Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Israeli officials warn Pyongyang’s nuclear test could affect Middle East | JerusalemOnline – Re-Shared and administered by Aaron Halim

Israeli officials warn Pyongyang’s nuclear test could affect Middle East | JerusalemOnline

After North Korea’s hydrogen bomb test, Israeli officials are warning that Iran may decide to go against the international community and develop nuclear weapons, which could lead to a serious nuclear arms race in the region.

image description Military parade in Iran Photo Credit: Reuters/Channel 2 News
When North Korea tested a hydrogen bomb yesterday, the reclusive state’s leader Kim Jong-un put an end to the arguments about his nuclear capabilities. Kim’s hydrogen bomb, which is 20 times more powerful than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945, is a serious threat to the United States, with the potential to cause widespread destruction along America’s west coast.

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Israeli officials warn Pyongyang’s nuclear test could affect Middle East | JerusalemOnline – Re-Shared and administered by Aaron Halim

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