the sky, capping a period of seismic activity
including two powerful tremors this month that have killed more than 400
people and caused damages of up to $8 billion.

capital was shattered by Tuesday's magnitude 7.1 quake that flattened
dozens of buildings and killed at least 307 people.

course the magnitude 8.1 earthquake that hit Mexico back on September
7th was the largest earthquake that we have seen down there in ages.

earthquakes are getting most of the attention from the media, and
without a doubt they have caused extensive damage, but Mt. Popocatepetl
may be of even greater concern. It has "registered 181 low-intensity
exhalations" in recent days, and on Saturday it erupted explosively
three times.

A catastrophic eruption of Mt.
Popocatepetl would be a nightmare beyond anything that we have witnessed
in the modern history of Mexico. The volcano sits only about 50 miles
away from Mexico City, and there are close to 25 million people living
in the Mexico City metropolitan area. 

recent years, smoke and ash from minor eruptions of Mt. Popocatepetl
have reached the city, but most people living there have absolutely no
idea how immensely powerful the volcano truly is.

is an ancient Aztec word that can be translated as "smoking mountain",
and centuries ago enormous mud flows from the mountain buried entire
Aztec cities...

Historians tell us that
Popocatepetl had a dramatic impact on the ancient Aztecs. Giant mud
flows produced by massive eruptions covered entire Aztec cities. In
fact, some of these mud flows were so large that they buried entire
pyramids in super-heated mud.

we haven't witnessed anything like that in any of our lifetimes, so it
is hard to even imagine devastation of that magnitude.
In addition to Mexico City's mammoth population,
there are millions of others that live in the surrounding region.
Overall, there are about 25 million people that live in the immediate
vicinity of Popocatepetl. Thankfully, we haven't seen a major eruption
of the volcano in modern times, but at some point that will change.

As seismic activity rattles Mexico, many living on the California coast are beginning to take notice.

fact, it is being reported that there was a run on emergency supplies
after a magnitude 3.3 earthquake struck near San Jose...

week residents of San Jose were reportedly stocking up on emergency
supplies over fears the area will be hit by a massive earthquake.

The city was shaken by a number of tremors including a strong 3.3 magnitude quake that was felt throughout the region.

Jose is situated precariously close to the San Andreas fault line, an
800-mile fissure that runs almost the length of California.

agree that large swathes of southern California - including Los Angeles
and San Diego - are long overdue a "Big One" earthquake of magnitude 7
or more.

And just last Friday, it was reported that a magnitude 5.7 earthquake "struck off the northern coast of California"...

preliminary-magnitude 5.7 earthquake struck off the coast of Northern
California on Friday afternoon, but there was no threat of a tsunami,
officials said.

The quake's epicenter was 133.6 miles
west-southwest of Eureka, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Its
depth was measured at 3.6 miles.

assure us that someday the west coast will be hit by a major tsunami.
It literally is just a matter of time. In fact, the Los Angeles Times
reported on one study that discovered that a magnitude 9.0 earthquake
along the Cascadia fault could potentially produce a tsunami which would
"wash away coastal towns"...

If a 9.0
earthquake were to strike along California's sparsely populated North
Coast, it would have a catastrophic ripple effect.

giant tsunami created by the quake would wash away coastal towns,
destroy U.S. 101 and cause $70 billion in damage over a large swath of
the Pacific coast. 

More than 100
bridges would be lost, power lines toppled and coastal towns isolated.
Residents would have as few as 15 minutes notice to flee to higher
ground, and as many as 10,000 would perish.

last year published this grim scenario for a massive rupture along the
Cascadia fault system, which runs 700 miles off shore from Northern
California to Vancouver Island.

And don't
forget about the volcanoes on the west coast either. Mt. Rainier is
known as "the most dangerous mountain in America" for a reason, and in
my apocalyptic novel entitled The Beginning Of The End I show why this
is the case. Someday Mt. Rainier will erupt again, and you don't want to
be around what that happens.

As recent weeks have clearly demonstrated, our planet is become increasingly unstable.

Ring Of Fire Trembling Renews Fears Over California Big One – Re-Shared and administered by Aaron Halim

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